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Russia signals nod to sale of S-400 anti-aircraft missile to China

Russia signals nod to sale of S-400 anti-aircraft missile to China

Greetings, Russia signals nod to sale of S-400 anti-aircraft missile to China An S-400 missile launcher. (File photo/China Times) A representative of Russia’s arms enterprise Almaz-Antey revealed that China may…

WATCH: TX police draw guns on mother and young children they mistook for gun-waving males By Scott Kaufman

WATCH: TX police draw guns on mother and young children they mistook for gun-waving males By Scott Kaufman

Greetings, (FYI: And you still want to be integrated with these vile beasts…You should be ashamed of yourselves!) WATCH: TX police draw guns on mother and young children they mistook…

Mid-air posturing sparks US-China verbal volley

Mid-air posturing sparks US-China verbal volley

Greetings, Mid-air posturing sparks US-China verbal volley A Chinese J-11 fighter. (Internet photo) The US and China are accusing each other of provocation over a recent situation in which a…

Racism lies at the base of US law enforcement & it ha become quite evident!

Racism lies at the base of US law enforcement & it ha become quite evident!

Greetings, This is a sign of the fact this is  deeply held belief amongst most so-called law enforcement officers. Why? Because the whole system is set up on white superiority…

We are watching empire unravel at home…US people rising up against bad cops

We are watching empire unravel at home…US people rising up against bad cops

Greetings, We are watching empire unravel at home. She is losing her place of power abroad, and now at home she is under threat of a civil explosion. This is…

(Video Inc.)US, German policies on Russia are bankrupt: Wayne Madsen

(Video Inc.)US, German policies on Russia are bankrupt: Wayne Madsen

Greetings, US, German policies on Russia are bankrupt: Wayne Madsen American and German policies on Russia regarding the crisis in Ukraine are bankrupt, says an investigative journalist in Tampa, Florida.…

(Video Inc.)The world is fed up with NATO allies & US wars – Frmr Defense Secretary

(Video Inc.)The world is fed up with NATO allies & US wars – Frmr Defense Secretary

Greetings, The world is fed up with America and her policies. They know that it is she, that lies at the root of the cause of the destabled and troubled…

The Outside View: Paramilitary Tactics Taking Hold Across US – Criminal Justice Expert

The Outside View: Paramilitary Tactics Taking Hold Across US – Criminal Justice Expert

Greetings, Paramilitary Tactics Taking Hold Across US – Criminal Justice Expert Police officers point their weapons at demonstrators protesting against the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri (RIA…

(Video)’Ferguson police behaved like occupying forces’

(Video)’Ferguson police behaved like occupying forces’

Greetings, ‘Ferguson police behaved like occupying forces’…

Missouri disturbances reflect social discrimination in U.S.: Spanish experts

Missouri disturbances reflect social discrimination in U.S.: Spanish experts

Greetings, Missouri disturbances reflect social discrimination in U.S.: Spanish experts The past two weeks’ protests in Missouri, the United States reflected the social inequality and discrimination in the country, which…

Must see(Video):‘Cops in America are becoming judge, jury and executioner’

Must see(Video):‘Cops in America are becoming judge, jury and executioner’

Greetings, ‘Cops in America are becoming judge, jury and executioner’…

(Video Inc.)Oklahoma cop accused of threatening to arrest women during on-duty sex assaults

(Video Inc.)Oklahoma cop accused of threatening to arrest women during on-duty sex assaults

Greetings,   Oklahoma cop accused of threatening to arrest women during on-duty sex assaults By Travis Gettys Daniel Holtzclaw An Oklahoma City police officer named in a wrongful death lawsuit…

(Video Inc.)Albany cop caught on video using Taser on kneeling suspect who was surrendering

(Video Inc.)Albany cop caught on video using Taser on kneeling suspect who was surrendering

Greetings, Albany cop caught on video using Taser on kneeling suspect who was surrendering By Tom Boggioni Police with Taser [Flickr creative commons] https://www.flickr.com/photos/trojan631/4389836692/ An Albany police officer, who shot…

US & Chinese warplanes face-off in the Asia-Pacific

US & Chinese warplanes face-off in the Asia-Pacific

Greetings, (Notes: Notice that in the description given, We find that It was America sending a spy-plane into the Chinese economic zone which extends some 200 nautical miles from it’s…

More Dollar Troubles…Shanghai Gold Exchange Launching International Bullion Exchange In Yuan Next Month

More Dollar Troubles…Shanghai Gold Exchange Launching International Bullion Exchange In Yuan Next Month

Greetings, (Hiram’s notes: This is yet another strategic move being made by China in its effort to bring down the dollar and push the American empire into insolvency without firing…

