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Russia follows through on threat to deploy nuclear armed bombers near America

Russia follows through on threat to deploy nuclear armed bombers near America

Greetings, Russian strategic bombers go on patrol mission over Atlantic Ocean Last month Russia held a surprise combat readiness check of the country’s Armed Forces, which also involved Air Force…

Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG

Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG

Greetings, Signs That The Elite Are Feverishly Preparing For Something BIG What in the world are the elite up to? In recent days, we have learned that the New York…

Russia’s Missile Moves Explained: The S-300 Challenge

Russia’s Missile Moves Explained: The S-300 Challenge

Greetings, Russia’s Missile Moves Explained: The S-300 Challenge Breaking down Moscow’s decision and what it will mean for the Middle East and relations with Washington This article originally appeared in…

US cop who killed black man had falsified training records

US cop who killed black man had falsified training records

Greetings, US cop who killed black man had falsified training records The Tulsa County Sheriff’s office has ordered supervisors to falsify the training records of a US police deputy who…

Their fear of thermonuclear war is coming through the smoke & ashes

Their fear of thermonuclear war is coming through the smoke & ashes

Greetings, When we tell you of a great conflict that is brewing and will erupt into all out global warfare most of you do not pay it any attention or…

How the Common Market of the South and the Eurasian Union defy the United States and the hegemony of the dollar

How the Common Market of the South and the Eurasian Union defy the United States and the hegemony of the dollar

Greetings, How the Common Market of the South and the Eurasian Union defy the United States and the hegemony of the dollar by Ariel Noyola Rodríguez In the light of…

DHS To Purchase 62 Million Rounds Of AR-15 Ammo

DHS To Purchase 62 Million Rounds Of AR-15 Ammo

Greetings, DHS To Purchase 62 Million Rounds Of AR-15 Ammo Paul Joseph Watson: The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used…

Russia (US)’busts satellite spy ring’: space commander

Russia (US)’busts satellite spy ring’: space commander

Greetings, Russia ‘busts satellite spy ring’: space commander Russia has uncovered a group of spy satellites, the head of its space command said in a film broadcast Sunday, which warned…

S-300 Geopolitics

S-300 Geopolitics

Greetings, The public announcement of the commencement of the S-300 air defense deal between Russia and Iran is meant to send signals to Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv. This geopolitical…

Cell phone video captures Baltimore arrest that left black man hospitalized in a coma

Cell phone video captures Baltimore arrest that left black man hospitalized in a coma

Greetings, Allah is now allowing this vicious man of sin to be made known to us. Especially with those of our kind that takes every instance to defend this lawless…

Her lies are unraveling….even down to 911!

Her lies are unraveling….even down to 911!

Greetings, She is a liar and a deceiver without rival. America cannot be trusted. She uses the guise of “Humanitarianism,”  “Freedom,” “Liberty,” “Human Rights,” & “Democracy” as a cover to…

Food truck workers attacked by ‘rich’ guys hurling racial slurs: ‘Dude, I’m totally getting away with this’

Greetings, Note: This is the true face of this wicked nation. America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. Her judgment has come. Her injustice and…

Feds launch probe of Chicago cop after video reveals teen shot 16 times as he walked away

Feds launch probe of Chicago cop after video reveals teen shot 16 times as he walked away

Greetings, Feds launch probe of Chicago cop after video reveals teen shot 16 times as he walked away  The U.S. Attorneys Office said this week that it had launched an…

NATO would be devastated…Greece Might Allow Russia to Use its Military Bases –Greek Defense Analyst

NATO would be devastated…Greece Might Allow Russia to Use its Military Bases –Greek Defense Analyst

Greetings, Greece Might Allow Russia to Use its Military Bases –Greek Defense Analyst In an interview for Russia’s RIA Novosti, Greek defense analyst Ilias Iliopoulos noted that in the interests…

US war planners fearful that China’s navy new missile renders US fleets sitting ducks in the event of war!

US war planners fearful that China’s navy new missile renders US fleets sitting ducks in the event of war!

