Is The Entire U.S. Dollar Global Economic System At Risk Of Collapse?


  • Let’s put these trillion-dollar market valuations for Bitcoin and Ether into perspective.
  • The Kurtzweil rate of change means that innovation is driving ever more innovation and disruption and chaos in global markets.
  • The US dollar is still, as always, the cleanest shirt in the fiat currency laundry basket.
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If Bitcoin and Ether didn’t exist and hadn’t already hit a combined $1.5 trillion dollar market cap,

If a global pandemic hadn’t hit and the governments around the world, including Republicans and Democrats who never came up with a plan that leveraged scientists and private industry standards, hadn’t shut their economies and local businesses down and then gone crazy stimulating the economy with targeted tax tricks, printing money, and buying bonds and sending out trillions to the US people too,

If the US hadn’t run endless wars with endless deficits at ever lower rates that have been able to stay artificially low at least for a decade or two because ever country around the world was racing to devalue their currency —

Then the chances of Bitcoin/ether actually supplanting the US dollar as the reserve currency around the world and perhaps creating a distributed global currency, anytime in the next few years or even sooner would be astronomical.

Instead, all of those things have happened…...More Here

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