Feds Trained Clergy For Martial Law!!!!


Feds Trained Clergy For Martial Law
Sep 21st, 2007, 4:59am »

Salaam————Here is the verse that the Anti-Christ Ministers will use to keep the Sheepeople in line. “Let every soul be SUBJECT unto THE HIGHER POWERS. For there is no power BUT OF GOD: the powers that be are ORDAINED OF GOD” Romans 13:1, KJV Bible.—This will be peached to the modern slaves to submit to the powers of the STATE, because the State, according to the Masonic Bible, is “ordained of God”.      

Feds Trained Clergy For Martial Law
«  on: Dec 1st, 2008

Salaam———We here at Salaam Journal have warned that what the Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) stated in His book, THE FALL OF AMERICA is closer than most think. The Messenger warned us of the American’s plans to put it people in camps, but that these camps ARE NOT FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF HIM(ELIJAH MUHAMMAD), but are for those who got caught up in this worlds political games.—The following are quotes I have found that point to America becoming a “Nazi styled” country in the very near future, and why:……………………..”showing both their leaders arrogance and the ignorance of the American people, the Pentagon has announced it is stationing 20,000 armed US Soldiers in the United States itself to help ‘protect’ the Homeland from attacks.  
These 20,000 US Soldiers being stationed among them should strike great fear into the hearts of all Americans, especially when viewed in the context of Russian Military reports which state that with nearly every US City surrounded by ‘circle freeways’, and with the average number of exits for these circle freeways being around 50, and with the number of armed troops needed to secure each exit being 6, and with only one heavy combat vehicle needed for each squad of 6 soldiers, every major population center in the United States can be sealed off and contained within 24 hours by just this exact number of troops.    
In our World today one doesn’t have to look to far to see how this is done as the Israeli’s have perfected the mass imprisonment of human beings in urban prison camps as evidenced by the Gaza Strip where barely 300 Israeli soldiers have cut off from all food and fuel supplies to over 1.5 million Palestinian men, women and children.  And it should come as no surprise that neither the United States, nor its Western allies, are opposing this mass imprisonment as they themselves are planning for those times when they will be doing the same thing to their citizens.

To how soon the mass imprisonment of Western citizens will begin we can glimpse as reported by the Prison Planet News Service:
“An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim. “The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock,” wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist.
He goes on to explain that the massive money creation efforts by the Federal Reserve and other central banks will end with one of two things: A resurgence of inflation, or a fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly wars.”–From whatdoesitmean, 2, Dec. 2008——————We were taught that the Black man must give up the names and the “religion” of the white-race, which are , as the Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated are the “MARK OF THE BEAST”. Now the BEAST has the know-how to give every one a “mark” as to en-slave the masses: “VeriChip could be part of the mark of the beast
When Satan comes to earth claiming to be God he will require people to receive the mark of the beast. It is possible that a VeriChip could be implanted in the forehead or right hand as a part of the mark of the beast. This would probably only occur in the more industrialized countries.
Currently the VeriChip is not the mark of the beast. But at some point in the future it could be part of the physical mark that is put on a person’s forehead or right hand.
Mark of the beast – forehead or right hand
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17

The mark of the beast will be placed on a person’s forehead or right hand.”–From the markofthebeast.com——–Think over this things, for ALLAH IS HERE, AND THIS LAST STAGE OF THE WORLD OF YAKUB IS NOW AT AN END!!!——–ALLAH-U-AKBAR!!

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