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(Video)American Epidemic? NYPD cop shoots dead unarmed man ‘without warning’

(Video)American Epidemic? NYPD cop shoots dead unarmed man ‘without warning’

Greetings,  American Epidemic? NYPD cop shoots dead unarmed man ‘without warning’…

Russia is sending NATO a message: Russian satellite may be able to chase spacecraft

Greetings, Note: This is exactly what Messenger Elijah Muhammad was talking about when he told us that… “Each, America and Russia, the two most powerful war-factors of the world, is seeking…

Russian Bombers Threaten Guam

Russian Bombers Threaten Guam

Greetings, (Important note: This comes just after US senators demanded that America supply Ukraine with offensive weaponry, which would be tantamount to openly arming Ukraine against Russia. This also comes…

US worries as China prepares for war: China nuclear forces significantly expanding

US worries as China prepares for war: China nuclear forces significantly expanding

Greetings, Report: China nuclear forces significantly expanding Commission report faults administration for not releasing data on Chinese nuclear forces Chinese vehicles armed with Dongfeng 31A missile / APChinese vehicles armed…

French Shipbuilders Float Out Second Mistral-Class Warship for Russia

French Shipbuilders Float Out Second Mistral-Class Warship for Russia

Greetings, French Shipbuilders Float Out Second Mistral-Class Warship for Russia The Vladivostok Mistral-class helicopter carrier.French Shipbuilders Float Out Second Mistral-Class Warship for Russia © AP Photo/ Laetitia Notarianni (Sputnik) –…

Chevron is at odds with indigenous communities in southwest Argentina

Greetings, Chevron is at odds with indigenous communities in southwest Argentina The second world´s biggest shale gas reserve better known as “Vaca Muerta” is located about 1200 KM southwest Buenos…

If you still think that the court system was about meting out justice…there you have it: California Tells Court It Can’t Release Inmates Early Because It Would Lose Cheap Prison Labor

If you still think that the court system was about meting out justice…there you have it:  California Tells Court It Can’t Release Inmates Early Because It Would Lose Cheap Prison Labor

Greetings,    California Tells Court It Can’t Release Inmates Early Because It Would Lose Cheap Prison Labor Out of California’s years-long litigation over reducing the population of prisons deemed unconstitutionally…

She is after America – Has Russia launched a top secret satellite killer?

She is after America – Has Russia launched a top secret satellite killer?

Greetings, Note:This is how what Russia is embarking on with her movements in outer-spare has already been foretold…” They (the white man) wish that they could make the Moon a…

Putin calls for restoration of int’l systems, accuses U.S. dictatorship

Greetings,   Putin calls for restoration of int’l systems, accuses U.S. dictatorship Russian President Vladimir Putin Friday accused the U.S. “unilateral dictatorship and enforcement of western models” of bringing about escalation…

Russia may strike another venture/deal with China that may crucify the dollar

Russia may strike another venture/deal with China that may crucify the dollar

Greetings, (Note: This latest announcement coming out of Russia is putting more and more stress of the US dollar. If Russia and China announce complete oil and gas trade settlement…

(Video)’Russia is not threat to US, but to its domination’ – Richard Becker

(Video)’Russia is not threat to US, but to its domination’ – Richard Becker

Greetings,      ‘Russia is not threat to US, but to its domination’ – Richard Becker  …

Russia has massive ABM & 1st strike advantage over US/NATO

Russia has massive ABM & 1st strike advantage over US/NATO

Greetings,   Russia Has More Ballistic Missile Interceptors Than US: Arms Control A senior US arms control claimed that the United States currently has 30 interceptors, deployed in Alaska and…

More geopolitical accusations that will lead to a military confrontation: Russia in upgraded war of words with NATO

Greetings, War is coming. Tempers are flaring and and dissatisfaction is boiling over. The political distance between the major powers is such a gap that it has become impossible to…

Putin:’US wants to subdue Russia, but no one did or ever will’

Putin:’US wants to subdue Russia, but no one did or ever will’

Greetings, Putin:’US wants to subdue Russia, but no one did or ever will’ The US has no plans to humiliate Russia, but instead wants to subdue it, Russian President Vladimir…

The Real America Stood Up In Ferguson!

The Real America Stood Up In Ferguson!

