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So here it comes…Obama authorizes airstrikes on Assad troops – What will be Iran & Russia’s response?

So here it comes…Obama authorizes airstrikes on Assad troops – What will be Iran & Russia’s response?

Greetings,   Obama authorizes airstrikes on Assad troops…

US under fire for mass spying programs worldwide

US under fire for mass spying programs worldwide

Greetings, You just don’t get it do you? America is spying on everyone, friend and foe, because she is fearful about the time. In no way is America a fool.…

New US Sanctions: ‘This is Deliberate Provocation Against Putin’

New US Sanctions: ‘This is Deliberate Provocation Against Putin’

Greetings, New US Sanctions: ‘This is Deliberate Provocation Against Putin’ The US has imposed further sanctions against Russia over the events in eastern Ukraine and Crimea. Washington’s blacklist has been…

A Future America’s Doesn’t Like: China’s Growing Maritime Power May Look Like Mini US Navy by 2020

Greetings, China’s Growing Maritime Power May Look Like Mini US Navy by 2020 China’s determination to become what President Xi Jinping called a “great maritime power” and how the United…

China Signals To US Pacific Command That They’re Ready For War(With The Testing Of It’s Carrier Killer Missile) In S. China Sea War-games

China Signals To US Pacific Command That They’re Ready For War(With The Testing Of It’s Carrier Killer Missile) In S. China Sea War-games

Greetings, Second Artillery Corps can be used against enemy aircraft carrier: Yin Zhuo China’s DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile (Internet photo) Admiral Yin Zhuo of the People’s Liberation Army Navy said…

The Reality Of The Time Sets In…Brand New Russian, Chinese Hypersonic Weapons Unnerve US

The Reality Of The Time Sets In…Brand New Russian, Chinese Hypersonic Weapons Unnerve US

Greetings, Once she used to brag about being at least 10 to 20 years ahead of any of her rivals in technology and military weaponry. She boasted of her being…

The Threat Of Thermonuclear War Is Real

The Threat Of Thermonuclear War Is Real

Greetings, It’s become too real. We have herald it for years. We continue to tell you just how close to war the two power blocks are. In fact, the whole…

Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts

Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts

Greetings,   Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts   The neocon-flagship Washington Post fired a propaganda broadside at President Putin for shutting down the Russian activities of the National Endowment…

Paul Craig Roberts – We Are In Scary Times As The Russians Won’t Comply And The Risk Of World War Is Rising

Paul Craig Roberts – We Are In Scary Times As The Russians Won’t Comply And The Risk Of World War Is Rising

Greetings, Paul Craig Roberts – We Are In Scary Times As The Russians Won’t Comply And The Risk Of World War Is Rising With people around the world worried about…

US soldiers flying with undeclared arms to Ukraine detained in Vienna, sent home

US soldiers flying with undeclared arms to Ukraine detained in Vienna, sent home

Greetings,   US soldiers flying with undeclared arms to Ukraine detained in Vienna, sent home…

Fascism: Bill Would Give US President Power to Revoke Passports Without Due Process

Fascism: Bill Would Give US President Power to Revoke Passports Without Due Process

Greetings, Bill Would Give US President Power to Revoke Passports Without Due Process In an effort to prevent potential terrorists from moving within the United States, the House of Representatives…

Russia would easily prevail in conventional war in Europe: Analyst

Russia would easily prevail in conventional war in Europe: Analyst

Greetings, Russia would easily prevail in conventional war in Europe: Analyst “The state of the Russian military is overwhelmingly more advanced than that of the American military,” said Fetzer. In…

U.S. looking to stir up chaos in LatAm

Greetings, We knew that this was coming. In fact we told you that it was coming. This is the time prophesied in the Bible wherein the Ten horns(South & Central…

Separation is coming…A Cincinnati Uprising is in the cards as cops kill another black man on camera

Separation is coming…A Cincinnati Uprising is in the cards as cops kill another black man on camera

Greetings, Cincinnati Braces for Riots After Cop Kills Black Man on Camera A routine traffic stop once again turned deadly in the US heartland, and this time, the police are…

(Video)NYPD brutally punch man, pin him to floor during arrest in Brooklyn

(Video)NYPD brutally punch man, pin him to floor during arrest in Brooklyn

Greetings, NYPD brutally punch man, pin him to floor during arrest in Brooklyn…

America has lost the “Air Supremacy” game, but has yet to concede!

