Eat, America. Help yourself to the dessert that you have prepared for us. You eat it.(Terrifying Tornado Footage)


—” The people cry about death and destruction playing havoc over America, but they never cry about the evil that they are committing and which is the cause of this destruction coming into her borders bringing floods, rain, ice, hail and earthquakes daily and nightly somewhere on the surface of the land of America. “–pg.125(TFOA)

…” We see this in the working of the fall of America today. I say fall, for most surely this is the divine fall of America, as it was of ancient Babylon for its evils done to the Jews. “–pg.133(TFOA)
Terrifying Tornado Footage

Eat, America. Help yourself to the dessert that you have prepared for us. You eat it. All praises are due to Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. “–pg.156(TFOA)

…….”Again we have a warning to leave a people with whom God is angry as the people of ancient Babylon were warned to do.   Jer. 51:45 — “My people, go yet out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord.”   All of the plagues, destructions and judgment which Allah (God) used to destroy the wicked and disobedient from the time of Adam until this day will be brought upon America. Then she will be burned with fire. This is the time of trouble that shall bring America into insanity. “–pgs.197 & 198(TFOA) 

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