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No talk, no bravado, just straight forward to the West( Russia Successfully Test Launches AMB Killer RS-24 Yars ICBM )

No talk, no bravado, just straight forward to the West( Russia Successfully Test Launches AMB Killer RS-24 Yars ICBM )

Greetings, This latest move by Russia comes just on NATO pushing their puppets in Kiev to forego the Non-align status of Ukraine in a push towards joining NATO. Some in…

(Video In.)Putin is winning the oil war: Katusa

(Video In.)Putin is winning the oil war: Katusa

Greetings,    Putin is winning the oil war: Katusa In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Candy Crowley last Sunday, President Obama addressed critics who believed he was too soft on…

(Vid In.)This is the day that America gets exposed…Clashes will continue

(Vid In.)This is the day that America gets exposed…Clashes will continue

Greetings, The world knows that America’s brutality towards her ex-slaves is intensifying because she is mad that the dead in God are rising, and this means the loss of American…

Russian ‘ABM killer’ intercontinental missile to enter service in 2016

Russian ‘ABM killer’ intercontinental missile to enter service in 2016

Greetings, Note: Boy I tell you, every step of the way we can see war is coming! It’s an electric atmosphere. Geopolitics is leading these nations down the slope of…

The explosive global landscape represents “The Kindling Up Of Hell!”

The explosive global landscape represents “The Kindling Up Of Hell!”

Greetings, The entire political, economic, cultural, and geopolitical landscape has become explosive. Diplomacy has failed. Leaders are at odds. Nations have become divided. The corruption and evil venom of the…

It will become clearer and clearer that separation between Black and white is the only solution to the ills that plague America

Greetings, It will become clearer and clearer that separation between Black and white is the only solution to the ills that plague America. America is hindering the solution and everyday…

Russian lead CSTO states plan to set up collective air force to rival NATO

Russian lead CSTO states plan to set up collective air force to rival NATO

Greetings, CSTO states plan to set up collective air force Member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) plan to establish collective air force. This issue was put on…

America’s Dangerous Double Standard on Air and Sea «Provocations»

America’s Dangerous Double Standard on Air and Sea «Provocations»

Greetings, America’s Dangerous Double Standard on Air and Sea «Provocations» The United States and its NATO allies are mightily agitated about the increase in Russian air and naval activity near…

(3vids In.)The Cold War is starting to warm up – US/NATO could trigger all-out war with Russia over intransigent Ukrainian policy

(3vids In.)The Cold War is starting to warm up – US/NATO could trigger all-out war with Russia over intransigent Ukrainian policy

Greetings, America and NATO have become unhinged. In their quest for global domination and geopolitical advantage over Russia the Western political and military leaders have been blinded by the lust…

Russia, China mock divide and rule

Russia, China mock divide and rule

Greetings, Russia, China mock divide and rule By Pepe Escobar ROME and BEIJING – The Roman Empire did it. The British Empire copied it in style. The Empire of Chaos…

(10vids In.)In the East/West face-off over Ukraine, the winds of (thermonuclear) war are blowing across the European landscape

(10vids In.)In the East/West face-off over Ukraine, the winds of (thermonuclear) war are blowing across the European landscape

Greetings, We have known this for a long time being up from slavery, and now others are starting to recognize this fact. America is wicked beyond your and my imagination.…

Russia hits back hard against US – Rosneft abandons transaction with Morgan Stanley

Russia hits back hard against US – Rosneft abandons transaction with Morgan Stanley

Greetings, Russia’s Rosneft abandons transaction with Morgan Stanley Russia’s oil giant, Rosneft, has announced that it will scrap a major business deal with American bank, Morgan Stanley, as the institution…

(Vid)Your tax dollars at work – NYPD was sued average of 10 times a day last year

Greetings, Note: You must watch this video. You will see just how racist this force is. Yet they want you to believe that there is no racial biases in their…

Western countries declare economic war on Russia — Russian Railways CEO

Greetings, Western countries declare economic war on Russia — Russian Railways CEO Russia is going to make friends and cooperate with those who want a balanced world Vladimir Yakunin, the…

(Vid In.)Police shooting in NY City staged to discredit “I Can’t Breathe” movement!

