This Is Going To Have A Huge Impact On Global Markets, Gold, Silver And Housing

This Is Going To Have A Huge Impact On Global Markets, Gold, Silver And Housing

This is going to have a huge impact on global markets, gold, silver and housing.

August 4 (King World News) – Gerald Celente:  “With progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen,” the U.S. Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee said in a statement following its 28 July meeting.

“The economy has made substantial progress toward” the Fed’s goals of economic recovery and maximum employment and the committee will “assess progress in coming meetings” in September and November, the group added.

Translation: the Fed is signaling that it will begin to scale back its bond purchases… possibly later this year.

During last year’s economic collapse, the Fed began buying $40 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities and $80 billion in corporate and U.S. treasury bonds to keep markets greased during the COVID War…More Here

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