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Chicago cop investigated for ‘punching pregnant woman in stomach’

Greetings, Chicago cop investigated for ‘punching pregnant woman in stomach’ The Chicago Police Department is investigating claims that an officer punched a pregnant African American woman in the stomach, putting…

China gears up for Air-Sea Battle in the Asia-Pacific against US

China gears up for Air-Sea Battle in the Asia-Pacific against US

Greetings, J-16 multirole aircraft turns defense into offense for PLA China’s J-16 multirole aircraft. (Internet photo) China’s domestic J-16 multirole fighter/bomber is the key in the People’s Liberation Army Air…

Russian Scholar Warns Of ‘Secret’ U.S. Climate Change Weapon

Russian Scholar Warns Of ‘Secret’ U.S. Climate Change Weapon

Greetings, Russian Scholar Warns Of ‘Secret’ U.S. Climate Change Weapon As Muscovites suffer record high temperatures this summer, a Russian political scientist has claimed the United States may be using…

In case you missed it: The Nations are preparing for war with US/NATO

In case you missed it: The Nations are preparing for war with US/NATO

Greetings, Iran urges India, China & Russia to counter NATO missile system Iran has announced its readiness to cooperate with Russia, China and India on the issue of NATO’s missile…

Russia develops heavy drone, promises S500 missile system by 2017

Russia develops heavy drone, promises S500 missile system by 2017

Greetings, Russia develops heavy drone, promises S500 missile system by 2017 Anti-aircraft missile system S400 “Triumph” at a site in the Moscow region. (RIA Novosti/Grigoriy Sisoev) The Russian military is…

China slaps down recent US threats of using force in the S.China Sea, with their own threats of force

Greetings, The rise is on. No longer do the nations fear her threats. China especially, has built up her military might just as well as her economic might. She did…

Just 20ft from war: How Russian jet came within yards of mid-air collision with US military plane over the Baltic Sea…

Just 20ft from war: How Russian jet came within yards of mid-air collision with US military plane over the Baltic Sea…

Greetings, (Note: As you read the article below you must remember that this report is given by the Western media through their slanted view and to demonize Russia and absolve…

The Insane Doctrine Of A Disillusioned Empire: Top DC Think Tank Says China Must Be Defeated to Maintain US Hegemony

The Insane Doctrine Of A Disillusioned Empire: Top DC Think Tank Says China Must Be Defeated to Maintain US Hegemony

Greetings, While planning for war with China, America better think very long and deep about the ramifications and blowback of such a decision. China is your manufacturer. China is a…



Greetings, LEAKED VIDEO REVEALS OMISSIONS IN OFFICIAL ACCOUNT OF POLICE SHOOTING BY SPENCER WOODMAN In the predawn hours of January 24, 2013, a police officer in Fayetteville, North Carolina, shot…

US police protect state against colonized blacks

US police protect state against colonized blacks

Greetings, You can never hope for justice from this people. How can you when the very system what predicated on the exploitation & killing of you and also depriving you…

US threatens democracy in Central America by sending Marines: James Petras

US threatens democracy in Central America by sending Marines: James Petras

Greetings, US threatens democracy in Central America by sending Marines: James Petras The Pentagon’s move to send hundreds of US Marines to Central America threatens democracy in the volatile region…

Nuclear war our likely future’: Russia & China won’t accept US hegemony, Reagan official warns

Greetings, Note: All this does is confirm exactly what Messenger Elijah Muhammad has warned for sometime now. They are now letting the truth drip out because they are aware of…

Preparing to repel any US/NATO 1st strike, Putin urges Russian strategic, space forces to stay on high alert

Preparing to repel any US/NATO 1st strike, Putin urges Russian strategic, space forces to stay on high alert

Greetings,    Putin urges Russian strategic, space forces to stay on high alert Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday urged the country’s strategic nuclear forces and aerospace defense forces to…

The empire lies in tatters – Acquittal of US white police officer for killing black teen sparks protests

The empire lies in tatters –  Acquittal of US white police officer for killing black teen sparks protests

Greetings, She is being exposed. In her exposure the world is getting a look at the wicked and hypocritical inner workings of America. They now see that her hypocritical unhinged…

Is War Coming…Israeli Air Force Team Up With Greeks to Train Against S-300 Missile System

Is War Coming…Israeli Air Force Team Up With Greeks to Train Against S-300 Missile System

Greetings, Israeli Air Force Team Up With Greeks to Train Against S-300 Missile System The Israeli Air Force carried out a joint training exercise in which it performed missions against…

Ferguson and Baltimore: How biased was MSM coverage?

