US won’t succeed in overthrowing Venezuelan government: Writer

Handout picture taken and released by the Venezuelan Presidency on September 14, 2018 showing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (R) and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping walking during the welcoming ceremony in Beijing. (AFP photo)

Handout picture taken and released by the Venezuelan Presidency on September 14, 2018 showing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (R) and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping walking during the welcoming ceremony in Beijing. (AFP photo)

The United States is following a policy of intervention and regime change in Venezuela but it will not succeed in overthrowing the government there, an American writer and academic says.

James Petras, a retired professor who has published on political issues with particular focus on Latin America, the Middle East and imperialism, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said Washington is preparing a “series of actions” in the coming days to increase pressure on the Venezuelan government.

“You’ll see in the coming days a series of actions that continue to increase the pressure level against the Venezuelan leadership folks, who are working directly against the best interest of the Venezuelan people,” Pompeo told Fox News on Friday.

“We’re determined to ensure that the Venezuelan people get their say,” he added.

The top US diplomat did not give further details on the nature of the planned actions.

“Well, it’s been an old story.  It’s nothing new. The US had been involved in a coup against Venezuela in 2002. It has encouraged other interventions on the part of the extreme right,” Professor Petras said.

“It has been involved in imposing sanctions on Venezuela, similar policy that is taken against the government in Iran, the pressures that it is putting on Russia and China,” he added.

“So I think the idea Pompeo doing something new is not in the cards. I think he’s actually following a policy of intervention and regime change, for many years,” he noted.

“I think the latest we know is that the US met with the military in Venezuela and tried to urge them to seize power. And I think this is part of Washington’s strategy throughout the world. And I think Venezuela has up to now been effective in resisting the US,” the analyst said.

“And I am dubious that Washington would be able to carry through on its policies of squeezing and overthrowing governments,” he concluded.

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