US economic death spiral


Everything is going down. The whole system is exploding and imploding. We are seeing poverty grow while income shrinks. This means that we are looking at the fall of America. Her burdens are way too heavy for even this so-called super power to carry.

She is in trouble. This trouble is inescapable! It is tearing the fibers of her republic to shreds.

The judgment of America is due to the way that she has treated the so-called Negroes (Black people of America) for four hundred years. The very hour in which I am writing, America is still mistreating her once slaves with the worst kind of treatment every accorded human beings. America never thinks in terms of being equally punished for the wrong done to a so-called Negro.

…” It is clear to all who can see that America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. She always has wanted to keep it a secret, because of her so-called Negro slaves.

 She never desired for the slave to know too much of what was in store for her, because of her enslaving and mistreating her slaves.  “–pg.199(tfoa)

                                                                  Too early to predict US economy outcomes

An American analyst believes that it is “too early” to predict the outcomes of economic policies of the United States government.

“It’s obvious that we’ve been situated too dependency on the government and now the government has taken their willingness to facilitate that dependency away. Probably in the next five or ten years we’re going to [see] the outcome of their actions”, senior editor of Susanne Posel told Press TV’s US Desk on Sunday.
She made the remarks after a new survey showed that four out of five American adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives.
Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press pointed to an increasingly globalized US economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.
“We don’t have money to help people who are off of their jobs due to the heavy crash in 2008, due to the housing bubble, due to the collapse of the dollar”, Posel said.
“We have a situation where people are leaving their jobs, leaving their homes”, she concluded. “This is a very dangerous position”.


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