Ferguson and Baltimore: How biased was MSM coverage?

Greetings, Ferguson and Baltimore: How biased was MSM coverage?…

John Kerry in Russia: USA is losing the continent of Eurasia

John Kerry in Russia: USA is losing the continent of Eurasia

Greetings, John Kerry in Russia: USA is losing the continent of Eurasia US Secretary of State John Kerry shared his impressions of yesterday’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and…

China Warns US Against Confrontation Over Defense of Islands

China Warns US Against Confrontation Over Defense of Islands

Greetings, China Warns US Against Confrontation Over Defense of Islands US Warships Heading Toward Islands to Challenge Claims by Jason Ditz A day after the Pentagon announced its intentions to…

Russia considers nuclear missiles for Syria, Baltic

Greetings, Russia considers nuclear missiles for Syria, Baltic Russia is planning to install Iskander surface missiles in Syria and its Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, in a response to United States…

With 93 Million Already Unemployed In U.S., The Coming Nightmare Will Be Multiples Of The Great Depression

With 93 Million Already Unemployed In U.S., The Coming Nightmare Will Be Multiples Of The Great Depression

Greetings, With 93 Million Already Unemployed In U.S., The Coming Nightmare Will Be Multiples Of The Great Depression With the Dow comfortably above 18,000 and the Nasdaq near 5,000, today…

Russian-Chinese Drill in Mediterranean Sends Signal to US – Western Media

Russian-Chinese Drill in Mediterranean Sends Signal to US – Western Media

Greetings, Russian-Chinese Drill in Mediterranean Sends Signal to US – Western Media The Russian and Chinese navies began joint naval exercises in the Mediterranean Monday in the latest sign of…

Illinois Pension Ruling Sets Stage for Riots…Everywhere

Illinois Pension Ruling Sets Stage for Riots…Everywhere

Greetings, Illinois Pension Ruling Sets Stage for Riots…Everywhere (Rick Ackerman) What can a state government do if it owes its retired workers vastly more in pension benefits than it will…

China Throws Down The Gauntlet Against The Western World Order: China Voices Need to Restructure World Order

China Throws Down The Gauntlet Against The Western World Order: China Voices Need to Restructure World Order

Greetings, China Voices Need to Restructure World Order – Russian Defense Ministry Beijing stressed the need to depart from the double standards and strengthen equal and mutually beneficial relations in…

Moscow Draws Greece Away From IMF

Moscow Draws Greece Away From IMF

Greetings, Moscow Draws Greece Away From IMF – German Magazine Russia proposed Greece to become a member of the New Development Bank founded by the BRICS countries. Prime Minister Tsipras,…

America is desperate: US Secretary of State Kerry traveling to Russia, set to meet Lavrov

Greetings, We are definitely in the end days. America is putting a brave face on ,but strategically she knows that she’s is losing the global fight. The time is against…

Ruble-yuan settlements booming, set to reshape global finance

Greetings, Ruble-yuan settlements booming, set to reshape global finance Settlements in local currencies between Russia and China now account for 7 percent of the bilateral trade, but the potential for…

War Threat Rises As Economy Declines

War Threat Rises As Economy Declines

Greetings, War Threat Rises As Economy Declines By Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Roberts, Keynote Address to the Annual Conference of the Financial West Group, New Orleans, May 7, 2015…

The nations have been stirred & they’re all gunning for America!

The nations have been stirred & they’re all gunning for America!

Greetings, We all can see it in motion. We all know deep within ourselves that it’s coming. And we all know that it is now completely unavoidable. Allah has stirred…

US going after Russia, Venezuela as it loses global influence – Maduro to RT

US going after Russia, Venezuela as it loses global influence – Maduro to RT

Greetings, US going after Russia, Venezuela as it loses global influence – Maduro to RT Washington is losing its weight in the international arena and this makes it target Russia…

China is calling for a global currency to replace the dominant dollar, showing a growing assertiveness on revamping the world economy

China is calling for a global currency to replace the dominant dollar, showing a growing assertiveness on revamping the world economy

Greetings, China is calling for a global currency to replace the dominant dollar, showing a growing assertiveness on revamping the world economy China calls for new global currency China is…