Latin America & The Caribbean nations want out of dollar madness


   THEY NO LONGER WANT THE OLD ANGLO WORLD ORDER. THEY NOW LOOK TOWARD A UNIFIED STAND OF INDEPENDENCE AND SELF DETERMINATION.  THE TIME HAS ARRIVED WHEREIN AMERICA MUST BE ISOLATED…………” We fear the doom of America that is now cutting her to pieces. The prophecy teaches us that her doom will come in one day — death and mourning came in one day. One day means one year. Even after that she shall utterly be burned with fire. Divine prophecy is that America will suffer isolation from the nations of the earth.”–pg.187(TFOA)

   MUHAMMAD TELLS US CONCERNING THIS DREADFUL TIME UPON AMERICA, THAT….” the scripture must be fulfilled; they shall eat America’s bread and burn her body with fire.

  I quote from Rev. 17:16, “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore…and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire!” The ‘horns’ here are a symbolic reference to Central and South America (America’s satellites).


  This means that America’s gifts and what-not will be accepted, but this does not mean that America has bought their sincere friendship. They will take all the gifts which America offers, but still this does not mean that America has their heart. “–pg.109(TFOA)


LAC interested in trading with China in yuan: IADB adviser


MONTEVIDEO, March 18 (Xinhua) — Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has strong interest in using the Chinese yuan as currency of settlement in bilateral trade, a senior Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) adviser said here on Sunday.

As the LAC has been trying to diversify its foreign reserve and currency of settlement in trade, the region is eagerly looking forward to the use of yuan as currency of settlement in trade with China, Andrew Powell, IADBs principal advisor, told Xinhua.

It will be a win-win situation for both sides if China actively promotes the use of yuan as currency of settlement in trade with the LAC, Powell said in Montevideo, where the 53rd annual meeting of IADBs Board of Governors is going on.

He said there would be little technical barriers in operation.

The more currencies you have, the lower the risks arefor the LAC, Powell noted.

China has become the third largest foreign investor in the LAC after the United States and the European Union, Powell said, citing a latest report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

I see no problems for the LAC to trade in the Chinese yuan. On the contrary, that will help internationalize the Chinese currency and, at the same time, lower the currency risks for the (LAC) region,” he said.

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