UFO Coverup on Last Shuttle Mission?We have many things out there in space that can be brought into action against America or any other nation today


” America is capable of going out of the atmosphere of the earth and to fight them from there, but she will not be able to go out of the atmosphere of the earth and destroy the Black Man of the Earth.

   It is only a mistake that one should believe in America’s ability to build a way-station in the air or on the moon for she will not be able to use it against us, for the divine plan is set to destroy her.

   We have many things out there in space that can be brought into action against America or any other nation today; for Allah is the Greatest.“–pg.235(tfoa)

” The Mother Plane, according to what has been described of it by the devil scientists, is capable of not only staying up for long periods of time; but it is also capable of eluding the scientists. They want to attack and destroy it; but if a plane did get close enough to attempt to carry out this purpose, it would be destroyed instead. The white man has learned that this is not a place to be played with. Planes come out of the Mother Plane.

   In the 1930’s Canadian newspapers reported that they saw the wheel (Mother Plane). It came down out of the sky. They admitted that it looked like a great city, and that something came down from it; it appeared to be a tube, but the tube-like thing went back up again.

   Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that after six months to a year, the Mother Plane comes into the gravity of the earth. It takes on oxygen and hydrogen in order to permit it to stay out of the earth’s gravity until it needs refueling again.



   Ezekiel saw the Mother Plane in a vision. According to the Bible, he looked up and saw this Plane (Ez. 1:16) and he called it a wheel because it was made like a wheel. A Plane that is wheel-shaped can turn in any direction, at any time. He admitted that the Plane was so high that it looked dreadful, and he cried out, “O wheel” (Ez. 10:13).

   Ezekiel saw great work going on in the wheel and four living creatures “and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” (Ez. 1:16). And when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels, were lifted up Ez. 1:19. The power of the lifting up of the four creatures was in the wheel.“–pgs.237 & 238(tfoa)

UFO Coverup on Last Shuttle Mission? (Video)

SOURCE: http://news.gather.com

Official video from the last shuttle mission has been reviewed and analyzed. Did NASA coverup evidence of a UFO?

A segment from NASA’s live, public feed shows an angle of the Atlantis cargo bay and boom being opened and serviced. The ground controller on the last shuttle flight is describing the action to the audience, and it’s all pretty dry stuff.

Until about the 4:30 mark.

Suddenly the camera pans upward and three orbs appear, flying in the increasingly familiar triangle formation.

As the image plays out, it seems the narrator and other commenters are trying very hard to persuade anyone watching that what they are seeing are random reflections of light off a piece of tin foil. Really?

Why go to such lengths to dismiss the image as something, anything, other than a UFO? It seems the controllers jumped right into an explanation before any rumors got started. That’s suspicious enough on its own.

But the explanation given (unasked for, by the way) is pretty lame. It asks anyone watching to distrust their own eyes.

The objects dance away from each other and don’t seem to be caused by a reflection from the lens. They act independently, yet always maintain equidistant juxtaposition from each other.

The objects may not be of the unidentified flying object kind, but it seems strange the NASA people would want to kill the prospects of any UFO rumors cropping up.

It didn’t work.

Here’s the video. Jump to about the 4:00 mark to catch the segment in context.

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