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New Yorkers march over gentrification, police violence

New Yorkers march over gentrification, police violence

New Yorkers march over gentrification, police violence People march in Downtown Brooklyn Saturday afternoon, September 15, 2018. (Photo via nydailynews.com) New Yorkers have taken to the streets as part of…

Chief Pleads Guilty to Framing Innocent Black People to Make Dept Look Like They Solved Crime

Chief Pleads Guilty to Framing Innocent Black People to Make Dept Look Like They Solved Crime

Chief Pleads Guilty to Framing Innocent Black People to Make Dept Look Like They Solved Crime By Matt Agorist  Miami, FL — Biscayne Park Police Chief Raimundo Atesiano used to brag about…

They See The End In Sight…..It’s Unclear Whether EU Will Fall Apart, But Change is Coming – US Investor

They See The End In Sight…..It’s Unclear Whether EU Will Fall Apart, But Change is Coming – US Investor

  The atmosphere of dissatisfaction among the global population, especially among the nations of global oppressors & colonizers, the Western world, has exploded. Their world is being taken from them.…

She has become an international pariah: Anti-G20 protesters set US flag on fire in Argentina

She has become an international pariah: Anti-G20 protesters set US flag on fire in Argentina

Anti-G20 protesters set US flag on fire in Argentina Protesters gathered outside NH Hotel Gran Provincial in the coastal city of Mar del Plata close to Buenos Aires on Friday…

US hostile to all sovereign states resisting its global domination: Writer

US hostile to all sovereign states resisting its global domination: Writer

US hostile to all sovereign states resisting its global domination: Writer US President Donald Trump (L) waves alongside US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (C) and US National Security Adviser…

Russia-China War Games: A Message to the West

Russia-China War Games: A Message to the West

Russia-China War Games: A Message to the West Russia is holding its largest military exercise in almost four decades, its largest military exercise since 1981. And indeed it is a…

She wants to control everyone….US seeks to take control of Yemen using Saudis: Activist

She wants to control everyone….US seeks to take control of Yemen using Saudis: Activist

US seeks to take control of Yemen using Saudis: Activist A picture taken on September 5, 2018 shows the remains and rubble of a building that was destroyed in a…

The world can see it: Russia warns about US attempts to prepare global public opinion for new attack on Syria

The world can see it: Russia warns about US attempts to prepare global public opinion for new attack on Syria

Now the world is waking up to the reality of American arrogance and intransigence. They see the hypocrisy and the so-called self righteousness of the unrighteous desperate former global hegemonic…

83-foot waves. EIGHTY-THREE; That’s scary!….The sea and ocean are heaving up tidal waves to un-imaginable heights that man has never witnessed before on earth.

83-foot waves. EIGHTY-THREE; That’s scary!….The sea and ocean are heaving up tidal waves to un-imaginable heights that man has never witnessed before on earth.

83-foot waves. EIGHTY-THREE; That’s scary!….The sea and ocean are heaving up tidal waves to un-imaginable heights that man has never witnessed before on earth.    We are now starting to…

The arrogance of Empire is clear: ‘Washington’s message is clear’ – do as we say or be punished, US Secretary of Energy Perry says

The arrogance of Empire is clear: ‘Washington’s message is clear’ – do as we say or be punished, US Secretary of Energy Perry says

‘Washington’s message is clear’ – do as we say or be punished, US Secretary of Energy Perry says U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry addresses the media after the talks with…

Russia, China ‘to counter protectionism

Russia, China ‘to counter protectionism

Russia, China ‘to counter protectionism’ China’s President Xi Jinping (R), Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (L), and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum…

World happiness sinks to record low in over a decade….We are living in the time when dissatisfaction is 100 per cent throughout the world of man and mankind

World happiness sinks to record low in over a decade….We are living in the time when dissatisfaction is 100 per cent throughout the world of man and mankind

…..” We are living in the time when dissatisfaction is 100 per cent throughout the world of man and mankind. Therefore we are living among the dissatisfied persons, daily and nightly.…

Chinese-Russian Defense Drills Illustrate Growing Alliance – Analyst

Chinese-Russian Defense Drills Illustrate Growing Alliance – Analyst

Chinese-Russian Defense Drills Illustrate Growing Alliance – Analyst © Sputnik / Vitaliy Ankov OPINION With Russia kicking off its joint military drills with Chinese soldiers on Tuesday as presidents from…

American journalist likens US to global ‘registered sex offender’

American journalist likens US to global ‘registered sex offender’

American journalist likens US to global ‘registered sex offender’ American political analyst and journalist Don DeBar The United States is like a global sex offender and wherever there is a…

Bluster or a Prelude to the ‘MENA’ war? US Not Ruling Out Strikes on Russian, Iranian Targets in Syria

Bluster or a Prelude to the ‘MENA’ war? US Not Ruling Out Strikes on Russian, Iranian Targets in Syria

  Note: Let us not forget that Russian forces control Syria, Iraqi, and even some Turkish airspace. For America to bomb Syria forces with Russian and Iranian forces embedded would…

