The Judgment of America. She is made manifest.She will succumb to her debt plague.


The Judgment of America. She is made manifest. As it is written in the Bible, (Revelation), “She is a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” (every unclean and hateful human being.)

   America, America your day has come for the evil done to your Black slave. America you cannot repay that evil with another evil of trying to tempt the Black slave by offering them your white women. That does not help you in this day, but it does condemn you as being a double-crosser…that you will even offer your Black once-slave your girls and women to do with them as they please, if they will just follow you.

   The judgment of America. “Babylon could have been healed but she was not healed.”

   America is just beginning to experience sorrow, mourning, grief and distrust from the anger of God and man.

   According to both the Holy Qur’an and the Bible, there will be plenty more of the same. In these two books, one can easily find everything foretold that is happening today. The time will grow so troublesome that (according to the Holy Qur’an) children will become gray headed, and (according to the Bible) great heart failure will become a disease upon the people, who have the anger of God (the American people). “–pgs.150 & 151(TFOA)

….”  The white man of America is not blind and ignorant. He has known these prophecies of his doom for a long time before we knew it, for the white man translated the Bible and he knows what he put in his translation of that which was written in the Bible. “–pg.149(TFOA)

CBO: Exploding debt under Obama policies



The Congressional Budget Office said Friday that President Barack Obama’s tax and spending policies will yield $6.4 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than double the shortfall in CBO’s own fiscal baseline – even after taking credit for reduced war costs.


House Republicans, slated to unveil their own plan next week, are sure to seize on the numbers, but more than two-thirds of the $3.5 trillion disparity can be explained by what is still a rich diet of tax breaks continued under the Obama plan.


Indeed, in the case of discretionary appropriations, CBO scores the president as coming in about $4 billion under the $1.047 trillion target set by the Budget Control Act last summer. And within these confines, the biggest discrepancy is that his budget is $2 billion over the caps for security programs at the expense of domestic priorities.


That said, the picture is grim, and even if Obama were to get his way on all fronts, the federal debt held by the public would nearly double again from $10.1 trillion at the end of 2011 to $18.8 trillion at the end of 2022.


For the current fiscal year ending Sept. 30, CBO is now projecting a shortfall of $1.3 trillion. In fiscal 2013, the deficit will still hover near the $1 trillion mark – about $977 billion. And while it will fall to 2.5 percent of GDP by 2017, it then begins to grow again to 3 percent of GDP by 2022. Politico

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