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S-400 technology helps Seoul blunt Pyongyang threat

S-400 technology helps Seoul blunt Pyongyang threat

Greetings,   S-400 technology helps Seoul blunt Pyongyang threat By Rakesh Krishnan Simha, Special to Russia Beyond the Headlines Advanced missile technology that went into Russia’s deadly S-400 Triumf missile…

U.S. General: If We Get Into a Land War With Russia, We’re in for a Rude, Cold, Awakening

U.S. General: If We Get Into a Land War With Russia, We’re in for a Rude, Cold, Awakening

Greetings, U.S. General: If We Get Into a Land War With Russia, We’re in for a Rude, Cold, Awakening Stunning advancements in ground warfare tactics and technology have given Russia…

Who Should Be Seen as the Real Threat to US Naval Dominance

Who Should Be Seen as the Real Threat to US Naval Dominance

  Who Should Be Seen as the Real Threat to US Naval Dominance Despite the US Navy’s “built-in advantages,” it may face capability-related risks and has yet to resolve an…

Beijing And Moscow Fed Up With Washington, Time For A New Order

Beijing And Moscow Fed Up With Washington, Time For A New Order

Greetings,  This is what the West refuses to acknowledge. They know that the nations are fed up with America’s meddling and interference into their domestic and foreign policy. They are…

Russia arming & preparing to turn the skies over Europe into a killing field

Russia arming & preparing to turn the skies over Europe into a killing field

Greetings, Wouldn’t you say that Russia is preparing for war? Especially since America/NATO continues it’s military provocations and expansion up to Russia’s borders! This signals that Russia is preparing to…

Europe Is Very Close To War: NATO Forces ‘Play With Fire’ Near Russia’s Borders

Europe Is Very Close To War: NATO Forces ‘Play With Fire’ Near Russia’s Borders

Greetings, Europe is standing on the edge of disaster. Because the European race, often referred to as caucasian, worldwide has refused to return the lands they have stolen and refused…

No More Dollars: Russia, China to Expand Transactions in National Currencies – Putin

No More Dollars: Russia, China to Expand Transactions in National Currencies – Putin

  Russia, China to Expand Transactions in National Currencies – Putin Vladimir Putin said that Russia and China will expand transactions in national currencies to reduce dependence on foreign market.…

Must See Video: James Jatras discusses Putin’s visit in China

Must See Video: James Jatras discusses Putin’s visit in China

Greetings,     James Jatras discusses Putin’s visit in China…

China, Russia sign MOU on yuan clearing in Russia

China, Russia sign MOU on yuan clearing in Russia

  China, Russia sign MOU on yuan clearing in Russia BY ASIA UNHEDGED BEIJING (Reuters) – The central banks of China and Russia on Saturday signed a memorandum of understanding…

In the face of American/NATO expansion and intransigence…China, Russia pledge “unswerving” partnership

In the face of American/NATO expansion and intransigence…China, Russia pledge “unswerving” partnership

Greetings, Note: This is a shot over the imperial bow of American arrogance & NATO intransigence. What this demonstrates is that there are new sheriffs on the block and they…

Russia’s Deadliest Subs to Receive New Heat-Seeking Torpedos

Russia’s Deadliest Subs to Receive New Heat-Seeking Torpedos

Greetings, Russia’s Deadliest Subs to Receive New Heat-Seeking Torpedos Franz-Stefan Gady (The Diplomat) Russia’s two newest classes of submarines–the Yasen-class multi-purpose attack nuclear submarine (SSGN) and the Borei-class (“North Wind”)…

US dollar dominated global order stands in the twilight hours & Asia(under the SCO) moves to undermine Western Economic Primacy

US dollar dominated global order stands in the twilight hours & Asia(under the SCO) moves to undermine Western Economic Primacy

Greetings, Note: In the article below, there is something major that was announced, yet most people passed over it. The announcement by Asian leaders to establish yet another financial institution…

Hot off Brexit, Vladimir Putin goes to China

Hot off Brexit, Vladimir Putin goes to China

Greetings, Hot off Brexit, Vladimir Putin goes to China As the whole planet attempts to digest the implications of Brexit, the real heart of 21st century action once again shifts…

As the US/NATO expand towards Russia, Western media distorted reporting state that Russia may soon stack nuclear-capable missiles along NATO’s border

As the US/NATO expand towards Russia, Western media distorted reporting state that Russia may soon stack nuclear-capable missiles along NATO’s border

Greetings,  When you listen to or read Western propaganda it will  make your head spin when you know the truth. I want to refresh your memory that America and NATO…

This is one of the main threats that America sees coming from a rising China: China’s trade with Belt and Road countries surpasses 1 trillion USD in 2015

This is one of the main threats that America sees coming from a rising China: China’s trade with Belt and Road countries surpasses 1 trillion USD in 2015

