Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, told King World News that the greatest crisis in world history is about to be unleashed.

The Greatest Crisis In World History
Egon von Greyerz:  “
Totally irresponsible policies by governments and central banks have created the most dangerous crisis that the world has ever experienced. Risk doesn’t arise quickly as the result of a single action or event. No, risk of the magnitude that the world is experiencing today is the result of many years or decades of economic mismanagement. Cycles are normal in nature and in the world economy. And cycles that are the result of the laws of nature normally play out in an orderly fashion without extreme tops or bottoms…

Egon von Greyerz continues:  “Just take the seasons. They go from summer to autumn, winter and spring, with soft transitions that seldom involve drama or catastrophe. Economic cycles would be the same if they were allowed to happen naturally without the interference of governments. But power corrupts and throughout history leaders have always hung on to power by interfering with the normal business cycle. This involves anything from reducing the precious metals content of money from 100% to nothing, printing money, leveraging credit, manipulating interest rates, taking total taxes from at least 50% + today from nothing 100 years ago etc, etc. 

Governments will always fail when they believe that they are gods. But not only governments believe they perform godly tasks but also hubristic investment bankers like the ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs who proclaimed that the bank was doing God’s work. It must be remembered that Goldman, like most other banks, would have gone under if they and JP Morgan hadn’t instructed the Fed to save them by printing and guaranteeing $25 trillion. Or maybe that was God’s hand too? 

We now have unmanageable risks at many levels – politically, geopolitically, economically and financially. This is a RISK ON situation that is extremely dangerous and will have very grave consequences. There is one very small but important silver lining which I will return to later. 

1. RISK ON – US Political Situation and War 

There are numerous risks that can all cause the collapse of the world economy and they all have equal relevance. However, the political situation in the USA is very dangerous for the world. This the biggest economy in the world, albeit bankrupt with debt growing exponentially and real deficits every year since 1960. Before the dollar has collapsed, the US will still be seen as a powerful nation, although a massive economic decline will soon weaken the country burdened by debt at all levels, government, state, and private. 

What makes the US particularly dangerous today is that the President is a lame duck. Both political parties are working against him and are trying every trick in the book to get him impeached. The Elite or powers that be are obviously also doing what they can to outmanoeuvre Trump and make him ineffective. But Trump is a fighter and will not give up without fight. As he is virtually paralysed when it comes to any political or economic decision, what remains is military actions or war. As Commander in Chief, he has the ultimate say in pressing the nuclear button. He, like most of us, understands the catastrophic consequences of nuclear war. And we are not talking about just be the US and North Korea. We would see China, Russia and many other countries involved. Wars are often started by an impulsive and power-hungry leader. 

Real power in the US comes from major industries such as defense, energy, big pharma and investment banks. Their “contributions” to virtually all politicians is where the real power lies. When a leader is under major political pressure on the home front, starting a war quickly diverts the attention from domestic problems. And Trump would of course get total support from the Military Industrial Complex since their whole raison d’étre is war. …..More Here