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Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar

Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar

Greetings, Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar Back in November, before most grasped just how serious the collapse in crude was (and would become, as well as its…

Paul Craig Roberts – This New Crisis Is Worse Than Russia Unleashing Black Swans Against The West

Greetings, Paul Craig Roberts – This New Crisis Is Worse Than Russia Unleashing Black Swans Against The West Today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that this latest…

The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point

The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point

The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the…

EXCLUSIVE: Ferguson prosecutor accused of racial bias over deaths at police hands by family of ANOTHER unarmed man shot by cops who were cleared by grand jury in case almost identical to Michael Brown

EXCLUSIVE: Ferguson prosecutor accused of racial bias over deaths at police hands by family of ANOTHER unarmed man shot by cops who were cleared by grand jury in case almost identical to Michael Brown

Greetings, EXCLUSIVE: Ferguson prosecutor accused of racial bias over deaths at police hands by family of ANOTHER unarmed man shot by cops who were cleared by grand jury in case…

The Dogs Of War Are About To Be Let loose

The Dogs Of War Are About To Be Let loose

Greetings, They knows it is almost here. The recognize the signs. The wise of the white world see the coming cycle of war. And these wars are coming to rid…

They’re preparing for war with America – Chinese pilots arrive in Russia for training on 4.5+ gen. SU-35 warplanes

They’re preparing for war with America – Chinese pilots arrive in Russia for training on 4.5+ gen. SU-35 warplanes

Greetings, Chinese pilots arrive in Russia for Su-35 training A Su-35 fighter of the Russian Air Force. (Internet Photo) The arrival of Chinese pilots at a Russian Air Force training…

This black woman was shot dead by Ann Arbor police — but there’s been no national outcry

Greetings, This black woman was shot dead by Ann Arbor police — but there’s been no national outcry The day before Aura Rosser was shot and killed by Officer David…

NYC jails register record-breaking use of force against inmates in 2014

Greetings, NYC jails register record-breaking use of force against inmates in 2014 New York City jail guards used force against inmates more often than ever in 2014, on average 11…

Peculiarities of Russian National Character

Peculiarities of Russian National Character

Greetings, Peculiarities of Russian National Character By Dmitry Orlov “ICH” – Recent events, such as the overthrow of the government in Ukraine, the secession of Crimea and its decision to…

The situation in America is explosive: Las Vegas ‘sociopath’ cop won’t be fired for online posts about ‘race war’ and shooting Obama

The situation in America is explosive: Las Vegas ‘sociopath’ cop won’t be fired for online posts about ‘race war’ and shooting Obama

Greetings, This should be on your mind right now….”America is in the grip of divine judgment. America is in the position toward her once slave, so-called Negro, as Pharaoh was…

They’re serious about sidelining the US dollar – Ruble-yuan settlements to fuel Russia-China trade boom

They’re serious about sidelining the US dollar – Ruble-yuan settlements to fuel Russia-China trade boom

Greetings, Ruble-yuan settlements to fuel Russia-China trade boom — minister “Cooperation between Russia and China in 2014 has seen breakthroughs in numerous spheres,” Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said Deeper…

“And they will come from afar”…China and Russia to launch new credit rating agency in 2015 to challenge West

“And they will come from afar”…China and Russia to launch new credit rating agency in 2015 to challenge West

Greetings, This is direct attack on the dollar/euro system. And the thing is these two nations are no longer hiding their plans. They are going public with them and telling…

In subtle words, Russia warns the US of nuclear war: Russia Could Revise Commitment to START Due to ‘Unfriendly’ US Actions

In subtle words, Russia warns the US of nuclear war: Russia Could Revise Commitment to START Due to ‘Unfriendly’ US Actions

Greetings, These are part of the unintended consequences of imperial hubris on the part of America and NATO. Russia is no longer willing to take in on the chin. They…

Mich. cops beat handcuffed man in video: ‘You’re calling Jesus? Don’t you f*cking dare’

Greetings, You just cannot beat prophecy. The prophets knew of this brutality of the beast of a nation long before America ever existed. They spoke of the brutal treatment that…

Russia must keep USA at gunpoint

Russia must keep USA at gunpoint

Greetings, Russia must keep USA at gunpoint Russia’s military doctrine can be updated and altered against the changing nature of threats. Pravda.Ru interviewed President of the International Center for Geopolitical…

The Great Divider: America is once against stoking tensions on the Korean Peninsula

The Great Divider: America is once against stoking tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Greetings,  This is how America rolls. She just cannot help but stoke tensions between brother nations. This is how she maintains her policies and justifies her presence thousands of miles away…

The World Sets Poised For War And That Is Not Likely To Change As We March Down “The Five Steps To Armageddon”.

