The strong-hold of the American government is falling to pieces. Another shoe to drop for the US dollar.


   The whole world is now running away from America and shunning the once “Almighty dollar”. This means that we are living in those prophesied days wherein modern Babylon is being brought to disgrace. We see it in everything going on in national and global affairs.

  Look at the global markets. Can’t you see them crashing. Look at the massive debts and deficits. This are ripping the very fabric of American and anglo economic and political dominance to shreds. Their world is crashing.

  America is falling faster,because of the wickedness she has captivated the world with and because of her mistreatment of God’s elect(the so-called negro) This is what is bringing swift and intense judgment to America.

  Her main pillar of power and dominance, her dollar , is crashing and burning as we speak. This is a part of the judgment. This is one of the divine chastisements that Allah promised to deliver to morden Babylon,America!

   It is like this….” The strong-hold of the American government is falling to pieces. She has lost her prestige among the nations of the earth. One of the greatest powers of America was her dollar. The loss of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the media of exchange between nations. The English pound and the American dollar have been the power and beckoning light of these two great powers. But when the world went off the gold and silver standard, the financial doom of England and America was sealed.

  The pound has lost 50 percent of its value. America’s dollar has lost everything now as power backing for her currency, which was backed by gold for every $5 note and up. All of her currency was backed by silver, from a $1 note up.

  But today, the currency of America is not backed by any sound value – silver or gold. The note today is something that the government declares they will give you the value in return, but does not name what the value is. But they definitely are not backing their currency with silver or gold.

  This is the number – one fall, and it is very clear that the loss of the power of the American dollar means the loss of the financial power of America. What will happen since there is no sound backing for her notes we do not know.

  What should we expect even in the next twelve months under the fall of the power of America’s dollar? This means that we have 100 percent inflation. What could happen under 100 percent inflation? Your guess is as good as mine. The power of gold and silver was once abundant in America. But the touch of the finger of God against the power of so mighty a nation has now caused the crumbling and fall of America.

  We can easily and truthfully liken the fall of America to the prophetic symbolical picture given in the (Bible) Revelation of John 18:2. The name Babylon used there does not really say whether it is ancient Babylon or a picture of some future Babylon.”–PGS.87 & 88(tfoa)

Another shoe to drop for the US dollar

on June 1, 2012


June 1, 2012
New York City

This week saw yet another move from the Chinese government to internationalize its currency and eventually overtake the dollar.

The latest? Direct foreign exchange between the Chinese renminbi and the Japanese yen. In other words, when the two nations trade, they’ll no longer need to use the US dollar as an intermediate currency.

China is Japan’s largest trading partner… yet a massive 60% of their mutual trade right now is transacted and settled in US dollars. When Honda in Japan buys supplies from a Chinese company, the two would ordinarily close the deal in US dollars. Until now.

This is just another of the many, many signs of increased internationalization for China’s renminbi. Others we’ve seen just in the last year include:

– direct currency swaps with many of China’s trading partners
– plans for other countries to issue renminbi-denominated sovereign debt (Indonesia)
– multinationals issuing renminbi-denominated bonds (Tesco, HSBC)
– ease for foreigners to open renminbi bank accounts (Bank of China in New York City)

Bluntly, the writing is on the wall for the dollar’s gradual displacement… and several years from now when the dollar’s share of global reserves becomes a minority, it will all have seemed so obvious.

The world’s favored reserve currency has frequently changed throughout history; from the Greek drachma to the Byzantine solidus to the Venetian ducato to the British pound, reserve currencies have fallen out of favor as the market loses confidence in the issuing government.

The same thing is happening now for the United States– the market is losing confidence fast in the dollar and desperately seeking an alternative.

Don’t be fooled by 10-year Treasury yields below 1.5%. This is not a vote of confidence in the United States government… but rather the single most important indicator of how ridiculously absurd the debt-laden, fiat-based financial system has become.

Holding precious metals in this environment continues to make a lot of sense, notwithstanding the constant drummings from Messiuers Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.

I’ve long been a strong advocate of storing physical gold overseas; insolvent governments routinely resort to plundering the wealth of their citizens, and it would be no surprise to see a return to gold confiscation or criminalization once the mania phase hits.

If you already have gold and want to move it overseas, however, this can be a difficult task.

Our friend Tom is the poster child for this; he was thrown in a Mexican jail for several days for failing to file the appropriate customs forms for his gold coins even though he was only in transit through Mexico on the way to Panama.

I always recommend going with a professional service like ViaMat to move precious metals abroad. There are some things that are simply worth leaving to professionals.

But if you want to move gold overseas (Hong Kong and Singapore are excellent storage locations), here are a few resources you can check out to review customs rules:


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