(Vid In.)Police shooting in NY City staged to discredit “I Can’t Breathe” movement!

Greetings, The nation has been taken into a world wind of violence. The people are rattling. The people are rising up against those who are sworn to protect them, yet…

Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports

Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports

    Greetings,  Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash: Reports Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported, citing an airbase employee that Ukrainian air force Su-25 combat jet took off…

(Vid)Shlomo Sand on ‘Why I stopped being a Jew’ & ‘racism in Israeli society’

(Vid)Shlomo Sand on ‘Why I stopped being a Jew’ & ‘racism in Israeli society’

Greetings, Shlomo Sand on ‘Why I stopped being a Jew’ & ‘racism in Israeli society’…

Russian naval base resumes in Crimea

Russian naval base resumes in Crimea

Greetings, Russian naval base resumes in Crimea The headquarters are in Sevastopol, where until March 19 were the headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy The Crimean naval base, a part of…

It was the EU that provoked the Ukrainian shambles, not Vladimir Putin

It was the EU that provoked the Ukrainian shambles, not Vladimir Putin

Greetings, It was the EU that provoked the Ukrainian shambles, not Vladimir Putin The EU has a remorseless urge to draw the cradle of Russian identity into its own empire,…

America’s Deadly Embrace

America’s Deadly Embrace

Greetings, America’s Deadly Embrace By Stephen Lendman Global Research Forget about Greeks. Beware US normalization schemes. So-called rapprochement. Targeting unwary nations. Sucking them into its web. Like spiders overwhelming prey.…

(3vids In.)Ohio cops run over, then arrest woman who was protesting killing of unarmed black man at Walmart

(3vids In.)Ohio cops run over, then arrest woman who was protesting killing of unarmed black man at Walmart

Greetings, Ohio cops run over, then arrest woman who was protesting killing of unarmed black man at Walmart Police in Beavercreek, Ohio backed over, then arrested a woman protesting in…

America, they’re saying “tit-4-tat”: China expanding military facilities

America, they’re saying “tit-4-tat”: China expanding military facilities

Greetings,   China expanding military facilities: Japan report The photo shows a P-3C patrol plane of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force flying over the disputed islets known as the Senkaku islands…

Obama Signs in “Lethal Aid” to Ukraine. Now for the Russian Response US upped the ante to goad Russia into matching

Obama Signs in “Lethal Aid” to Ukraine. Now for the Russian Response US upped the ante to goad Russia into matching Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge) As we explained previously, quietly…

Proof that the world is headed for war!

Greetings, By now it should be ever so clear that Russia and America are preparing for war and are trying to position themselves for advantage. Nothing could be made any…

“Checkmate: The Game Is Over” As Russia Begins Selling Oil For Gold

“Checkmate: The Game Is Over” As Russia Begins Selling Oil For Gold

Greetings, “Checkmate: The Game Is Over” As Russia Begins Selling Oil For Gold By Live Free or Die Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And…

Russia is warning the West – Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam

Russia is warning the West – Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam

Greetings, Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam Earlier aircraft incursions near Alaska and Europe Russian strategic bombers conducted a third circumnavigation of the U.S. Pacific island of Guam last week…

North Korea Warns US of Nuclear Response

North Korea Warns US of Nuclear Response

Greetings, Note: Just after America’s latest accusations against North Korea claiming that the North committed an act of war by fingering them as the culprits in what the press is…

(Vid In.) And you don’t want separation from them!

(Vid In.) And you don’t want separation from them!

Greetings, She is brutal against you. She kills you at will. She demonizes your existence. She sends you off to fight her wars of conquest and aggression and when you…

PLA’s global power projection cannot be stopped: US academic

PLA’s global power projection cannot be stopped: US academic

Greetings, Note: When reading the information below let it be known that China’s rise is prophesied. Allah allowed this because the yellow man was made for the purpose of chasing…

(Inc. 3 Vids)Full off of madness, but begging for war!

Greetings, The echoes of war are reverberating across the entire global landscape. There is no peace anywhere nor can there be peace anywhere as long as the peace breaker is…