The White House’s “Tom” stands exposed: Obama is African-American, but blacks still suffering police brutality in US

The White House’s “Tom” stands exposed: Obama is African-American, but blacks still suffering police brutality in US

Greetings, A black face masking white injustice and white supremacy is what you see and get living in the master’s plantation at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenues, Washington D.C.. He stands exposed…

Vaccine bombshell: CDC whistleblower reveals cover-up linking MMR vaccines to autism in African-Americans

Vaccine bombshell: CDC whistleblower reveals cover-up linking MMR vaccines to autism in African-Americans

Greetings, (They are doing the exact thing that their father Mr. Yakub taught them to do!!!) Vaccine bombshell: CDC whistleblower reveals cover-up linking MMR vaccines to autism in African-Americans Source: www.naturalnews.com…

Unofficially, war has been declared on Black America: School police cleared to carry AR-15s in Compton, California

Unofficially, war has been declared on Black America: School police cleared to carry AR-15s in Compton, California

Greetings, Isn’t it ironic that most school shootings happen in white suburbia? Isn’t it also ironic that the focus of police still lies in urban America? What’s even more astounding…

This is a warning to NATO: Russia launches military drills in south

This is a warning to NATO: Russia launches military drills in south

Greetings, You can bet your bottom dollar that this message was intended for those orchestrating the mayhem in Kiev, in the halls of Washington D.C. & Brussels. It is to…

The shots( in Ferguson) that are being heard around the world

The shots( in Ferguson) that are being heard around the world

Greetings, The pain of black America is on display. The entire world is getting a glimpse of America’s lawless police force that’s built for war on black America. Now nations…

(Video Incl.)Cop Tasers compliant black teen into fit of seizures: ‘He was trying to kill my son,’ says mom

(Video Incl.)Cop Tasers compliant black teen into fit of seizures: ‘He was trying to kill my son,’ says mom

Greetings, (Hiram’s Note: As Allah reveals this devil and his true feels towards you fully, you will soon run over to the mantra of Elijah Muhammad and The Nation Of…

Energy Ballet: Iran, Russia and ‘Pipelineistan’

Energy Ballet: Iran, Russia and ‘Pipelineistan’

Greetings, Energy Ballet: Iran, Russia and ‘Pipelineistan’ By Pepe Escobar August 20, 2014 “ICH” – “RT” — A fascinating nuclear/energy ballet involving Iran, Russia, the US and the EU is…

New S-500 Prometheus air defense system to protect Moscow and Central Russia

New S-500 Prometheus air defense system to protect Moscow and Central Russia

Greetings, New S-500 Prometheus air defense system to protect Moscow and Central Russia Source: Pravda.Ru New S-500 Prometheus air defense systems to protect Moscow and Central Russia. 53399.jpeg The first…

US fends off international criticism over Ferguson crackdown…Almighty God Himself is stirring up the nations of the earth against her

US fends off international criticism over Ferguson crackdown…Almighty God Himself is stirring up the nations of the earth against her

Greetings, Do as I say and not as I do. This is the mantra of the great satan, America. She is so arrogant that it is shameful. Now she is…

US police brutality hints to genocide of blacks: Lawyer

US police brutality hints to genocide of blacks: Lawyer

Greetings, US police brutality hints to genocide of blacks: Lawyer An international lawyer has slammed the US police for taking “unlawful and criminal” measures against demonstrators protesting against the shooting…

The rich nation is financially insolvent

The rich nation is financially insolvent

Greetings, You don’t want to hear or see the truth, even when it can save you from a lifetime of grief, despair, and heartache. You have fallen in love with…

Must see video: Interview with Sergei Glaziev – Advisor to President Putin

Must see video: Interview with Sergei Glaziev – Advisor to President Putin

Greetings, (FYI: This is a must watch video. The english translation is in subtitles, but this guy goes in hard) Interview with Sergei Glaziev – Advisor to President Putin Glaziev,…

US Worried As China Develops Long-Range Stealth Bomber

US Worried As China Develops Long-Range Stealth Bomber

Greetings, China Developing Long-Range Stealth Bomber The First Aircraft Institute of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China has been designing the first generation long-range stealth bomber for the People’s Liberation…

(Video)Hate Crime? Nationwide outrage at ‘racist’ policing after Michael Brown killing

(Video)Hate Crime? Nationwide outrage at ‘racist’ policing after Michael Brown killing

Greetings, Hate Crime? Nationwide outrage at ‘racist’ policing after Michael Brown killing…

(Video Inc.)They’re about ready to strike and America knows this to be true(Pt.2)

(Video Inc.)They’re about ready to strike and America knows this to be true(Pt.2)

Greetings, We know that America is in trouble. We know that prophecy teaches us that the China man was made to chase down this American white man just like this…