…”Although we are the chosen of God, when it comes to justice, the so-called American Negroes are the most deprived people on the planet earth.


   I say to Obama…thou doeth protest, but what have you done to help your own? Where’s your executives orders? Where is your ignoring the Supreme Court when it comes to the benefit of black America. Oh’ my bad, you only ignore congress & the courts when waging wars beneficial to corporate America. You only issue executive orders to wage wars on black and muslim nations. You sell-out!

   We told you that America is using the puppet in office to shield the true motives and intentions of the real Americans. Have you noticed that under this administration, the American government has been harsher and more indignant to blacks here in America? It matters not who is in office. Their job is only window dressing for white rule!

   Muhammad warned us that…”Although we are the chosen of God, when it comes to justice, the so-called American Negroes are the most deprived people on the planet earth. Had justice prevailed, there would be no need for a day of judgment to come today to plead, not to the unjust judges of the world, but to the just judge to give the Black man of America justice. That just judge is Allah, God.”–pg.2(tfoa)

  So we have to see this wicked American government as it is. They have always been against giving you & I justice, but we are walking in a new day…”Until your problem is solved there will not be peace for anyone. Today, then, is a new day dawning in a new world; for the old day and the old world have passed away. The new day, the new world, if you please, cannot come into full meaning until justice comes to our people. The burden is not our oppressor’s alone. Much of it is upon us. The time has come when we must speak or die.”–pg.4(tfoa)

  You will just have to understand this quote…”   The Black man of America has been privileged by the slave masters children for the last century to vote for whites for the offices to judge and rule. This freedom to vote has made the Black man in America feel very dignified and proud of himself. He goes to the polls very happy to vote for a white ruler. Today, he is gradually changing to a desire to vote for his own kind for such offices of authority. We must remember that our vote is strong and powerful only when and where the white man can use it to get in the office over his white opponent.”–pg.36(tfoa)

  African-Americans must pursue full human rights: Randy Short


Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Randy Short, with the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization, about the US Supreme Court struck down a key part of America’s Voting Rights Act, which guards against the racial discrimination. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: The Supreme Court invalidating the 48-year-old protections for minority voters in states with a history of racial discrimination. What’s your take on this development?

Short: Well it is interesting, I’m exactly 48 years old. What it shows is that the struggle for human rights for African Americans is not recognized by the Supreme Court.

We really need to pursue our full human rights using international instruments as well as, and pursuit of sovereignty. Our voting rights have always been tenuous. The foundation of the Republic and the Constitution cites blacks as three-fifths human and then the Dred Scott Decision of 1856. It says that black men have no rights, that whites need respect and that shows that even though there seems to have been altered by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, it shows that Dred Scott is the law of the land for African Americans whether there is a Kenyan American President or a Jamaican American former Secretary of State or a Barbadian American who is Attorney General for the United States.

Source: www.presstv.ir
We are not free, we are not out of the woodshed and it is interesting that President Obama will go to Africa and…tomorrow. He has been president before Africa and yet people, the African descent in United States are not protected when they go to vote. We had the elections in 2000 stolen because the black voters were being denied the right to vote in Florida and other states and in 2004 in the state of Ohio.

So it’s very critical that we recognized that the High Court on one hand will not protect our rights and at the same time they are looking at extending the rights of citizenship to vote for millions of people who have come to the country illegally.

So it’s very interesting. It says that our group which is overly incarcerated, overly represented in all the disparities of health, incarceration and suffering, we are being targeted for more gross oppression that mirrors what happened to us in the 19th century.

This is really showing that America in terms of race relations for African Americans, the world’s largest single ethnic nationality grouping, they want to go back towards the 18th and 19th centuries in terms of how we were treated.

Press TV: And Mr. Short quickly if you can, what could be the effects do you think now that a core part of the Voting Rights Act is invalidated, especially for state and local governments?

Short: Well you will start to see a large number of blacks not holding …to the office, not that they are doing much force and like I said we’ll see a return to white only legislations and other things if we are not careful and I think that is where people want to go.

They feel that they put Barack Obama as President and there is nothing more that needs to be done in terms of their long history of genocide, slavery and oppression of African people in this country.

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