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Quiet economic war at play – Russia cuts of investments in US government bonds

Quiet economic war at play – Russia cuts of investments in US government bonds

Greetings, US notes Russia cuts of investments in US government bonds The US Treasury noted Russia’s gradual cuts in investments of its free financial resources in US government bonds. This…

NATO looks on in awe…In the heart of Europe Russian military completes rapid-deployment drills in Kaliningrad

Greetings, Russian military completes rapid-deployment drills in Kaliningrad The Russian military has concluded a massive surprise drill in the Kaliningrad region to test the combat readiness of some 9,000 troops…

Ex-Nashville police officer indicted for raping prostitute while on duty

Greetings, Ex-Nashville police officer indicted for raping prostitute while on duty grand jury has indicted a former Nashville police officer on charges of rape, misconduct and official oppression. The Tennessean…

(4vids in.)The West maybe biting off more than they can chew as NATO continues it’s push for war with Russia

(4vids in.)The West maybe biting off more than they can chew as NATO continues it’s push for war with Russia

Greetings, America, through her war mongering alliance called NATO, is pushing the bounds. She is desperate and is doing what desperate former powers do. She has the mindset that if…

(Vid)They’re after each other – Russia vows tit-for-tat moves in response to US sanctions

(Vid)They’re after each other – Russia vows tit-for-tat moves in response to US sanctions

Greetings, What can you say except….” Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart. We like them both smart like…

They hate you & it shows!(San Diego council staffer on local ‘f*cking idiot’ Ferguson protesters: ‘I wanted to shoot them’)

They hate you & it shows!(San Diego council staffer on local ‘f*cking idiot’ Ferguson protesters: ‘I wanted to shoot them’)

Greetings, All this does is show you just how these people in office really feel about you. It’s a open secret. They hate black America. They just know how to…

America’s policy of Black incarceration….Slavery by another name!

America’s policy of Black incarceration….Slavery by another name!

Greetings, The scriptures teaches us that Allah would pull the covering off of this nation and expose it to all the world for her hypocrisy. As she trumpets human rights…

Israel dipping into Lebanon’s oil, gas reserves

Israel dipping into Lebanon’s oil, gas reserves

Greetings, Israel dipping into Lebanon’s oil, gas reserves: MP A member of Lebanon’s parliament says the Israeli regime has been stealing from the country’s offshore oil and gas reserves for…

(Vid In.)Putting It Together….and You See The Big Picture = The Complete Collapse Of The Petrodollar System.

(Vid In.)Putting It Together….and You See The Big Picture = The Complete Collapse Of The Petrodollar System.

Greetings, Putting It Together….and You See The Big Picture = The Complete Collapse Of The Petrodollar System. The following is just this weeks news: *Russia moves up it’s testing of…

How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO’s Strategy

How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO’s Strategy

Greetings, How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO’s Strategy by Thierry Meyssan Russia is reacting to the economic war which NATO is waging against her in the way she would have reacted…

‘I ran that n***** over’: Two women who encouraged their friend to run over and kill black man after brutally beating and robbing him in unprovoked race-hate attack face prison

Greetings, ‘I ran that n***** over’: Two women who encouraged their friend to run over and kill black man after brutally beating and robbing him in unprovoked race-hate attack face…

America’s judicial fraud…

Greetings, Exposed for everyone to see her hypocrisy. America is always trying to tell others about human rights, freedom, justice, equality, and the rule of law when in her own…

Russia in High-Stakes Battle Over a New Global Monetary System

Russia in High-Stakes Battle Over a New Global Monetary System

Greetings, Russia in High-Stakes Battle Over a New Global Monetary System Bretton Woods is disintegrating before our very eyes Chinese – Russian move away from $ based system is real…

FBI to investigate death of black North Carolina teen found hanging from swing set

FBI to investigate death of black North Carolina teen found hanging from swing set

Greetings, FBI to investigate death of black North Carolina teen found hanging from swing set The FBI will investigate the case of Lennon Lacy, the black teenager found hanging in…

US, NATO trying to threaten and contain Russia for years

Greetings,    US, NATO trying to threaten and contain Russia for years: Joe Iosbaker An American political commentator says the US is the aggressor in Ukraine and it is not…

Massive protests slam police brutality across US

Massive protests slam police brutality across US

Greetings, Massive protests slam police brutality across US Hundreds of thousands of protesters have marched in major US cities, highlighting a “Week of Outrage,” to protest against rampant racism and…

