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(Video)’Ferguson resembling war zone’: More tear gas, cops in military gear, violence

(Video)’Ferguson resembling war zone’: More tear gas, cops in military gear, violence

Greetings, ‘Ferguson resembling war zone’: More tear gas, cops in military gear, violence…

(Vid Inc.)The Mother Plane? — What WAS this bright circle of lights over Houston? Bright, oval UFO photographed hovering above city’s stormy skies

(Vid Inc.)The Mother Plane? — What WAS this bright circle of lights over Houston? Bright, oval UFO photographed hovering above city’s stormy skies

Greetings, What WAS this bright circle of lights over Houston? Bright, oval UFO photographed hovering above city’s stormy skies Several people in Houston have posted pictures on Twitter of what…

The Militarization of the Police Has Produced a Murder Machine

The Militarization of the Police Has Produced a Murder Machine

Greetings, The Militarization of the Police Has Produced a Murder Machine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Global Research I wasn’t surprised at some of the crude comments and hatred expressed…

(Video)Something Is Going On Across America: CIVIL UNREST (2014)

(Video)Something Is Going On Across America: CIVIL UNREST (2014)

Greetings, …..” The great commotion of the government and people of America; the civil unrest, insurrection, mental excitement, and noise confusion — there is no action that is being taken,…

They killed Mike Brown execution style…Autopsy shows Michael Brown was shot at least six times, two in head

They killed Mike Brown execution style…Autopsy shows Michael Brown was shot at least six times, two in head

Greetings, Autopsy shows Michael Brown was shot at least six times, two in head ‘Huge injustices being ignored in US’ Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager killed last week by…

The consequences of American arrogance: China may obtain Russia’s latest air missile system S400

The consequences of American arrogance: China may obtain Russia’s latest air missile system S400

Greetings, China may obtain Russia’s latest air missile system S400 Russian soldiers prepare to fire an S400 anti-aircraft missile. (Photo/CFP) Chinese military commentators said China may become the first foreign…

(Video)They are after each other…US has war strategy with Russia over Ukraine crisis

(Video)They are after each other…US has war strategy with Russia over Ukraine crisis

Greetings, We are seeing prophecy of scripture being played out geopolitically….”There is still the cold war in Berlin, between America and Russia and in other parts of Europe, to be…

(Video)America’s ISIL threat claim is ‘dishonest ploy’ to justify intervention

(Video)America’s ISIL threat claim is ‘dishonest ploy’ to justify intervention

Greetings, This is her m.o. . She must make war and cause blood shed…..”America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against…

She is showing you that she is “The Blood Shedder!” — US using violence to justify its ends

She is showing you that she is “The Blood Shedder!” — US using violence to justify its ends

Greetings, She has been described in scripture as the blood shedder. She is the war maker. Her every thought is to make war and cause confusion. This is the only…

Huge injustices being ignored in US

Huge injustices being ignored in US

Greetings,  Huge injustices being ignored in US: Yahkhahnahn Ammi Press TV has conducted an interview with Yahkhahnahn Ammi, founder of SWIP Stop the Violence, from Saint Louis, to discuss racial…

Police America — The Terror State

Police America — The Terror State

Greetings, America has always been a terrorist nation. Her very founding was predicated on the annihilation of the Red Indian and the enslavement and destruction of the aboriginal black people.…

Hypocritical America: While taking provocative actions, US warns Russia over ‘provocative’ actions in Ukraine

Hypocritical America: While taking provocative actions, US warns Russia over ‘provocative’ actions in Ukraine

Greetings, Half a world away and thousands of miles from her shores, after funding ,training, backing, and aiding the destabilization of Ukraine for pipeline politics and geo-strategic advantage over Russia,…

Kiev fights in Ukraine’s southeast for shale gas deposits to be controlled by US -Russian MP Pushkov

Kiev fights in Ukraine’s southeast for shale gas deposits to be controlled by US -Russian MP Pushkov

Greetings, Kiev fights in Ukraine’s southeast for shale gas deposits to be controlled by US – Pushkov The Yuzivska shale gas field is at the border between the Kharkov and…

Ferguson police ‘mistakenly arrested an innocent man before viciously beating him so bad he was taken to hospital and then charged for bleeding on THEIR uniforms’

Greetings, Ferguson police ‘mistakenly arrested an innocent man before viciously beating him so bad he was taken to hospital and then charged for bleeding on THEIR uniforms’ Henry Davis, 52,…

‘Phantoms & (Video)Fantasies’: Russia denies military convoy crosses into Ukraine

‘Phantoms & (Video)Fantasies’: Russia denies military convoy crosses into Ukraine