The World Sets Poised For War And That Is Not Likely To Change As We March Down “The Five Steps To Armageddon”.

Greetings, The World Sets Poised For War And That Is Not Likely To Change As We March Down “The Five Steps To Armageddon”. by Dave Hodges The world sits upon…

Ukraine’s Creditors Grab for the Biggest Pieces of Its Carcass

Ukraine’s Creditors Grab for the Biggest Pieces of Its Carcass

Greetings, Ukraine’s Creditors Grab for the Biggest Pieces of Its Carcass Ukraine completely torn apart Eric Zuesse Washington’s Blog The lifelong Russia-enemy George Soros, and the Russian government itself, are…

Russia warns US/NATO that you will be committing suicide if you dare attack

Russia warns US/NATO that you will be committing suicide if you dare attack

Greetings, I do believe that Moscow is sending a message to the US and NATO. By carrying out so many air defense drills this demonstrates to the West that Russia…

American Justice: Poor clients pay just to apply for a public defender

Greetings, Poor clients pay just to apply for a public defender A fee hike in New Jersey’s largest municipal court points to a national trend in offender-funded justice NEWARK, N.J.…

Man exonerated after spending 21 years in prison for murder he did not commit after ‘policeman FRAMED him by convincing woman to testify she saw him shoot victim’

Greetings, Man exonerated after spending 21 years in prison for murder he did not commit after ‘policeman FRAMED him by convincing woman to testify she saw him shoot victim’ Derrick…

Thank You Western Taxpayer: Russia To Accelerate $3bn Of Ukraine Debt

Thank You Western Taxpayer: Russia To Accelerate $3bn Of Ukraine Debt

Greetings, Thank You Western Taxpayer: Russia To Accelerate $3bn Of Ukraine Debt Just 13 short months ago – two months before then President Yanukovich was ousted – Russia lent Ukraine…

(Vid In.)Under the US dictates, Western credit agencies declare war on Russia

(Vid In.)Under the US dictates, Western credit agencies declare war on Russia

Greetings,   Something should be thought about is this. Russia has the lowest sovereign debt than any so-called industrialized nation, plus they have huge foreign reserves to call upon. They…

Almost ready for war: Quietly Russia nearly completes it’s own ABM shield

Greetings, Russia has almost finished its own quest for a defense zone giving it an option of a nuclear first strike without much fear of retaliation from it’s enemies. So…

Western nations on pins & needles as Russia’s stealth ‘black hole’ submarine prepares for 4,000km trip, deep water trials

Western nations on pins & needles as Russia’s stealth ‘black hole’ submarine prepares for 4,000km trip, deep water trials

Greetings, Russia’s stealth ‘black hole’ submarine prepares for 4,000km trip, deep water trials A new Russian advanced stealth submarine, dubbed a “black hole” by NATO for its ability to be…

The Road To War With Russia

The Road To War With Russia

Greetings, What most of you either don’t know or don’t understand is that war between Russia and America will happen regardless to whom or what. It can’t be avoided. Why?…

America’s war planners know the time – Pentagon concerned by China’s ever deadlier ICBMs

America’s war planners know the time – Pentagon concerned by China’s ever deadlier ICBMs

Greetings, Note: We every drop of world news coming out we see the fulfillment of the words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad on how he warned America that this yellow man…

Russian Marines to Prepare for Arctic Warfare in 2015: Northern Fleet

Russian Marines to Prepare for Arctic Warfare in 2015: Northern Fleet

Greetings, Russian Marines to Prepare for Arctic Warfare in 2015: Northern Fleet Russia’s Northern Fleet marines will participate in military exercises on the Arctic, according to Northern Fleet spokesperson Vadim…

Police in the US Kill Citizens at Over 70 Times the Rate of Other First-World Nations

Police in the US Kill Citizens at Over 70 Times the Rate of Other First-World Nations

Greetings, Police in the US Kill Citizens at Over 70 Times the Rate of Other First-World Nations In case you’ve been under a rock lately, it is becoming quite clear…

The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here’s a map of where those prisoners live.

The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here’s a map of where those prisoners live.

Greetings, The U.S. has more jails than colleges. Here’s a map of where those prisoners live.   There were 2.3 million prisoners in the U.S. as of the 2010 Census.…