The true face of America’s food stamp recipients…and guess what? It ain’t black!


  The government and media are ever vilifying urban areas…i.e. black people and neighborhoods and dependent and leeches on society and the resources of the government, all the while hiding the true recipients. They scapegoat black America. But this is nothing new.

  They have done that since that forced us to the shores of this nation. But the time is such that truth cannot be covered up for long. It continues to expose the wicked thoughts, ideas, and images that they have imposed on Black America.

  Today though, they are being forced to look at the truth, eye to eye, and face to face. The picture isn’t pretty. Some are willing to ignore the obvious rather than admit to the truth. Truth is, America is being visited by poverty and the well of must suffer what the nation gladly poured upon the poor blacks , for centuries.

  This is part of the awakening. This is part of the setting up of justice. You must taste what you have delightfully given to others. And guess what? It doesn’t taste that good does it?


Surprise—The Majority of SNAP Recipients Live in the ’Burbs

The geography of American food insecurity is moving out of the cities and into the cul-de-sac.


A hidden crisis: Suburban households now make up the majority of food-insecure American households. (Greg Dale/Getty)

When talking about food stamps (or SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, as it’s now called), many people imagine that it’s primarily an urban benefit—think Ronald Regan’s “welfare queen” living on the South Side of Chicago. That image still persists today: When talking about government nutrition assistance, news stories are often illustrated with images of single mothers of color or older retirees in large urban housing developments. Seldom do the suburbs—the land of cul-de-sacs, strip malls, and minivans—come into play in regards to SNAP.

But increasingly, the ’burbs are becoming the defining image of food stamps. The number of Americans living in suburbs who receive SNAP doubled between 2007 and 2011, and the majority recipients nationwide—55 percent—now live there, according to an analysis of American Community Survey data by the Brookings Institution.

“Many of the regions that saw the steepest increases in food stamp receipt were Sun Belt metro areas hit hardest by the collapse of the housing market and recession that followed,” writes Elizabeth Kneebone, a fellow at Brookings’ Metropolitan Policy Program and co-author of Confronting Suburban Poverty in America. This includes cities like Modesto, CA, Tampa, FL, and Riverside, CA, “where the number of suburban households receiving SNAP benefits more than tripled, as well as regions like Cape Coral, Las Vegas, and Atlanta, where suburban SNAP receipt more than doubled.” 

In 2007, the share of SNAP benefits was divided roughly in half between urban and suburban households. Just four years later, however, suburban households comprised 55 percent of all households receiving SNAP—a 100 percent increase over that time period. (The urban share increased by 69 percent over that period.)

In the wake of the housing bust and the subsequent Great Recession—economic calamities that caused real wages to fall across the board by 2.8 percent as global food prices continue to rise—almost 48 million Americans have received the nutrition benefit. As a result, the value of SNAP benefits have decreased by seven percent during that time, according to a recent report by the USDA.

Kneebone writes that SNAP has proved to be a stable tool in fighting food insecurity and poverty amid the ups and downs of economic cycles. She adds that the $40 billion suggested cut to SNAP would severely hinder the economic recovery in metropolitan areas and hurt working families.

“Now, the expected and proposed cuts to the SNAP program stand to weaken this anti-poverty tool,” she wrote, “with wide-reaching implications for the food security, economic stability, and health outcomes of millions of families still struggling with the aftereffects of the Great Recession.”


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