American journalist likens US to global ‘registered sex offender’

American political analyst and journalist Don DeBar
American political analyst and journalist Don DeBar

The United States is like a global sex offender and wherever there is a sex offence the US is at the top of the list of suspects, according to American political analyst and journalist Don DeBar.


DeBar made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a statement of Pakistani Senator Mushahid Hussain who said in a recent interview that the United States was behind the August 1988 C-130 Hercules plane crash that killed then-Pakistan President General Muhammad Zia-ul Haq.

Also killed in the crash were several of Zia’s top army officers and the American Ambassador in Islamabad, Arnold Raphel.

The assassination of General Zia “was a joint operation by America and the then (Pakistani) military establishment,” Senator Hussain claimed.

DeBar said that the US government is like “a registered sex offender” and when an offence takes place, “we know who the offender is.”

“It’s like if you have a registered sex offender in the neighborhood and a child at a local school is being stalked by a man, one of the first things you do is go and look at the known sex offenders. The United States is kind of like a global sex offender,” he stated.

DeBar said that if General Zia’s death by plane crash had been designed and ordered by people in Langley or Washington, DC it should not be a surprise.

“To find out that the US is behind [the plane crash] is no surprise at all. The surprise is the US Ambassador is also one of the victims of that plane crash,” he said.

DeBar added that death by plane crash is a convenient and common method used by the United States to terminate the people that it deems as adversaries, citing as one example the death of former UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, who died in a plane crash in Congo in 1961 while investigating a rebellion in Katanga province.

The American commentator said the fact that the US had helped place General Zia in power was not a determinant factor.

Conditions change and the US acts according to new situations, he said, adding, “Ask Saddam Hussein.”

If the figure installed by the US becomes too independent, according to DeBar, they remove him and install another “puppet”.

The United States put General Zia in power and apparently then killed him for his independence, DeBar said.

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