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Defying the dollar Russia & China agree currency swap worth over $20bn

Defying the dollar Russia & China agree currency swap worth over $20bn

Greetings, (Note: The nations are working to takedown America. They are unifying their policies and covertly working to extricate themselves from being enslaved by dollar hegemony. America though, will not…

A Tool Of Anglo Supremacy, Obama Threatens Devastating Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Over Russian-Platinum Deal

A Tool Of Anglo Supremacy, Obama Threatens Devastating Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Over Russian-Platinum Deal

Greetings, Obama Threatens Devastating Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Over Russian-Platinum Deal As Martin Armstrong exclaims, Obama is out of control. According to NewZimbabwe.com, Washington has said it will accelerate sanctions imposed…

(Video)ISIL used chemical weapons against Kobani Kurdish fighters

(Video)ISIL used chemical weapons against Kobani Kurdish fighters

Greetings,     ISIL used chemical weapons against Kobani Kurdish fighters…

America’s “Justice System” is not just blind, it’s retarded!

America’s “Justice System” is not just blind, it’s retarded!

Greetings, Always criticizing others on human rights and the rule of law. Always passing a condemnation or censoring others when she doesn’t agree the those nations and people, yet always…

China’s growing space power has US worried

China’s growing space power has US worried

Greetings, (Note: With all of the hundreds of military satellites that America has in space, she is worried about China’s rise in space technology that may hamper her domination. This…

Russia Dumping Dollars To Use To Protect Currency And Falling Oil Prices

Russia Dumping Dollars To Use To Protect Currency And Falling Oil Prices

Russia Dumping Dollars To Use To Protect Currency And Falling Oil Prices By Kenneth Schortgen Jr “ICH” – “Examiner” – – As the United States expands its proxy war against…


FORMER BORDER PATROL AGENT: CDC “DISAPPEARING” POTENTIAL EBOLA VICTIMS Exclusive: Infowars correspondent confirms illegal aliens with illnesses being secretly quarantined   Former Border Patrol Agent Zach Taylor has divulged that…

Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen

Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen

Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen By Alexander Cockburn And Jeffrey St. Clair “ICH” – “Counterpunch” – – January 15, 1998 – Q: The former director…

(Video Inc.)Another countermove on the global chessboard: Iran and Russia to establish joint bank circumventing Western sanctions

Greetings, This is desperation time for the falling empire. Her plans in Ukraine are going up in smoke, because that nation needs more money(money that sage doesn’t have to give)…

(Video)War crimes swept under carpet during Ukraine conflict?

Greetings,   War crimes swept under carpet during Ukraine conflict?…

Destabilization – US Weapon in Energy War

Destabilization – US Weapon in Energy War

Greetings, Destabilization – US Weapon in Energy War By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya October 10, 2014 “ICH” – “RT” – The US is doing its best to estrange the EU from…

I would say that it is as “American as apple pie!” — Boston police engaged in extensive racial bias

I would say that it is as “American as apple pie!” — Boston police engaged in extensive racial bias

Greetings, This is the norm in America. Racial bias and hatred of blacks is not confined to one city or geographical location in America. Racial bias, discrimination, exploitation, and abuse…

Russia in Negotiation with China for alternative SWIFT Bank system

Russia in Negotiation with China for alternative SWIFT Bank system

Greetings, Russia in Negotiation with China for alternative SWIFT Bank system   Russia and China, the two strategic Eurasian nations, are moving clearly to ultimately break free of the stranglehold…

War Is Coming…Russian Military Receives New Batch of S-400 Air Defense Systems

War Is Coming…Russian Military Receives New Batch of S-400 Air Defense Systems

Greetings, (Note: You can’t honestly say that Russia sees war coming and coming soon. She is arming to the freaking teeth. She continues arming for air, sea, space, and land…

Murder by any other name…Protests erupt after St. Louis officer kills black teen

Murder by any other name…Protests erupt after St. Louis officer kills black teen

Greetings, With the open manifestation of the American devil, we can now shun this enemy like we do a rattlesnake…”But this snake (white race) has overtaken us and he has…

(Video)George Galloway: EU is locked in a crazy policy of aggression against Russia

Greetings,    George Galloway: EU is locked in a crazy policy of aggression against Russia This is what is meant by saying that….”There is still the cold war in Berlin,…

