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’71 death threats’: Michael Brown’s family pastor believes fire that trashed his church was intentional

Greetings, ’71 death threats’: Michael Brown’s family pastor believes fire that trashed his church was intentional Flood Christian Church Pastor Carlton Lee [NBC News] While federal officials are investigating the…

Exposed – Imperial America & her unquenchable thirst for war!

Exposed – Imperial America & her unquenchable thirst for war!

Greetings, Just as it was said, she would be exposed in the last days or final hours of America. The nations are now awake. They are seeing her for who…

America’s worst nightmare: They(your enemies) have what you have!

Greetings, What is going on? Didn’t Elijah Muhammad state that at the end of this world America’s enemies would have the same type of weapons that she has, and some…

Head to head over Ukraine in Europe

Head to head over Ukraine in Europe

Greetings, For sometime now we have been telling you that the Cold War never stopped. That America saw her chance at global domination after the fall of the Soviet Union,…

As China gears up for war…She(America) is now losing the power and authority everywhere.

As China gears up for war…She(America) is now losing the power and authority everywhere.

Greetings, When we talk about Asia, America was given a clear cut choice…” It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America must come out of Asia, or be…

(Must see video) English: Exclusive ARD interview with Russian President Putin | Günther Jauch | ARD

Greetings,    English: Exclusive ARD interview with Russian President Putin | Günther Jauch | ARD…

Russia Is Ready for Shooting War, Will Likely Win Looming Nuclear Showdown with U.S.

Greetings, (We told you!!!)With the deployment of US weapons and troops to Eastern Europe in a very provocative act, and with more disinformation and lies by NATO and US officials…

(Video Inc.)”Have We Taken Leave Of Our Senses?” Stop Playing War Games In The Ukraine

(Video Inc.)”Have We Taken Leave Of Our Senses?” Stop Playing War Games In The Ukraine

Greetings, “Have We Taken Leave Of Our Senses?” Stop Playing War Games In The Ukraine By Nigel Farage MEP “Do we actually want to have a war with Putin? Because…

(A must listen)Obey or Else – American Police State

Greetings,    Obey or Else – American Police State  …

US deploys tanks to Eastern Europe, Russian Airbase in Crimea Reinforced by New Fighter Jets

US deploys tanks to Eastern Europe, Russian Airbase in Crimea Reinforced by New Fighter Jets

Greetings, PHOTO: Russian Airbase in Crimea Reinforced by New Fighter Jets PHOTO: Russian Airbase in Crimea Reinforced by New Fighter Jets © Sputnik. Vasiliy Batanov MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE 14 fighter…

Sergei Lavrov brings the West a message from Putin: Moscow will support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad amid the Western inspired crisis that has gripped Syria

Sergei Lavrov brings the West a message from Putin: Moscow will support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad amid the Western inspired crisis that has gripped Syria

Greetings,  Note: Russia has never been the blunt in front of the camera concerning Syria and the current administration of President Bashir Al-Assad. I do believe that this is a…

The build up for Gog & MaGog’s battle in Europe continues

Greetings, Note: This is another highly provocatives move by America near Russia. Why? It’s because both of these power recognize the time. America knows that her last change for power…

(Vid In)Cop fires gun at unarmed Florida man rushing home during daughter’s asthma attack

Greetings, Cop fires gun at unarmed Florida man rushing home during daughter’s asthma attack A Florida sheriff’s deputy averted a gunshot at the last second Tuesday to avoid wounding a…

(Vid Inc.)Denver cops trip pregnant woman face first into pavement as they pound boyfriend’s head

Greetings, Denver cops trip pregnant woman face first into pavement as they pound boyfriend’s head A witness says that Denver police officers abused a pregnant woman and her boyfriend, and…

US Plays Chicken With Russia

Greetings,   US Plays Chicken With Russia   By Minister Sergey Lavrov Russian Foreign Minister Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the XXII Assembly of the Council on Foreign…

Russia’s new subs can shoot Bulava missiles while moving under Arctic ice

Russia’s new subs can shoot Bulava missiles while moving under Arctic ice

Greetings, Russia’s new subs can shoot Bulava missiles while moving under Arctic ice In the middle of December, the Navy of Russia will receive the third of eight state-of-the-art submarines…

Black America…Second to dogs in American society!

Greetings, When a dog hunts for a hunter, the hunter (master) will sometimes share part of the game with the dog. The Black slave has helped his master to overcome…

US police are killing Black Americans with impunity…So we must stand and defend ourselves!

US police are killing Black Americans with impunity…So we must stand and defend ourselves!

Greetings, With more and more cases of police murdering black youth being caught on camera, and with more and more instances of them getting off scott free regardless to the…

And to spit directly into the face of not only the oppressed in Ferguson…Ferguson’s mayor says Officer Darren Wilson remains on the force

Greetings, Note: And to spit directly into the face of not only the oppressed in Ferguson, but also in the face of the entire black populace living here in the…

Blacks in US face shoot-to-kill policy

Blacks in US face shoot-to-kill policy

Greetings, Blacks in US face shoot-to-kill policy: Commentator Killing people particularly African Americans has essentially become a policy in the United States, says an American commentator. “African Americans have been…

10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States

10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States

Greetings, 10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States By Michael Snyder If the United States and Russia fought a nuclear…

The scholars and the scientists know that America cannot win…Cold War 2.0 not a likely win for the US

Greetings, Are you starting to see and understand God’s divine truth made manifest today? It is very clear. In fact it’s crystal! Allah (God) intends to repay America for what…

(All The Makings Of Thermonuclear War)NATO Jets Surrounding Russia: Before And After

(All The Makings Of Thermonuclear War)NATO Jets Surrounding Russia: Before And After

Greetings, Note: All of this is going on due to prophecy. The face off between East & West must take place and it is here where America’s last semblance of…

‘I miss my daddy’: Tears of girl, 2, whose unarmed father was ‘accidentally’ shot dead in housing project by rookie NYPD officer, as family vow to fight for justice

Greetings, ‘I miss my daddy’: Tears of girl, 2, whose unarmed father was ‘accidentally’ shot dead in housing project by rookie NYPD officer, as family vow to fight for justice…

(Video)Western sanctions aimed at regime change in Russia

(Video)Western sanctions aimed at regime change in Russia

Greetings, The nations are awake to America’s games. She is being exposed for every nation to see her hypocrisy. Now they are standing up saying that this will not go…

De-Dollarization: Is BRICS a Viable Alternative to the U.S. Dominated World Economic System?

Greetings, De-Dollarization: Is BRICS a Viable Alternative to the U.S. Dominated World Economic System? Interview with Asam Ismi of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives By Asad Ismi and Peter…

They want to take her in her prime – China & Russia To Accuse U.S. Of Not Having The Gold

They want to take her in her prime – China & Russia To Accuse U.S. Of Not Having The Gold

Greetings, (Note: Remember how Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us that Allah would stir up the nations against America. We are now seeing it. He stated that Allah caused her enemies,…

Washington plays Russian roulette

Washington plays Russian roulette

Greetings, Washington plays Russian roulette The propaganda attack against Russian President Vladimir Putin equating him with Adolf Hitler is so extreme that you have to think that the Russians cannot…

(Video)’Situation in Ukraine is result of US struggle to dominate world’

Greetings, The whole world is waking up to American hypocrisy. They are starting to see her for what she is. She is the cause of the destabilized world. It is…

Provocative…US launches war games near Chinese/Japanese disputed isles

Provocative…US launches war games near Chinese/Japanese disputed isles

Greetings, This is exactly why America must fall. This is exactly why she will soon be pushed out of the Near East, Africa, and the Far East. She is a…