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Washington Choreographing All-Out War with Russia?

Washington Choreographing All-Out War with Russia?

Greetings, Washington Choreographing All-Out War with Russia? By Finian Cunningham – “SCF” – The reckless American leaders are putting in place incendiary elements that heighten the risk of all-out war…

Former NSA chief warns US about catastrophic cyber attack

Greetings, Former NSA chief warns US about catastrophic cyber attack The former chief of the National Security Agency has warned about a “catastrophic” cyber attack which would cripple the United…

The Great Commotion is heating up

The Great Commotion is heating up

Greetings, US police arrest 35 Black Lives Matter protesters in Baltimore…

Iran calls US reports on naval withdrawal are lies: Iran navy commander denies ships withdrawn from Gulf of Aden

Greetings, Well well well. Could Western reports of Iranian warships leaving the Gulf of Aden be a face saving measure by the US in order to cover its own withdrawal…

Iran, Russia ditch dollar, trade in ruble

Iran, Russia ditch dollar, trade in ruble

Greetings, Iran, Russia ditch dollar, trade in ruble Bank officials in Tehran say a mechanism to transfer money to the country’s banks from Russia is now on stream. Bank officials…

Putin openly threatens America as he accuses her of a provocative act of war

Putin openly threatens America as he accuses her of a provocative act of war

Greetings, As both great powers of this world, Russia and America, continue their military build up and threats along with counter threats, what would make Russian president Vladamir Putin openly…

The Arm Aged of the Don….Armageddon has arrived!

Greetings, Gog & Magog are becoming unhinged. Each one is being enticed to provoke the other. All we hear is the chant of War!!!! NATO to deploy more forces to…

Convoy of military vehicles “as far as the eye can see”, massive military buildup in America continues

Convoy of military vehicles “as far as the eye can see”, massive military buildup in America continues

Greetings, Convoy of military vehicles “as far as the eye can see”, massive military buildup in America continues HUGE CONVOY OF MILITARY VEHICLES IN CALIFORNIA ADDS TO MASSIVE MILITARY BUILDUP…

The Great Commotion – Thousands rally in Baltimore, tension spilling over

The Great Commotion – Thousands rally in Baltimore, tension spilling over

Greetings, Thousands rally in Baltimore, tension spilling over…

The most troubled nation on earth

The most troubled nation on earth

Greetings, The great dreadful days of the Lord have now come to America. America has fallen under severe strain and crisis….”In this time, in which we are now living, there…

America Today….An explosive situation

Greetings, All around America in over 236 cities there is a growing protest movement. You would not know this by looking at the news. It’s funny how they can show…

Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow?

Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow?

Greetings, Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Global Research RT Op-Edge The Moscow Conference on International Security in April was used as a…

(Cops Gone Wild)Video Captures Homeless Man Being Punched, Hogtied by LAPD: Attorney

(Cops Gone Wild)Video Captures Homeless Man Being Punched, Hogtied by LAPD: Attorney

Greetings, Video Captures Homeless Man Being Punched, Hogtied by LAPD: Attorney An attorney has called for a federal investigation after he says LAPD officers intentionally fabricated and, or withheld crucial…

The Race For Geo-Strategic Supremacy: Russia Set to Deploy Tactical Drones in the Arctic

The Race For Geo-Strategic Supremacy: Russia Set to Deploy Tactical Drones in the Arctic

Greetings, Russia Set to Deploy Tactical Drones in the Arctic Russian drones will be deployed in the Arctic and along the Northern Sea Route starting May 1 to monitor the…

Fear factor: Marines to suppress domestic disorders in the US. Video

Fear factor: Marines to suppress domestic disorders in the US. Video

Greetings, She knows that she has come to the end of the road. Fear has her afraid of her own population. Paranoid & desperate, she has turned her state power…

Iran Defense Min: US, Israel dare not attack, they would have if they could

Iran Defense Min: US, Israel dare not attack, they would have if they could

Greetings, This is a very good interview. You need to watch it! Iran Defense Min: US, Israel dare not attack, they would have if they could…

US & NATO are openly spitting in the of Russia and Vladamir Putin

US & NATO are openly spitting in the of Russia and Vladamir Putin

Greetings,   What does this means. This means that America is purposely showing disregard to Russia and Russia’s security interests openly leading Western Nazis in Ukraine against Ethnic Russians. This…

The city of Baltimore lies at the center of “The Great Commotion!”

The city of Baltimore lies at the center of “The Great Commotion!”

Greetings, This is a great sign for America to take note of. Allah is very angry, as it was predicted that He would be, with America for how she has…

Russian FM Lavrov 3-way Q&A with radio heads (FULL EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Russian FM Lavrov 3-way Q&A with radio heads (FULL EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Greetings, Russian FM Lavrov 3-way Q&A with radio heads (FULL EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)…

Russia’s Missile Wall in Iran

Russia’s Missile Wall in Iran

Greetings, Russia’s Missile Wall in Iran By Tony Cartalucci The popular narrative surrounding the conflict between the West and Iran has always been one of a dangerous rogue state bent…

Two US police officers charged for hitting black men

Two US police officers charged for hitting black men

Greetings, Two US police officers charged for hitting black men Two US police officers have been charged with assaults after they beat two black men in two different states, authorities…

US preparing for ground offensive in Ukraine: ex-Kremlin advisor

Greetings, The American super power is preparing for the upcoming conflict with Russia in Europe. They know that it’s close. They can just about taste it! The empire is stretched…

US intransigence & arrogance may lead to nuclear holocaust

US intransigence & arrogance may lead to nuclear holocaust

Greetings, We know that on the surface it appears that America and Russia will go to war causing a nuclear holocaust. This is how it looks on the outward appearance.…

Russia reminds West of its Mideast leverage

Russia reminds West of its Mideast leverage

Greetings, Russia reminds West of its Mideast leverage Following Vladimir Putin’s decision to lift restrictions on the export of S-300 air defense systems to Iran, the prime minister of Israel,…

(He’s right too)Chomsky: World racing toward nuclear ‘precipice

(He’s right too)Chomsky: World racing toward nuclear ‘precipice

Greetings, The whole world is being forced into conflict and war. We the that these wars are the result of arrogance, corruption, Deception, Delusion, greed, and and unquenchable thirst for…

Russia Preparing for “Star Wars”

Russia Preparing for “Star Wars”

Greetings,   Russia Preparing for “Star Wars” Confrontation between Russia and the United States is gathering momentum and may, literally, soon assume a cosmic scale. This is in reference to…

US Will Not Survive a Nuclear War Against Russia

US Will Not Survive a Nuclear War Against Russia

Greetings, US Will Not Survive a Nuclear War Against Russia – Jean-Paul Baquiast A nuclear strikes exchange between the United States and Russia will lead to the complete destruction of…

NATO rearmament increases risk of war in Europe

NATO rearmament increases risk of war in Europe

Greetings, NATO rearmament increases risk of war in Europe By Johannes Stern NATO’s rearmament in Eastern Europe is increasingly taking on the form of open war preparations against Russia, raising…

The Lines Are Being Drawn & If You Cross Them…Boom Goes The Dynamite!

The Lines Are Being Drawn & If You Cross Them…Boom Goes The Dynamite!

Greetings, We know that both America and Israel are fearful of Iran acquiring Russia’s S-300 air-defense system. This system has the ability to enforce, if moved to it North Western…

The American Empire Is Detached From Reality

Greetings, Is this not the height of arrogance? This actually demonstrates and shows the world that America views herself as the only “exceptional nation” with the means to lead and…