Greetings, If you are wondering why America has refused to leave Afghanistan, why she is hell bent upon destabilizing Pakistan and subverting India’s look towards Asia, and why she is…

No Western cries of the need for military intervention & Israel openly admits to it’s ongoing war crimes & crimes against humanity by depriving Palestinians of water

No Western cries of the need for military intervention & Israel openly admits to it’s ongoing war crimes & crimes against humanity by depriving Palestinians of water

Greetings, Note: Where is the West or America’s/NATO’s demand to intervene militarily under the “Responsibility To Protect” as it has used to bomb African and muslim countries? Isn’t this policy…

‘As fast as they want’: US commander says Russia outpaces NATO in deployment capabilities

Greetings, ‘As fast as they want’: US commander says Russia outpaces NATO in deployment capabilities Russian capabilities to deploy troops at long distances are “scary” as they outweigh those of…

The Civil War Didn’t End Slavery After All

The Civil War Didn’t End Slavery After All

Greetings, The Civil War Didn’t End Slavery After All The American prison system is a massive — if invisible — part of our economy and social fabric. By Lauren Karaffa…

China’s New Y-20 Is the Largest Military Aircraft Currently in Production

China’s New Y-20 Is the Largest Military Aircraft Currently in Production

Greetings, China’s New Y-20 Is the Largest Military Aircraft Currently in Production The Y-20 is China’s version of the C-17 Globemaster—a tank-carrying, supply-delivering, troop-transporting workhorse of a plane. The first…

SYRIA: In a Surprise Attack, Russia Bombs US Assets on the Ground Not Once but Twice

SYRIA: In a Surprise Attack, Russia Bombs US Assets on the Ground Not Once but Twice

Greetings, SYRIA: In a Surprise Attack, Russia Bombs US Assets on the Ground Not Once but Twice BY VANESSA BEELEY Moon of Alabama The U.S. is unwilling to stop the…



Greetings, Note: This will not happen as of yet. This is bluster right now. America will go head to head with Russia in Europe after she has tasted defeat in…




Putin: ‘We know when US will get new missile threatening Russia’s nuclear capability’

Putin: ‘We know when US will get new missile threatening Russia’s nuclear capability’

Greetings, Putin: ‘We know when US will get new missile threatening Russia’s nuclear capability’ The US anti-missile defense systems being installed near Russia’s borders can be “inconspicuously” transformed into offensive…

NATO Running Out Of Time To Encircle Russia As Russian T-50 Fifth Generation Fighter Jet Ready for Serial Production

NATO Running Out Of Time To Encircle Russia As Russian T-50 Fifth Generation Fighter Jet Ready for Serial Production

Greetings,   Russian T-50 Fifth Generation Fighter Jet Ready for Serial Production Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) prepared a preliminary final statement for the…

Deadly irony: US calls Russia ‘aggressive’ as NATO creeps eastward

Deadly irony: US calls Russia ‘aggressive’ as NATO creeps eastward

Greetings, Deadly irony: US calls Russia ‘aggressive’ as NATO creeps eastward With US military bases breeding faster than McDonald’s franchises, and 28-member NATO smashing up against Russia’s border, antagonizing Moscow…

(Video)PA: Israel wages water war on Palestinians

(Video)PA: Israel wages water war on Palestinians

Greetings,     PA: Israel wages water war on Palestinians…

‘Majority of terrorist attacks in US initiated by FBI, not terrorists’

‘Majority of terrorist attacks in US initiated by FBI, not terrorists’

Greetings,   ‘Majority of terrorist attacks in US initiated by FBI, not terrorists’ Note: So this means that the FBI is a terrorist organization. This means that they are willfully…

Haven’t We Been Telling You That Russia is Prepping For War? Now Look – Russia ‘Mobilizing for War’ Warns Canadian Intelligence Report

Haven’t We Been Telling You That Russia is Prepping For War? Now Look – Russia ‘Mobilizing for War’ Warns Canadian Intelligence Report

    Russia ‘Mobilizing for War’ Warns Canadian Intelligence Report Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau announced a possible commitment of troops to Europe following intelligence suggesting that Moscow is retooling for…

Posh restaurant near Kremlin ditches Visa & MasterCard to prop up Russian payment system

Posh restaurant near Kremlin ditches Visa & MasterCard to prop up Russian payment system

Greetings, Posh restaurant near Kremlin ditches Visa & MasterCard to prop up Russian payment system Restaurant owner Aleksandr Rappoport in an interview with The Village said the Mir payment system…

We told you this and now Russia’s Foreign Minister is acknowledging it – Moscow is being forced into confrontation with West

We told you this and now Russia’s Foreign Minister is acknowledging it – Moscow is being forced into confrontation with West

Greetings, We told you this and now Russia’s Foreign Minister is acknowledging it This is what we have been saying on our show. Both America and Russia are after each…