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Has Washington Just Shot Itself in the Oily Foot?

Has Washington Just Shot Itself in the Oily Foot?

Greetings,   Has Washington Just Shot Itself in the Oily Foot? By William Engdahl “ICH” – “NEO” – By now even the New York Times is openly talking about the…

Report: Russia Moving Missiles, Rockets Toward Eastern Ukraine

Report: Russia Moving Missiles, Rockets Toward Eastern Ukraine

Greetings,   Russia Moving Missiles, Rockets Toward Eastern Ukraine NATO commander: Deployment of western “rotational forces” needed in Poland, Romania, the Baltics BY: Bill Gertz Russia is sending additional military…

Calling An Ace An Ace & A Spade A Spade, Putin Labels Trans-Pacific Partnership US Attempt to Benefit From Regional Trade

Calling An Ace An Ace & A Spade A Spade, Putin Labels Trans-Pacific Partnership US Attempt to Benefit From Regional Trade

Greetings, Putin Labels Trans-Pacific Partnership US Attempt to Benefit From Regional Trade Putin labels Trans-Pacific Partnership US attempt to benefit from regional trade © REUTERS/ Vasily Maximov/Pool (RIA Novosti) –…

Syrian FM Says Russia to Deliver Advanced S300 Missiles

Syrian FM Says Russia to Deliver Advanced S300 Missiles

Greetings,   Syrian FM Says Russia to Deliver Advanced S300 Missiles Despite previous shipments being cancelled, Syrian foreign minister confident Russia will deliver advanced weapons. Syria has asked Russia to…

Western Security Services May Be Turning IS Militants on Russia: Ex-Intelligence Officer

Western Security Services May Be Turning IS Militants on Russia: Ex-Intelligence Officer

Greetings, Western Security Services May Be Turning IS Militants on Russia: Ex-Intelligence Officer The Islamic State is a Sunni extremist group that has been fighting the Syrian government since 2012.…

(Video)Systemic Breakdown & Economic Collapse Guaranteed

Greetings,   We have reached critical mass. The entire thing is crumbling to piece. There is no way to salvage the nation nor it’s financial or cultural or political system.…

(Vid Inc.)No charges for Utah cops who shot man holding cosplay sword six times in back

(Vid Inc.)No charges for Utah cops who shot man holding cosplay sword six times in back

Greetings,    No charges for Utah cops who shot man holding cosplay sword six times in back Prosecutors in Utah have determined that two police officers were justified in the…

There is a great naval build-up in The Near East opposite American/NATO forces

There is a great naval build-up in The Near East opposite American/NATO forces

Greetings, One thing to think about. War is building in the Near East. The momentum cannot be stop. The passion for it cannot subside. Why? It is because time is…

China’s Massive Holdings of Gold Bullion. Is the West Financially Bankrupt?

China’s Massive Holdings of Gold Bullion. Is the West Financially Bankrupt?

Greetings, China’s Massive Holdings of Gold Bullion. Is the West Financially Bankrupt? By Bill Holter Global Research Alisdair Macleod of Goldmoney.com in a recent article suggests China may already have…

Ferguson protester: No one can find the bullet police say they didn’t fire into my head

Greetings, Ferguson protester: No one can find the bullet police say they didn’t fire into my head Florissant, Missouri woman was shot in the head while she was leaving a…

There is no future for you in America….Where have all the jobs gone?

There is no future for you in America….Where have all the jobs gone?

Greetings, Let’s get this right. More and more companies and stores will fire and lay-off hundreds and even thousands of people. They can no longer carry the burden of producing…

(Video)Petrodollar DISASTER as Stock Market Unstable Signs of Major RISK

(Video)Petrodollar DISASTER as Stock Market Unstable Signs of Major RISK

Greetings,    Petrodollar DISASTER as Stock Market Unstable Signs of Major RISK Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com  …

(Video Incl.)Florida police threaten arrest under new ‘homeless hate law’

Greetings, Florida police threaten arrest under new ‘homeless hate law’ Reuters/Max Whittaker Reuters/Max Whittaker Florida police handed out citations and threatened to arrest two priests and a 90-year-old veteran volunteer…

The war plumes of smoke billow from the capitols of D.C., Brussels, and Moscow

The war plumes of smoke billow from the capitols of D.C., Brussels, and Moscow

Greetings, Can you not smell it? The war plumes of smoke billow from the capitols of D.C., Brussels, and Moscow. The stench of war can be smelled from East to…

(Vid Inc.)The empire’s lust for domination cannot be contained – US empire trying to capture Ukraine

