This is one of the main threats that America sees coming from a rising China: China’s trade with Belt and Road countries surpasses 1 trillion USD in 2015


China-Russia-Norway-Brazil-Taiwan-Dump-US-TreasuriesIf you are wondering why America has refused to leave Afghanistan, why she is hell bent upon destabilizing Pakistan and subverting India’s look towards Asia, and why she is stoking tensions in the South China Sea and trying to impose her so-called TPP on Asia and force China to acquiesce in asserting it’s rights in Asia…look no further.

She sees China’s Belt & Road partnership with Africa, The Middle East, and Asia as a direct national security threat because it unseats dependence on America’s economy, her dollar, and the Brettonwood’s agreement which is the foundation of dollar hegemony and American supremacy.

She sees nations joining China’s union as enemies and she is hell bent on stopping this initiative at all costs. One of the main reasons is because she sees economic growth and independence outside her sphere of influence and domination and know that trade between these nations will only grow stronger causing her to become ever so weak!

 China’s trade with Belt and Road countries surpasses 1 trillion USD in 2015

China’s trade with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative surpassed 1 trillion U.S. dollars in 2015, accounting for a quarter of its total foreign trade, Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Wednesday.

Over 70 countries and international organizations have taken part in the Belt and Road Initiative and some 30 countries have signed cooperation deals with China to jointly push forward the initiative over the past three years, Xi said in an address to the Uzbek Parliament.

Summing up the early harvests of the Belt and Road Initiative, Xi said Chinese enterprises’ direct investment in 49 countries along the economic corridor reached nearly 15 billion dollars in 2015, up 18 percent year on year, while those countries’ investment in China exceeded 8.2 billion dollars, up 25 percent.

China has inked production capacity cooperation deals with 20 countries and jointly set up 46 overseas economic cooperation zones in 17 Belt and Road countries, with accumulated Chinese investment topping 14 billion dollars and creating 60,000 local jobs.

Meanwhile, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank entered into operation with 57 active participant countries, and the Silk Road Fund and the China-Eurasia Economic Cooperation Fund were also established.

The Belt and Road Initiative’s primary planning and deployment has completed and is now stepping into the stage of taking roots and intensive cultivation for sustained development, Xi said.

The Chinese president is in Uzbekistan for a state visit. He will also attend the 16th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 23-24.


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