This Is The Invisible Crash That Is Unparalleled In History

This Is The Invisible Crash That Is Unparalleled In History

This is the invisible crash that is unparalleled in history.

October 29 (King World News) – Gerald Celente:  “What I am warning the people is they better wake up and do something to stop this madness. That the markets are at this level now is a total joke. Anybody that has a brain sees the real data and understands it.

Look at the commercial real estate sector and the business sector. You have office occupancy rates in Europe at 46%, in America maybe at 50%, in New York City 45%. You are going to see a crash in the business and commercial real estate market unparalleled in history.

This is real. People are not going back to work like they used to. Work at home is the new way. …....more here

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