Greetings, ‘Phantoms & Fantasies’: Russia denies military convoy crosses into Ukraine…

To be poor and black in America renders you collateral

To be poor and black in America renders you collateral

Greetings, Allah (God) came to give justice and freedom to us and to make us equal members in the society of the new powerful, strong, and wise people of the…

The Paranoid Police State Of America

The Paranoid Police State Of America

Greetings, They know that trouble awaits them. Prophecy has now kicked down the doors of American illusion. Yes there will growing discontent and civil discontent. The republic is succumbing to…

It is past time that we start to think over separation — US police involved in 400 killings per year

It is past time that we start to think over separation — US police involved in 400 killings per year

Greetings, It is past time that we start to think over our situation here in America living among those who have only shown contempt, hatred, animosity, and mockery for nearly…

UN experts blast US officials for racial discrimination against blacks, minorities

UN experts blast US officials for racial discrimination against blacks, minorities

Greetings, UN experts blast US officials for racial discrimination against blacks, minorities A community activist tries to persuade a group of protesters demonstrating in Ferguson, Missouri over the death of…

They’re preparing to take her(America): Troops from Central Asian states en route to SCO drill in China

They’re preparing to take her(America): Troops from Central Asian states en route to SCO drill in China

Greetings,  God is stirring the nations to prepare to take the beast called America. We must remember that Messenger Muhammad has already pronounced that The Asiatic Nations would lay her…

Putin Says The Petrodollar Must Die, “The Dollar Monopoly In Energy Trade Is Damaging Russia’s Economy”

Putin Says The Petrodollar Must Die, “The Dollar Monopoly In Energy Trade Is Damaging Russia’s Economy”

Greetings, (This article comes to us courtesy of zero hedge. Please read it. It is very important and helps you understand why America continues her military build-up and provocations against…

The CIA Activities and the Huge U.S. Military Offensive in Africa

The CIA Activities and the Huge U.S. Military Offensive in Africa

Greetings, The CIA Activities and the Huge U.S. Military Offensive in Africa By Mark P. Fancher Global Research Black Agenda Report The CIA’s activities in Africa go and in hand…

No-fly zone imposed over Ferguson: It’s time to put the law of Moses, an eye for an eye & tooth for tooth, into full effect!

No-fly zone imposed over Ferguson: It’s time to put the law of Moses, an eye for an eye & tooth for tooth, into full effect!

Greetings, Ferguson is up in smoke and there are many many more US cities on the verge of this same situation. Black America is tired. We are tired of being…

She knows that war is near…US military bolstering its arsenal of weapons in Norway’s caves

She knows that war is near…US military bolstering its arsenal of weapons in Norway’s caves

Greetings, Why is the US deploying massive amounts of military hardware to Europe? Is something about to take place on the geopolitical battlefield that she is not talking about to…

NATO no match for Russia military on Russian territory

NATO no match for Russia military on Russian territory

Greetings, We have been reporting this for awhile. Regardless to the bluster of US & NATO military heads, in Europe US & NATO forces are no match for the new…

WATCH: Cops aim weapon at local official, lock media out as Ferguson protests continue

WATCH: Cops aim weapon at local official, lock media out as Ferguson protests continue

Greetings, WATCH: Cops aim weapon at local official, lock media out as Ferguson protests continue By Arturo Garcia Cops point weapon at St. Louis alderman [YouTube] Video filmed by a…

It looks like they’re preparing for “The Battle In the Sky” to me: Russian air force to get 200 new jets

It looks like they’re preparing for “The Battle In the Sky” to me: Russian air force to get 200 new jets

Greetings,      Russian air force to get 200 new jets The Russian Air Force will significantly upgrade and reinforce its fleet during 2014, a high-ranking military officer said Tuesday.…

Under The Threats Of NATO, Russia Is Rearming Quickly: Russian Navy Launches First Varshavyanka-Class Sub for Black Sea Fleet

Under The Threats Of NATO, Russia Is Rearming Quickly: Russian Navy Launches First Varshavyanka-Class Sub for Black Sea Fleet

Greetings, (FYI: While America is spending her borrowed treasuries in Iraq,Syria,Libya, and elsewhere…and while America and NATO continue threatening Russia, Russia barely makes a diplomatic peep. But in reality, Russia…

The coming storm

The coming storm

Greetings, Unlike what they are planning and thinking towards warring against Russia, they won’t be successful. They don’t realize that it is Allah who is causing them to drive towards…

US has ‘long history’ of police brutality against blacks(But this is what she was founded on!)

US has ‘long history’ of police brutality against blacks(But this is what she was founded on!)

Greetings, When you view the video below and read the words written, you will understand that widely seen and understood that blacks are not only demonized and vilified by white…