6 Depression Symptoms Men Should Pay Attention To

6 Depression Symptoms Men Should Pay Attention To

man looking depressed

Man experiencing depression symptoms | iStock.com

Symptoms of depression aren’t always black and white — especially when it comes to diagnosing it in men. Oftentimes men think they must be strong and in control of their emotions at all times, which makes it difficult to admit in a constructive manner if they feel overcome with helplessness, grief, or despair. It’s too bad, because more than 6 million American men are affected by depression each year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health per the American Psychological Association. This means recognizing depression symptoms is more important than most men realize.

Depression isn’t a sign of weakness, failure, or diminished masculinity. It is a treatable health

condition that affects millions of men and women. Clinical depression can cause sadness and a loss of interest in your favorite hobbies, work, or activities. But depression can manifest itself in many different ways. Men may find it difficult talking about their feelings or emotions, but there are plenty of other telltale signs that you or a loved one may be suffering from depression.

Male depression often goes undiagnosed due to a failure of recognizing symptoms (because sometimes they differ from women), downplaying signs and symptoms, resisting mental health treatments, or being reluctant to discussing feelings.

Triggers that can lead to depression symptoms include:

  • Overwhelming stress at work, school, or home
  • Marital or relationship problems
  • Not reaching important goals, in work or personal life
  • Constant money problems
  • Death of a loved one
  • Quitting smoking or alcohol
  • Health problems such as chronic illness or injury
  • Family responsibilities such as caring for a spouse, children, or a parent
  • Genes — if depression runs in the family, it is more likely you or a loved one will suffer from depression

In addition to these triggers, look out for these depression symptoms.

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