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This wasn’t done by ISIS, It was done by so-called Christian America – Jim Crow lynchings were more common than thought with new report adding 700 more murdered African Americans to total of nearly 4,000

This wasn’t done by ISIS, It was done by so-called Christian America – Jim Crow lynchings were more common than thought with new report adding 700 more murdered African Americans to total of nearly 4,000

Greetings, Jim Crow lynchings were more common than thought with new report adding 700 more murdered African Americans to total of nearly 4,000 By ASHLEY COLLMAN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM The lynching…

Russia’s Newest Military Base In Europe Will Be Just 40km From NATO Facilities In Cyprus

Russia’s Newest Military Base In Europe Will Be Just 40km From NATO Facilities In Cyprus

Greetings, Russia’s Newest Military Base In Europe Will Be Just 40km From NATO Facilities In Cyprus “We want to avoid further deterioration in relations between Russia and Europe,” explained Cyprus’…

What If Putin Doesn’t Back Down?

What If Putin Doesn’t Back Down?

Greetings, What If Putin Doesn’t Back Down? The Beltway’s blind confidence in its ability to break Russia could push Moscow into desperate measures. What if Vladimir Putin really was tough?…

They’re being driven to war

They’re being driven to war

Greetings, What she gathered from this is that America’s insatiable thirst for total domination in every sphere of power be it geopolitical, political, economic, cultural, and technological…will not end until…

Putin’s comments….A shot across America’s/NATO’s imperial bow

Greetings, Gog & Magog must come to blows militarily. Any agreement concerning Ukraine will be only temporary. Prophecy tells us this. Putin: Russia will not allow a single country to…

Is Russia Preparing to Move to the Gold Standard?

Is Russia Preparing to Move to the Gold Standard?

Greetings, Is Russia Preparing to Move to the Gold Standard? An article by Mises Institute contributor Marcia Christoff-Kurapovna believes that now is the ideal time for Russia to introduce a…

Black & White: Ukraine Crisis Resulted From US Attempts to Impose Its Policy – Putin

Greetings, Ukraine Crisis Resulted From US Attempts to Impose Its Policy – Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the crisis in Ukraine was caused by attempts on the…

Dethroning the Dollar: Moscow & Cairo to drop USD, use national currencies in bilateral trade – Putin

Dethroning the Dollar: Moscow & Cairo to drop USD, use national currencies in bilateral trade – Putin

Greetings, (Note: This is something that should seriously be considered when reading the latest geo-economic events….”The fall of America is now visible and understandable, not only in the eyes of…

Remember Stalingrad: Russian Veterans Write Open Letter to Angela Merkel About NATO’s New War

Remember Stalingrad: Russian Veterans Write Open Letter to Angela Merkel About NATO’s New War

Greetings, Remember Stalingrad: Russian Veterans Write Open Letter to Angela Merkel About NATO’s New War BY 21WIRE Six Russian veterans of the Battle for Stalingrad have written an open letter…

Enraged Super-Power: US seething over Russian resistance

Enraged Super-Power: US seething over Russian resistance

Greetings, We knew that the so-called hyper power of the world, America, would be upset in the time of her fall. She is angry that she can no longer control…

Saakashvili’s bizarro world: U.S.-armed Ukraine could ‘capture all of Russia’

Greetings, Saakashvili’s bizarro world: U.S.-armed Ukraine could ‘capture all of Russia’ © AP Photo/ Virginia Mayo Mikhail Saakashvili, the former president of Georgia, told Ukrainian television that with the appropriate…

US Checkmated As (Video)Russia Threatens Nuclear Annihilation. By Gregory Mannarino

US Checkmated As (Video)Russia Threatens Nuclear Annihilation. By Gregory Mannarino

Greetings, Note: This is well known that ISIS is a CIA/Mossad creation that is masquerading in the name of Islam to vilify Islam. We know that the Western world is…

Escalation in Europe…Remember that desolations are being determined!

Escalation in Europe…Remember that desolations are being determined!

Greetings, They are scared and fearfully trying to overt war on the European continent. Whatever agreement they may reach, it will not stand very long. The time for war is…

Destination War: US Targets Ukraine’s Military-Industrial Complex to Hurt Russia

Destination War: US Targets Ukraine’s Military-Industrial Complex to Hurt Russia

Greetings, These two powers are close to face to face confrontation. There is no doubt that America continues to exceed the limits, and Russia will not allow this to go…

Nation after nation is doing away with dollar trade. They are turning to currency swaps.