(Vid)Venezuela to exclude US dollar from monetary reserves

(Vid)Venezuela to exclude US dollar from monetary reserves

Greetings, After unlawful economic sanctions forced upon them by America to bring Venezuela to her knees in utter collapse and decay, Venezuela moves to push back by completely banning trade…

The American Empire…Unhinged, paranoid, and desperate for war

The American Empire…Unhinged, paranoid, and desperate for war

Greetings, When America can’t get her way she threatens , sanctions, and demonizes the ones who refuses to bow to her dictates. She is now threatening Russia with the redeployment…

Russia & America are on a collision course in Europe

Russia & America are on a collision course in Europe

Greetings, Now things are getting more tense in Europe as America ups the ante’ by openly passing a resolution to arm a country which historically has been part of Russia,…

While screaming “sovereign rights” of nation states, America tries to overthrow Cuban gov. Using hip-hop

While screaming “sovereign rights” of nation states, America tries to overthrow Cuban gov. Using hip-hop

Greetings, What have we been saying since 1930?…”America loves meddling into other people’s affairs. She just cannot stay out of other people’s business, whether they be a two-cents worth soap-box…

(Russia ain’t buying what the US is selling)Russia Alleges US Hand Behind ISIS Growth: Smells Hidden Agenda In Ground War Proposal

(Russia ain’t buying what the US is selling)Russia Alleges US Hand Behind ISIS Growth: Smells Hidden Agenda In Ground War Proposal

Greetings, Russia Alleges US Hand Behind ISIS Growth: Smells Hidden Agenda In Ground War Proposal Russia has accused the United States of having patronised the Islamic State radicals to grow…

US Government Alert to Possible Nuclear Weapons in Crimea: Undersecretary

US Government Alert to Possible Nuclear Weapons in Crimea: Undersecretary

Greetings, US Government Alert to Possible Nuclear Weapons in Crimea: Undersecretary The US Undersecretary of State for International Security stated that the US government has great concerns about the movement…

VIDEO: Cops call black woman a ‘dumb b*tch’ as they Taser her over cell phone recording dispute

VIDEO: Cops call black woman a ‘dumb b*tch’ as they Taser her over cell phone recording dispute

Greetings, VIDEO: Cops call woman a ‘dumb b*tch’ as they Taser her over cell phone recording dispute A Baltimore woman has sued police over her arrest earlier this year while…

Is Ukraine Preparing for a Nuclear False Flag to Frame Russia?

Is Ukraine Preparing for a Nuclear False Flag to Frame Russia?

Greetings, Is Ukraine Preparing for a Nuclear False Flag to Frame Russia? Russia’s State Advisor, Director of The Institute of Problems of Globalization, Doctor of Economics, author Mikhail Delyagin tells…

WATCH: Cop caught on video slamming handcuffed teen to the ground for ‘borderline disorderly’ conduct

WATCH: Cop caught on video slamming handcuffed teen to the ground for ‘borderline disorderly’ conduct

Greetings, WATCH: Cop caught on video slamming handcuffed teen to the ground for ‘borderline disorderly’ conduct By Arturo Garcia ARTURO GARCIA police officer can be seen throwing a 16-year-old boy…

While you’re focused on sport & play, Judgment is after America

While you’re focused on sport & play, Judgment is after America

Greetings, While the devil keeps black America’s minds on sport & play, gossip, entertainment and foolishness the whole world order is being turned upside down to their unawareness. This is…

They are not taking NATO threats lightly: Russian Military Plans to Buy 100 Planes, 600 Armored Vehicles Annually

They are not taking NATO threats lightly: Russian Military Plans to Buy 100 Planes, 600 Armored Vehicles Annually

Greetings, Note: If you don’t think that Russia is taking America’s encirclement and threats from NATO serious, i suggest that you read this and reconsider! Russian Military Plans to Buy…

NATO Justifies Military Buildup Near Russia by ‘Fairy Tales’

NATO Justifies Military Buildup Near Russia by ‘Fairy Tales’

Greetings, NATO Justifies Military Buildup Near Russia by ‘Fairy Tales’ The chief of the Russian General Staff said on Wednesday that NATO has been using “fairy tales” to justify its…

(Vid In.)Everything is set up for war(Pt.2)

(Vid In.)Everything is set up for war(Pt.2)

Greetings, You can see by her(America) policies at home and abroad that her policy makers, her officials, and her military brass have become unhinged from reality. She is in haste…

(Video)PROOF We Live In A Racist Society or #Criming While White

(Video)PROOF We Live In A Racist Society or #Criming While White

Greetings, PROOF We Live In A Racist Society or #Criming While White\…