She is stoking more tensions in the Asia Pacific arena… This is why now a war between civilizations must take place


She is stoking tensions in Asia trying to stop the rise of the yellow man of China. Why is she doing this? Why is she risking economic and military war with her largest creditor nation? It is because she knows what Elijah Muhammad has declared on this subject.

She knows that the yellow man was made to take her. She knows that it was prophesied that it would be “The Asiatic Nation” who would be taking her, and she is trying to stop the inevitable. She wants to beat scripture. And by that I mean that she is trying to beat God.

She is stoking tensions ,suspicion, fear, and mistrust within the Asiatic sphere by opening up old wounds with China’s neighbors. Be it Vietnam to Indonesia…from Myanmar to the Philippines….from South Korea to Japan… and from Japan to Australia she is losing no time and sparing no effort in her endeavor to prevent China’s rise.

…”This is why now a war between civilizations must take place; because the present ruler (white race) has deceived the whole entire civilized world with their civilization of deceit! The white race was made  for the purpose of making mischief. The white race was made for the purpose of deceit. And, now that Almighty God Has Come to Make Manifest that which has been hidden of the truth, this runs the white man from under his deceitful blanket which had the white man covered.”–pg.40(tfoa)

United States To Lease Nuclear Submarine To Australia

US Nuclear Submarine
US Nuclear Submarine

The United States has indicated for the first time it would be willing to lease or sell a nuclear submarine to Australia in a move that will inflame tensions with China and force the Coalition to declare its policy on bolstering regional defence.

US Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich told The Australian Financial Review yesterday that whichever option Canberra pursued as a replacement for its Collins class submarines, Washington viewed Australia’s subs program as crucial to security in the Asia-Pacific region.

“Decisions about the design of the Australian submarine are up to Australia’s leaders, including whether they pursue diesel power or nuclear power,” Mr Bleich said. “Whatever they decide the US is willing to help.’’

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