Greetings, You are  quickly awakening to see the man of sin for who is really is. You see it in Philadelphia. You see it in New York. You see in…

US Doesn’t Want to Stop ISIL – Only Exploit them for Other Means

US Doesn’t Want to Stop ISIL – Only Exploit them for Other Means

Greetings,   US Doesn’t Want to Stop ISIL – Only Exploit them for Other Means US Airstrikes Against ISIL not Meant to Destroy ISIL By SteveMC Reports from Underground “ICH”…

Just my few thoughts: Obama is AWOL on Ferguson

Just my few thoughts: Obama is AWOL on Ferguson

Greetings, A picture says more than a thousand words. Just to let you Obama lovers know, This is happening right under your blind eyes and stopped ears. The American government,…

You would think that the ferguson protestors were Al-qaeda as Missouri governor declares state of emergency ahead of Brown verdict

You would think that the ferguson protestors were Al-qaeda as Missouri governor declares state of emergency ahead of Brown verdict

Greetings,   Missouri governor declares state of emergency ahead of Brown verdict 1st Video Link Is Here The governor of the US state of Missouri declared a state of emergency on…

America’s Russia policy: Surround her..Destabilize her..Balkanize her, then steal her resources

America’s Russia policy: Surround her..Destabilize her..Balkanize her, then steal her resources

Greetings, We have been writing about these covert plans to balkanize Russia. America is trying to encircle Russia, start conflicts to pre-occupy her in order to wear her resistance down…

American/Russian nuclear face-off: Time ,under the decree of God, is forcing this to come about.

American/Russian nuclear face-off: Time ,under the decree of God, is forcing this to come about.

Greetings, The powers of this world must fighting it out with their deadly weapons they own. They can’t hold back conflict and confrontation. Time ,under the decree of God, is…

Geopolitical tit-4-tat: German embassy employee expelled from Moscow

Geopolitical tit-4-tat: German embassy employee expelled from Moscow

Greetings, (Note: Just a reminder….”In Berlin, Germany, the cold war between the East and West will soon erupt into a hot war. It will never be settled in peace.”-pg.172*TFOA*) German…

‘Politics blinded them?’ Putin says sanctions against Russia may backfire on Ukraine

‘Politics blinded them?’ Putin says sanctions against Russia may backfire on Ukraine

Greetings, ‘Politics blinded them?’ Putin says sanctions against Russia may backfire on Ukraine It’s astounding that the EU and US don’t realize that by limiting Russia’s access to international capital,…

US Needs NATO Expansion for Possible Confrontation With China: Lawmaker

Greetings,   US Needs NATO Expansion for Possible Confrontation With China: Lawmaker The United States is trying to consolidate Europe via NATO eastward expansion aiming at rivalry with China for…

This is how a Narcissistic sociopath operates

Greetings, According to arrogant America, she had to bomb Iraq and Libya over weapons and suspected WMD. She tried to bomb Syria over this trumped up mess. Crazy huh? In…

China – Russia Eurasian Trade Bloc Undermines Obama’s “Neocon Agenda”: Prof. Michael Hudson

China – Russia Eurasian Trade Bloc Undermines Obama’s “Neocon Agenda”: Prof. Michael Hudson

Greetings,   China – Russia Eurasian Trade Bloc Undermines Obama’s “Neocon Agenda”: Prof. Michael Hudson President Putin Pledges to Increase Trade with China and Asia to Rebuke Sanctions   400…

Wasting no time for the coming war, New Stealth Submarine to Join Russian Navy by End of Year: Defense Ministry

Wasting no time for the coming war, New Stealth Submarine to Join Russian Navy by End of Year: Defense Ministry

Greetings,   New Stealth Submarine to Join Russian Navy by End of Year: Defense Ministry   Defense Ministry spokesperson announced that diesel-electric submarine Rostov-on-Don will join the Russian Navy by the…

(Video)COLD WAR: This Is World War 3 Read

(Video)COLD WAR: This Is World War 3 Read

Greetings,  COLD WAR: This Is World War 3 Source: http://investmentwatchblog.com…

(Vid In.)The flight out of US dollars has intensified…This signals the collapse of American power!

(Vid In.)The flight out of US dollars has intensified…This signals the collapse of American power!

Greetings, Note: And the nations are headed for war. Economic wars, currency wars, and sanctions wars are usually followed by shooting wars according to history. Everyone is trying to prepare.…

(Video)Fascist America: Police shut down Walmart workers’ protest

(Video)Fascist America: Police shut down Walmart workers’ protest

Greetings, Police shut down Walmart workers’ protest…

(Vid Inc.)France may go bankrupt because of her “Mistral” cycle

Greetings, Here is a case of turmoil and division across the European political and economic spectrum. Russia built 75% of the new Mistral warships and then sent the stern to…