Beijing And Moscow Fed Up With Washington, Time For A New Order


russiachinausa This is what the West refuses to acknowledge. They know that the nations are fed up with America’s meddling and interference into their domestic and foreign policy. They are now saying that enough is enough.

God has rising the nations up in anger against the so-called Great Super Power. She is hated and despised by all. No one trusts her and no one wants her presence near them.

She has proven herself to be a liar and a deceiver. She has proven to be a global hypocrite. This is part of her international isolation before she is dealt with!!!

Beijing And Moscow Fed Up With Washington, Time For A New Order

This may come as a surprise to most Americans, given the trillions of dollars in debt added to the country’s balance sheet and the sacrifices made by the country’s armed forces fighting terrorism and radical Islam since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, but according to the Beijing-based Global Times newspaper, which often expresses the views of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the U.S. is the biggest source of global strategic risks.

While discussing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing on Saturday, the Global Times said that China and Russia vowed to strengthen global strategic stability.

“To strengthen global strategic stability is a new way of speaking to remind people of the US being the biggest source of global strategic risks,” the article states. “The joint [Chinese-Russian] statements have released outright criticism against the US, showing both Beijing and Moscow are fed up with Washington’s pursuit of hegemony.”

A China-Russia alliance will bring a game-changing impact on world order, the article added, while “the US’ efforts to encroach on China and Russia’s strategic room has rendered an interdependence between Beijing and Moscow over some core interest issues.”…More Here

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