Greetings, America’s own  arrogant foreign policy is the worst enemy of what is considered the seat of her economic ,military, and political power. Because she uses her position and power…

NATO is Already at War in Ukraine… and it is Losing

Greetings, NATO is Already at War in Ukraine… and it is Losing By Finian Cunningham “ICH” – “SCF”- In yet another sleight of hand, Western news media are this week…

Russia Deploys Nuclear ICBM Launchers On Combat Patrol

Russia Deploys Nuclear ICBM Launchers On Combat Patrol

Greetings, Russia Deploys Nuclear ICBM Launchers On Combat Patrol erhaps it is a coincidence that a day before John Kerry’s arrival in Kiev (a visit which “coincided” with a 35%…

Radical railgun revealed: US Navy’s ‘Star Wars’ weapon that can fire shells at mach 6 and penetrate concrete 100 MILES away shown in public for first time

Radical railgun revealed: US Navy’s ‘Star Wars’ weapon that can fire shells at mach 6 and penetrate concrete 100 MILES away shown in public for first time

Greetings, No money for education, which is the pillar of any prosperous and advanced society. No money for job creation. No more for healthcare. No money for training. This is…

Is he flipping serious? – Kerry calls Russia aggressors, urges Moscow to stick to Minsk deal

Is he flipping serious? – Kerry calls Russia aggressors, urges Moscow to stick to Minsk deal

Greetings, America is laughable. It is a pity that she has sunken so low, even for her actions. Thing is America has lie with a straight face and then after…

Events Now In Motion In Greece That Will Create Worldwide Chaos And Massive Problems For Mankind

Greetings, Events Now In Motion In Greece That Will Create Worldwide Chaos And Massive Problems For Mankind Today the man who 66 days ago remarkably predicted the collapse of the…

Putin Politely Asks Ukraine to Repay $3 Billion Loan

Putin Politely Asks Ukraine to Repay $3 Billion Loan

Greetings, Putin Politely Asks Ukraine to Repay $3 Billion Loan Russia could really make things miserable for Ukraine soon This article originally appeared at Business Insider On Tuesday Russian president…

According to the US Iran is a strategic threat, but the map says otherwise

According to the US Iran is a strategic threat, but the map says otherwise

Greetings, In laymen terms, America is saying that if Iran continues to build up it’s defenses, then we(US) can’t threaten or make war on them without suffering unacceptable losses in…

The Great Divide (Grows Wider)

The Great Divide (Grows Wider)

Greetings, Can you not see the great division in the leadership of East/West Berlin? Can you not see the growing divide and how politicians and nations are now taking sides?…

Incase you forgot: China calls for new security pact with Russia, Iran

Incase you forgot: China calls for new security pact with Russia, Iran

Greetings, You may not be aware of this. I know that America’s leaders are well aware of the warning that was trumpeted to her from her rivals around the world.…

Cuba says that it won’t return South Florida to US

Cuba says that it won’t return South Florida to US

Greetings, That headline was to get your attention and to show you just how hypocritical America is in international affairs. She teaches the do as I say and not as…

Paul Craig Roberts – The New Greek Government May Be Assassinated

Greetings, Paul Craig Roberts – The New Greek Government May Be Assassinated Today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts stunned King World News when he said that the new Greek government may…

China achieves breakthrough in pulse weapons technology

China achieves breakthrough in pulse weapons technology

Greetings, China achieves breakthrough in pulse weapons technology Directed-energy weapons are said to be the future of advanced technological warfare. (Internet photo) China has achieved a technological breakthrough that could…

Air-Wolf: New Russian Military Helicopter to Have Top Speed of 400 Kmph

Air-Wolf: New Russian Military Helicopter to Have Top Speed of 400 Kmph

Greetings,  New Russian Military Helicopter to Have Top Speed of 400 Kmph — Russia is going to build a new military helicopter that will be able to fly at a…

China sends Britain & the US a strong message in S. America – Argentina set to sign deal for Chinese corvettes

China sends Britain & the US a strong message in S. America – Argentina set to sign deal for Chinese corvettes

Greetings, Note: China is now becoming more confident and self assured against Western pressure. Things are changing quickly. America and England are both starting to reap the seed of aggression…

(Video)Ex Ukraine PM: West expected Yanukovich to die like Gadaffi

(Video)Ex Ukraine PM: West expected Yanukovich to die like Gadaffi

Greetings, Ex Ukraine PM: West expected Yanukovich to die like Gadaffi…