Russia slams Israel as Israel gives the finger to International law(unless it benefits them)


Israeli violation of Lebanon sovereignty unacceptable: Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (R) meets with his Lebanese counterpart Adnan Mansour in Moscow, Russia, on March 20, 2012.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Israel’s regular violations of Lebanese airspace are unacceptable and infringe the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.

“We consider violating this resolution unacceptable, especially as far as respect for Lebanon’s sovereignty and airspace is concerned. Regrettably, this is a regular violation by the Israeli air force,” Lavrov said during a joint news conference with his Lebanese counterpart Adnan Mansour in Moscow on Tuesday.

Mansour told Russian Foreign Minister that Israeli military has violated Lebanese airspace more over 9,000 times since 2006.

Israel violates Lebanon’s airspace on an almost daily basis, claiming the flights serve surveillance purposes.

Lebanon’s government, the Hezbollah resistance movement, and the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, have repeatedly condemned the airspace violations.

UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which brokered a ceasefire in the war of aggression Israel launched against Lebanon in 2006, calls on Tel Aviv to respect Beirut’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In 2009, Lebanon filed a complaint with the United Nations, presenting over 7,000 documents pertaining to Israeli violations of Lebanese territory

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