To maintain unilateralism, US favors vassal states’

With global hegemony serving as its goal, the United States favors vassal states to carry on with its unilateralism, says a commentator.

John Steppling, author and commentator, told Press TV on Wednesday that the Americans “want vassal states.” He was commenting on recent remarks by John Bolton, the National Security Adviser to US President Donald Trump, about North Korea and the Singapore agreement on denuclearization.


“Bolton’s idea of North Korea coming to terms that are agreeable to the US means unilateral prostration, turning over the government to US advisors, to US investors, Western capital and essentially ceasing to be an autonomous nation of any sort,” Steppling said.

“The goal is global hegemony. The US wants to control everything. They want to make all the decisions, all the policy decisions and they don’t allow for any kind of autonomy in these nations [like North Korea],” he said.


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