The writer, (John), foresaw America threatening and daring the nations: Iran should not believe they won’t be attacked – Obama


  This(America) is the most arrogant nation on her. She promotes the doctrine “might equals right.” This is nonsense. This type of thinking is trapping her into a vicious cycle that will prove her own undoing. ..”Their land and seas are filled with deadly weapons of war; their islands of the sea are filled with corruption by all the nations of earth, for they are proud and boastful and are now hated and despised according to their wishes.”–pg.168(tfoa)

  She cannot escape her nature. She must and is doing what nature bids her to do. That is, to threaten and war with the nations. This she is very boastful of. History teaches us that powers before her did the same thing. Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, who were the world rulers of their day and time, made great boasts.

  In the Bible, “The writer, (John), foresaw America threatening and daring the nations to disobey her order to allow her entrance. America’s navy planes fly high in the air with their deadly bombs held ready to drop on the towns and cities of other nations who dare to attack her”–pg.124(tfoa)

  Is this not America’s speech and actions against the nations who would be at peace if she left them alone? She is fulfilling the prophecy of her to the very letter and spirit. Just look at her latest boasts;

  Iran should not believe they won’t be attacked – Obama

барак обама президент сша


Photo: EPA

US President Barack Obama said in a television interview broadcast Sunday that the Islamic Republic of Iran should not think that the US would not attack them if they did not attack Syria.

0In an interview for the ABC network with regards to Iran Obama said: “They shouldn’t draw a lesson that we haven’t struck, to think we won’t strike Iran,” Obama also said that the diplomacy used to tackle the issue of Syria’s chemical weapons is a potential model for negotiations on Iran’s US claimed “nuclear ambitions”.

0Obama said in the interview on ABC’s “This Week” that Tehran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapon is “a far larger issue for us” than the use of chemical weapons in Syria. A fact that the US claims but Iran has denied for years.

0The interview was reportedly recorded on Friday, before a Russian initiated, US supported agreement to inventory Syria’s chemical weapons program and bring it under international control.

0The US president said that he had exchanged letters with new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, but declined to give any details.

0Voice of Russia, RIA

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