More than 500 earthquakes rattle western Nevada after 6.5 hit less than a week ago

By Amy Graff, SFGATE

A search on the USGS website reveals that more than 500 quakes of magnitude 2.5 and above have hit near Tonopah in western Nevada since a 6.5 quake struck on May 15, 2020.

The ground has come alive in a pocket of western Nevada.

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake rocked a remote region 35 miles west of Tonopah on May 15 and hundreds of aftershocks have followed — an event this corner of the county hasn’t seen in over half a century.

The initial big quake struck at 4:03 a.m. last Friday east of the Sierra Nevada, roughly halfway between Reno and Las Vegas, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was the largest to hit Nevada in 66 years and caused cracking along US 95 in Esmeralda County and broke some windows in Tonopah but, because this area is mostly unpopulated, damage was minimal……More Here

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