America has lost the “Air Supremacy” game, but has yet to concede!

Greetings, Not even America’s so-called 5th generation warplanes such as the F-35 & F-22 can come close to what this 4th generation Russian warplane does. It demonstrates that America has…

All Eyes May Be On Greece Right Now, But In Reality, The Economic Malaise Is Widespread Across The Continent…. Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe

All Eyes May Be On Greece Right Now, But In Reality, The Economic Malaise Is Widespread Across The Continent…. Donald Tusk Warns of Revolution in Europe

Greetings, Man…you better wake up quickly to the reality of the fall. The entire world is now in the grips of The Great God Allah. He is nothing to be…

Russia Threatens War If Sweden Joins NATO

Russia Threatens War If Sweden Joins NATO

Greetings, Russia Threatens War If Sweden Joins NATO Posted By: Brendan Byrne The Russian ambassador to Sweden has claimed that Moscow would take “countermeasures” should Sweden join the military alliance.…

Russia Creating Air Force, Air Defense Forces for Northern Fleet

Greetings, Russia Creating Air Force, Air Defense Forces for Northern Fleet With the formation of an air force, air defense forces and an extensive surveillance system – Russia is taking…

Another chip in the US Dollar’s armor – Russia’s rating agency to start by year end – Central Bank

Greetings, China and Russia are serious. They have been rebuilding their military muscle to match their political and geopolitical might. Each one has been building up counter institutions that would…

The Eurasian Big Bang How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington

The Eurasian Big Bang  How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington

Greetings, The Eurasian Big Bang How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington By Pepe Escobar “Information Clearing House” – Let’s start with the geopolitical Big Bang you know…

Is Russia preparing for a new space war?

Greetings, Is Russia preparing for a new space war? Three mysterious ‘communications satellites’ launched by the Kremlin within 18 months have potential to be weapons, say U.S. analysts The tiny,…

If you have wondered why Kenya has been in America’s focus lately,wonder no more – Kenyan bank hosts China’s yuan clearing centre to spur trade

If you have wondered why Kenya has been in America’s focus lately,wonder no more – Kenyan bank hosts China’s yuan clearing centre to spur trade

Greetings, If you have wondered why Kenya has been in America’s focus lately. If you wonder why America so badly wants a military base their. If you wonder why there…

Russian bombers sends US a message that they will not soon forget

Russian bombers sends US a message that they will not soon forget

Greetings, Russian Bombers Flew Within 40 Miles of N. California Coast Tu-95 Bear bombers intercepted off Mendocino on day Putin calls Obama Two Russian nuclear bombers flew within 40 miles…

In Response To Earlier US Provocations, China Starts 10-Day Navy Drills in Disputed Waters of South China Sea

Greetings, China Starts 10-Day Navy Drills in Disputed Waters of South China Sea The Chinese Navy has begun a 10-day military exercises in the waters of the South China Sea…

America’s secret plans behind the restoration of ties with Cuba

America’s secret plans behind the restoration of ties with Cuba

Greetings, Note : We already told you that this was coming. We wrote it in the article titled: US plans to destabilize Cuba are in full effect – U.S., Cuba…

She Knows That China Is Going To Spank Her In Battle: US Pacific Fleet Chief Spends Weekend Spying on South China Sea

She Knows That China Is Going To Spank Her In Battle: US Pacific Fleet Chief Spends Weekend Spying on South China Sea

Greetings, It’s amazing when you look at it. What I mean is that It is so amazon how the Black nation wrote this beast’s actions and how we had it…

Explosive…Europe on edge

Explosive…Europe on edge

Greetings,  Can you see it? It is clear as sunshine. No matter how they try to project power against each other and no matter how they try to avoid direct…

US space forces caught off guard as Russia secretly demonstrates in war capabilities in space

US space forces caught off guard as Russia secretly demonstrates in war capabilities in space

Greetings, America is no fool. She is well aware of the unfolding prophetic events of time which are to her detriment. She knows that war is near. Fear in government.…

The Racist Killing Fields in the US: The Death of Sandra Bland

Greetings, The Racist Killing Fields in the US: The Death of Sandra Bland By Henry A. Giroux “Information Clearing House” – “Truthout” – On July 9, soon after Sandra Bland,…