BUCKLE UP: The Entire $600 Trillion Derivatives Market Is Beginning To Unwind

BUCKLE UP: The Entire $600 Trillion Derivatives Market Is Beginning To Unwind

Investors need to buckle up because the entire $600 trillion derivatives market is beginning to unwind.

Negative sentiment in paper markets
October 14 (King World News) – Alasdair Macleod:  You can see the whole of the derivatives complex, we’re talking about $600 trillion of OTC derivatives, is beginning to unwind. And as that begins to unwind there are going to be accidents along the way.

The idea that somehow the problem that the British pension funds have got themselves into is unique — forget it! This is a problem all over Europe where the REPO market is far, far larger.

It’s a problem elsewhere (in the US and Asia) as well. …..more here

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