The whole system is designed to make the so-called American negro into slaves…America’s private prison system is a national disgrace


   The whole system is designed to make the so-called American negro into slaves. They use their laws and their so-called justice system to cloak their true intentions to justify locking you up, dehumanizing you, stripping you of what little rights they gave you, and t justify working you for little to no pay from sun up to sundown.

  They are brutal yet you love them and still refuse to separate from them. You are trying to indentify yourselves with your oppressor. It is like the antelope trying to make peace and friends with the lion in the jungle.

  The lion will laugh knowing that the antelope is only putting himself into harms way making it easier for the lion to kill his prey with little to no effort. This is you. You are the antelope. This devil here in America looks at you and deals with you in the same manner as a beast or animal in the field in dealing with his prey.

  You are that prey! It is a total shame that you still ignore the obvious…”The white race here in America has done the worse to the Black people who helped the white man to build up the country of America and to make it suitable and to bring in this enjoyable independence.

  But the white race in America has angered God due to the evil done to us after our four hundred years, here, under the white race. The white race still desires to mistreat and to kill us all the day long.

  The white man hates his Black slave; while the Black slave should be hating the white man, for mistreating the Black slave. But the white man made the Black slave to love him so well that when the white man mistreats him, the Black slave will not dislike the white man for mistreating him.”–pg.75(tfoa)

  Nature will not allow them to give you true freedom ,justice, and equality. This is one of the things that you don’t understand. You have got to look into the nature of these people…”The white man’s tricknology is always being trumpeted to the world (that they are peace lovers), as though they want all people, as they falsely claim, to be free and to live in peace, while they are sitting on and crushing between twenty and thirty million Black people in America, who were their servitude slaves a hundred years ago. Now, for one hundred years, the slavemasters’ children falsely claim that we are free and that they are trying to treat us as free people.”–pg.77(tfoa)

  The revelation of the Bible has given this people the right name (a beast) and a most vicious description does the revelation give. In Daniel of the Bible, this people is described as a beast rising up out of the sea with three ribs of a man in its mouth. This is the description of America with the Black slaves swallowed for three centuries in the power of our enemies (the devils).

   …”The judgment of America is due to the way that she has treated the so-called Negroes (Black people of America) for four hundred years. The very hour in which I am writing, America is still mistreating her once slaves with the worst kind of treatment every accorded human beings.

 America practices the way of her father’s treatment of the American so-called Negroes, under what she calls a law of freedom but this “freedom” is only in word — not in practice.

 The slavemasters children’s blood, heart, and way of thinking toward the once slave is the same as their fathers’.”–pgs.228 & 229(tfoa)

   …”America, right up to today — with all of her battles with her outside enemies, never loses sight of the inside — her poor old Black Slave — she does not want him to do anything. She wants him to be deceived. She does not want him to accept his salvation that Allah (God) is offering the Black once-slave, here in America.”–pg.205(tfoa)

  America’s private prison system is a national disgrace 


An ACLU lawsuit against a prison in Mississippi is the latest to detail flagrant abuses at a private correctional facility

The privatization of traditional government functions – and big government payments to private contractors – isn’t limited to international intelligence operations like the National Security Agency. It’s happening with little oversight in dozens of areas once the province of government, from schools to airports to the military. The shifting of government responsibilities to private actors isn’t without consequence, as privatization often comes with a lack of oversight and a series of abuses. One particularly stunning example is the American prison system, the realities of which should be a national disgrace.

Some of those realities are highlighted in a recent lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of prisoners at the East Mississippi Correctional Facility (EMCF). EMCF houses severely mentally ill prisoners, with the supposed intent of providing both incarceration and treatment. Instead, the ACLU contends, the facility, which is operated by private contractors, is rife with horrific abuses. As the ACLU states, it is

“an extremely dangerous facility operating in a perpetual state of crisis, where prisoners live in barbaric and horrific conditions and their basic human rights are violated daily.”

The complaint lists a litany of such horrors, but here are a few highlights: rampant rapes. Placing prisoners in solitary confinement for weeks, months or even years at a time, where the only way to get a guard’s attention in an emergency is to set a fire. Rat infestations so bad that vermin crawl over prisoners; sometimes, the rats are captured, put on leashes and sold as pets to the most severely mentally ill inmates. Many suicide attempts, some successful. The untreated mentally ill throw feces, scream, start fires, electrocute themselves and self-mutilate. Denying or delaying treatment for infections and even cancer. Stabbings, beatings and other acts of violence. Juveniles being housed with adults, including one 16-year-old who was sexually assaulted by his adult cell mate. Malnourishment and chronic hunger. Officers who deal with prisoners by using physical violence.

One prisoner allegedly attempted to hang himself. He was cut down by guards, given oxygen and put on supervision, but wasn’t taken to an emergency room, let alone given psychiatric care during the suicide watch. Without seeing a psychiatrist, his medication dosage was increased.

A severely ill 16-year-old with “a long history of being physically and sexually abused in addition to suffering from a traumatic brain injury, limited intellectual functioning, self-harm, and psychosis” was moved to EMCF from a juvenile detention center. His cell allegedly had a broken lock, and so other prisoners were able to enter. Five or six of them beat him. He was moved to a solitary confinement unit and, when he voiced his suicidal ideations and asked to see a psychiatrist, was deemed “manipulating to be moved”.

Another told prison mental health staff that he was depressed and thinking about about suicide. The treatment plan from the prison psychologist was reportedly three words: “encourage behavioral compliance”. After being asked to provide a urine specimen, which he could not give because of a health condition, the ACLU reports:

Mr. Roe began banging on his door, smeared blood on the cell door window, threatened to commit suicide, and tied a rope around his neck. Officers sprayed excessive amounts of Mace in his cell. According to witnesses, officers waited approximately 20 minutes before pulling Mr. Roe out of his cell. By that time, he was non-responsive and cyanotic. He was taken, his hands and feet bound by zip-ties, to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

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