Britain’s MI6 planning chemical attack in Syria: US senator

Britain’s MI6 planning chemical attack in Syria: US senator

Britain’s MI6 planning chemical attack in Syria: US senator Virginia state Senator Richard Black A US senator has indicated that British intelligence services are planning to stage a chemical attack…

Officer who shot man in wrong apartment involved in previous shooting

Officer who shot man in wrong apartment involved in previous shooting

Officer who shot man in wrong apartment involved in previous shooting  MARK OSBORNE,Good Morning America Officer who shot man in wrong apartment involved in previous shooting originally appeared on abcnews.go.com The Dallas…

Always accusing others of her own transgressions the US is consistently intervening in other countries’ affairs

Always accusing others of her own transgressions the US is consistently intervening in other countries’ affairs

         There was a time when people would look at you side ways when you pointed out America’s intransigence. Now they all are starting to awaken to…

This is America’s M.O…..Iraqi officials condemn violent Basra protests, point finger at US, Daesh, Ba’athists

This is America’s M.O…..Iraqi officials condemn violent Basra protests, point finger at US, Daesh, Ba’athists

Iraqi officials condemn violent Basra protests, point finger at US, Daesh, Ba’athists Iraqi protesters gather outside the burnt-down local government headquarters in the southern city of Basra on September 7,…

Trump’s Tariffs Might Jumpstart Japan’s “Eurasian Pivot”. Russia-Japan Rapprochement?

Trump’s Tariffs Might Jumpstart Japan’s “Eurasian Pivot”. Russia-Japan Rapprochement?

Trump’s Tariffs Might Jumpstart Japan’s “Eurasian Pivot”. Russia-Japan Rapprochement? By Andrew Korybko Global Research, Note to readers: please click the share buttons above   Japan will probably remain one of the US’…

Russia’s latest warning to the US: “Do not support the Islamists, we will hit your base in Al-Tanf

Russia’s latest warning to the US: “Do not support the Islamists, we will hit your base in Al-Tanf

Russia’s latest warning to the US: “Do not support the Islamists, we will hit your base in Al-Tanf” Written by: Panos Spagopoulos A clear warning to Washington sent to Moscow two…

Libya in chaos seven years after NATO’s ‘liberation’, but who cares?

Libya in chaos seven years after NATO’s ‘liberation’, but who cares?

Libya in chaos seven years after NATO’s ‘liberation’, but who cares? A historic building ruined during a conflict, Benghazi, Libya, February 28, 2018 © Esam Omran Al-Fetori / Reuters Libya…

Recognizing(accepting) Theft does not give it Legitimacy: Criminal ‘US may recognize Israel’s annexation of Syria’s

Recognizing(accepting) Theft does not give it Legitimacy: Criminal ‘US may recognize Israel’s annexation of Syria’s

Recognizing(accepting) Theft does not give it Legitimacy: Criminal ‘US may recognize Israel’s annexation of Syria’s One should understand that recognization of something  don’t not legitimize it is both the recognizer,…

What Should Putin Do? By Paul Craig Roberts

What Should Putin Do? By Paul Craig Roberts

What Should Putin Do? By Paul Craig Roberts “Information Clearing House” – Andrei Martyanov has answered my question. I agree with everything Martyanov says. But I believe my question remains unanswered. Probably it is my…

They see nothing ahead but gloom: JP Morgan’s top quant warns next crisis to have flash crashes and social unrest not seen in 50 years

They see nothing ahead but gloom: JP Morgan’s top quant warns next crisis to have flash crashes and social unrest not seen in 50 years

They see nothing ahead but gloom: JP Morgan’s top quant warns next crisis to have flash crashes and social unrest not seen in 50 years   They are scared as…

China pledges $60bn to Africa, rejects ‘debt trap’ claims

China pledges $60bn to Africa, rejects ‘debt trap’ claims

China pledges $60bn to Africa, rejects ‘debt trap’ claims © Siegfried Modola / Reuters Believe it or not, This is how African Cities actually look. Chinese President Xi Jinping has…

In the hands of blood shedders another Black man dies days after being tased by officers

In the hands of blood shedders another Black man dies days after being tased by officers

US black man dies days after being tased by officers Police repeatedly tase a black man who later died in hospital. An African-American man has died in the US state…

Trump vs the world? Belligerent unilateralism turning US into ‘rogue state’, analysts tell RT

Trump vs the world? Belligerent unilateralism turning US into ‘rogue state’, analysts tell RT

Trump vs the world? Belligerent unilateralism turning US into ‘rogue state’, analysts tell RT Anti Trump Rally In Berlin © Omer Messinger/Global Look Press Donald Trump poses a serious threat…

Van Dongen: Why Africa Faces The Biggest Threat Of Ebola Explosion

Van Dongen: Why Africa Faces The Biggest Threat Of Ebola Explosion

Van Dongen: Why Africa Faces The Biggest Threat Of Ebola Explosion by Tyler Durden Authored by John van Dongen via ModernGhana.com, Senior government officials in Tanzanian, Rwandan and Ugandan, have said…

African leaders in China for third summit on cooperation

African leaders in China for third summit on cooperation

African leaders in China for third summit on cooperation An African delegate talks with the Chinese women as they walk by the logo of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation on…