Greetings, Note: Whenever any independent nation develops means to defend themselves politically, culturally, economically, or politically against the most violent and aggressive nation on earth and in the history of…

The time of separation is upon us…‘Unless there’s a video, police go free’: Black families demand justice in racist system

The time of separation is upon us…‘Unless there’s a video, police go free’: Black families demand justice in racist system

Greetings, One thing that Black America must come to know is…not only was the system made to kill, oppress, and you down, you must consider the people who made it,…

Setting The Stage For War On A Global Scale

Setting The Stage For War On A Global Scale

Greetings, No matter you look and no matter what the leaders of the nations are saying about partnership, peace, and security…the whole world is insecure and there is no partnership…

The devil is a hunter and he sees you as his prey – Officer Michael Slager won’t face death penalty for shooting Walter Scott to death

Greetings, The devil is a hunter and he sees you as his prey. He looks at you as one of the beasts of the field to be shotdown for sport…

Welcome To Gainesville, Florida: Where The Police Dress Like The Military And Pull You Over In Tanks

Welcome To Gainesville, Florida: Where The Police Dress Like The Military And Pull You Over In Tanks

Greetings, Welcome To Gainesville, Florida: Where The Police Dress Like The Military And Pull You Over In Tanks A 23-year-old Florida man who ran for city commissioner last month was…

She is being driving to madness…Gog & Magog must fight it out

Greetings, When examining the situation concerning America and Russia one must realize that America, the former global super power sees that her time as a ruling unrivaled power is up.…

US/NATO Warplanes & Weapons To Become Useless: New S-500 Anti-Missile Missile Will Seal Russia Airspace

US/NATO Warplanes & Weapons To Become Useless: New S-500 Anti-Missile Missile Will Seal Russia Airspace

Greetings, New S-500 Anti-Missile Missile Will Seal Russia Airspace Fed up with NATO provocations along its borders, Russia is giving more priority to developing its new air defense system expected…

All modern wars being waged to protect dollar status

All modern wars being waged to protect dollar status

Greetings, All modern wars being waged to protect dollar status Precious metals, such as gold and silver, are deeply involved as the traditional supra-national world currencies. In 1971, the US…

Paul Craig Roberts – As Greece Pivots, Putin Unleashing Ultimate Move To Crush The EU And NATO

Paul Craig Roberts – As Greece Pivots, Putin Unleashing Ultimate Move To Crush The EU And NATO

Greetings, Paul Craig Roberts – As Greece Pivots, Putin Unleashing Ultimate Move To Crush The EU And NATO With people around the world worried about the escalating crisis in Greece…

Gog & Magog are being pushed into direct conflict.

Gog & Magog are being pushed into direct conflict.

Greetings, The time is bringing about war! Gog & Magog are being pushed into direct conflict. Terrified and confused, the leadership of each block continue their build-up…counter build ups &…

Fascism and Dictatorship – American Power Unmasked

Fascism and Dictatorship – American Power Unmasked

Greetings, Fascism and Dictatorship – American Power Unmasked By Finian Cunningham “ICH” – “Sputnik” – American sponsorship, simultaneously, of Neo-Nazis waging ethnic cleansing in Ukraine and of Arab dictators bombing…

Prosecutors drop dozens of cases linked to Florida cops who fantasized about executing black suspects

Greetings, Prosecutors drop dozens of cases linked to Florida cops who fantasized about executing black suspects More than 50 criminal cases will be dropped after four Florida police officers were…

Killer Cops Boost Body Count in War on Black America

Killer Cops Boost Body Count in War on Black America

Greetings, Killer Cops Boost Body Count in War on Black America March was a very good month for killer cops: they racked up at least 111 bodies, the majority of…

California hitting poor drivers hardest with outstanding fines – reports

California hitting poor drivers hardest with outstanding fines – reports

Greetings, California hitting poor drivers hardest with outstanding fines – reports  …

Iran Accession to Boost SCO’s Global Influence – Secretary General

Iran Accession to Boost SCO’s Global Influence – Secretary General

Greetings, Iran Accession to Boost SCO’s Global Influence – Secretary General Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will boost the organization’s influence in the world, SCO Secretary General…

Venezuela Links Exxon Presence in Disputed Zone to Obama Executive Order

Venezuela Links Exxon Presence in Disputed Zone to Obama Executive Order

Greetings, Venezuela Links Exxon Presence in Disputed Zone to Obama Executive Order CARACAS – Venezuela’s government said a subsidiary of U.S. oil giant ExxonMobil was carrying out “unauthorized” operations in…