(Video)Pro-US forces in Kiev lose another strategic battle as Pro-Russians claim control of Donetsk airport

(Video)Pro-US forces in Kiev lose another strategic battle as Pro-Russians claim control of Donetsk airport

Greetings,       Pro-Russians claim control of Donetsk airport…

The War Is Near: Leaving Nothing To Chance, Russia to Create Space-Based Ballistic Missile Warning System

The War Is Near: Leaving Nothing To Chance, Russia to Create Space-Based Ballistic Missile Warning System

Greetings, This latest move by Russia shows us that they see war coming. They are arming to the teeth and are watching their enemies closely. Leaving nothing to chance they…

War in the Middle East is coming…Russian Navy sends sub killer on Mediterranean mass-destruction weapons drill

War in the Middle East is coming…Russian Navy sends sub killer on Mediterranean mass-destruction weapons drill

Greetings, (Note: There’s a great military build up off of the shores of Syria. There are more and more US/Turkish/NATO military provocations against the elected legitimate government of President Bashir…

(Video Incl.)Regardless of her pronouncements of equality and integration she is at war with Black America.

(Video Incl.)Regardless of her pronouncements of equality and integration she is at war with Black America.

Greetings, America hates her ex-slaves. Regardless of her pronouncements of equality and integration she is at war with Black America. This is indisputable. Her policies, her courts, her laws, her…

(Video Inc.)EU on edge — Proxy wars are almost ready to burst forth into straight up military to military conflagration

(Video Inc.)EU on edge — Proxy wars are almost ready to burst forth into straight up military to military conflagration

Greetings, This American devil will stop at nothing trying to maintain its’ rule over the people. This brings daily to the verge of all out war. Proxy wars are almost…

The Drums Of War Are Sounding…Entire Russian Air Force Participates in Civil Defense Drills: Emergencies Ministry

The Drums Of War Are Sounding…Entire Russian Air Force Participates in Civil Defense Drills: Emergencies Ministry

Greetings, Entire Russian Air Force Participates in Civil Defense Drills: Emergencies Ministry Su-27 fighter aircrafts during the celebration of the Air Force day in Russia’s Lipetsk. (RIA Novosti) – The…

US in submarine arms race with Russia and China

US in submarine arms race with Russia and China

Greetings, US in submarine arms race with Russia and China China’s Type 094 Jin-class submarine. (Photo courtesy of the PLA Navy) The United States is launching a submarine arms race…

New steps to wider war in Middle East…Means bloodshed & plenty of it!

New steps to wider war in Middle East…Means bloodshed & plenty of it!

Greetings, That truth comes to us at the end of the Caucasian world.This is the time. America sees her rule coming to an end. She sees that her power is…

(Video Inc.)The Middle Eastern powder keg is ready to explode

(Video Inc.)The Middle Eastern powder keg is ready to explode

Greetings, The Middle Eastern powder keg is ready to explode. The instability of that region along with North Africa will comprise a deadly recipe for regional conflagration. This is where…


Greetings, U.S. DOLLAR’S UNSUSTAINABLE FRAUD: FED’S DESPERATION INCREASING AS THE WORLD DUMPS THE DOLLAR FOR GOLD & SILVER! Government Integrity — An Oxymoron What does government do when it is…

The entire world is set up for war…US rabbi urges genocide of Muslims worldwide

Greetings, The entire world is set up for war. Daily we see how more intense rhetoric is being spewed out by the governments and religious leaders alike. This stems from…

(Video)Ukraine As A Syrian Bargaining Chip – Joaquin

(Video)Ukraine As A Syrian Bargaining Chip – Joaquin

Greetings,   Ukraine As A Syrian Bargaining Chip – Joaquin…

China’s J-20 can beat US F-22 in head to head battle

China’s J-20 can beat US F-22 in head to head battle

Greetings,   China’s J-20 can beat F-22 Despite its outstanding performance in airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, it will be hard for the US Air Force’s F-22 Raptor to…

Yes Russia is preparing for nuclear war: Sarmat, Rubezh, Bulava and other missiles to modernize Russia’s Strategic Forces

Greetings, Sarmat, Rubezh, Bulava and other missiles to modernize Russia’s Strategic Forces Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have called, almost unanimously, for upgrading Russia’s Strategic…