(Vid Inc.)The empire’s lust for domination cannot be contained – US empire trying to capture Ukraine

Greetings, War is coming. The empire’s lust for domination cannot be contained. The only way of containment is for her to be exposed, disgrace, badly beaten and weakened, then destroyed.…

Putin Tackles U.S. Treachery in Global Affairs

Putin Tackles U.S. Treachery in Global Affairs

Greetings,     Putin Tackles U.S. Treachery in Global Affairs Taking down President al-Assad bound to end in more bloodshed, more chaos, less freedom for all. By Richard Walker — By…

China unveils anti-drone laser weapon able to shoot down ‘small aircraft’ within 5 seconds

China unveils anti-drone laser weapon able to shoot down ‘small aircraft’ within 5 seconds

Greetings, China unveils anti-drone laser weapon able to shoot down ‘small aircraft’ within 5 seconds China has developed and successfully tested a highly accurate laser defense system against light drones.…

Russia’s messages are being heard in Brussels and in D.C.

Greetings, (Note: I figured that sooner rather than later American/NATO’s leadership would get the hint of what Russia has been saying to them militarily. Outside of the public’s view, Russia…

North Korea has acquired 2nd strike nuclear capability in it’s effort to confront America

North Korea has acquired 2nd strike nuclear capability in it’s effort to confront America

Greetings, Satellite photos reveal North Korea has built its own submarine capable of carrying ballistic missiles —   NORTH Korea is believed to have completed a homegrown submarine capable of…

Absolute Corruption

Greetings, America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. There will be no return to the “good ol’ times”. She is coming to an end. The…

(Video)Demise of the Petrodollar and the End of American Power – The Colder War by Marin Katusa

(Video)Demise of the Petrodollar and the End of American Power – The Colder War by Marin Katusa

Greetings,  Demise of the Petrodollar and the End of American Power – The Colder War by Marin Katusa Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com…

(Chinese Military)PLA’s DF-31B ICBM ‘poses threat to US national security’

(Chinese Military)PLA’s DF-31B ICBM ‘poses threat to US national security’

Greetings,   PLA’s DF-31B ICBM ‘poses threat to US national security’ DF-31A launchers together with DF-15B tactical missiles during a military parade held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the…

Alabama school system paid former FBI agent $157,000 to spy on black students: critics

Alabama school system paid former FBI agent $157,000 to spy on black students: critics

Greetings, Alabama school system paid former FBI agent $157,000 to spy on black students: critics Huntsville City Schools (HCS) paid a former Federal Bureau of Investigations agent $157,000 to direct…

(Video)Paul Craig Roberts on Russia-Ukraine-EU Gas Deal

(Video)Paul Craig Roberts on Russia-Ukraine-EU Gas Deal

Greetings, Paul Craig Roberts on Russia-Ukraine-EU Gas Deal…

Iran, Russia set to sign monetary treaty to trade in national currencies ousting the US dollar’s use between them completely

Iran, Russia set to sign monetary treaty to trade in national currencies ousting the US dollar’s use between them completely

Greetings, Iran, Russia to trade in national currencies A boost in Tehran-Moscow ties; Iran and Russia will soon sign a monetary treaty to remove the US dollar from banking transactions…

Russia’s response to NATO & America’s latest threats

Greetings, Notice how this latest test firing of this newly developed ballistic missile, a missile I might that neither America nor NATO has any defense against, was done at the…

China is expected to launch submarines carrying fully armed nuclear missiles this year

China is expected to launch submarines carrying fully armed nuclear missiles this year

Greetings, China is expected to launch submarines carrying fully armed nuclear missiles this year China is expected to pass another milestone this year when it sets a different type of…

Total War Over The Petrodollar

Total War Over The Petrodollar

Greetings, Total War Over The Petrodollar Submitted by Marin Katusa via Casey Research, The conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Total SA’s chief executive, Christophe de Margerie, started the second…

The Shackles Return: Why Debtors’ Prisons Are Making An American Comeback

The Shackles Return: Why Debtors’ Prisons Are Making An American Comeback

Greetings,   The Shackles Return: Why Debtors’ Prisons Are Making An American Comeback Devon Douglas-Bowers Activist Post The debtors’ prison is an old, decrepit institution that many thought was abolished…

(Video) COLLAPSE OF AMERICA – The American Dream Is Over, Welcome to the Police State

Greetings,     COLLAPSE OF AMERICA – The American Dream Is Over, Welcome to the Police State Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com COLLAPSE OF AMERICA – The American Dream Is Over, Welcome to the Police…