Three fully vaccinated Hawaii residents infected with coronavirus

doctor in medical gloves with a syringe in his hands .Vaccine Concept of fight against coronavirus

Three people in Hawaii who were fully vaccinated have tested positive for COVID-19 — but health officials are still urging everyone to get jabbed.

The individuals became infected after receiving both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, news station KITV reported.

In all three cases, the patients did not become severely ill — and it does not appear they transmitted the virus to anyone else, the state Department of Health said.

One of the patients was a health care worker in Oahu who completed their vaccine regimen back in early January 2021.

About a month later, the worker traveled to several cities in the US, the agency said.

Following travel protocol, the health care employee and their travel companion got tested for the virus prior to returning to Hawaii……More Here

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