They’re telling you that it’s here now! – Soros: It’s the 2008 crisis all over again


They’re telling you that it’s here now! – Soros: It’s the 2008 crisis all over again

Soros-2Boy I tell yah. They see it coming now. There is no averting this thing that is on the heels of the corrupt financial system which springs forth from America.

Today America’s doom is set like a die. She cannot escape; it is impossible. For her to escape would classify the prophets of God and God Himself as predicting lies.

She must get a taste of what she has put upon other people. As she gloated over breaking the financial independence of others, now it comes right back to her.

The so-called American Negroes (my people) are now in a time when they must decide on life or death. The world we have known is on its way out, and it wishes to carry you and me with it.

America is folding up. Europe is folding up. The entire world of the anglo is crashing and burning.

There used to be arguments over whether or not America was in decline and collapsing. These arguments no longer hold water, for we can see the collapse and fall with our own eyes.

….”The fall of America is now visible and understandable, not only in the eyes of scholars and scientists but even in the eyes and understanding of the ignorant. Long has Allah (God) been gradually removing the power of the great and mighty America while few have noticed it. This has been done by degrees, and they do not perceive it.

The Holy Qur-an says, “He brings powerful nations to a naught,” and when it is discovered, it is like a growth of cancer that has been eating at the body for many years while the patient was unaware of it.

Today, it is visibly understood that the fall of America cannot be checked, for the foundation has been removed.”-Chp.124(m.t.t.b.m.)

Can you not hear the warnings? They are telling you this themselves to keep you from putting the blame on them for your rejection of the truth and the time.

Soros: It’s the 2008 crisis all over again

Billionaire financier George Soros is warning of an impending financial markets crisis as investors around the world were roiled by turmoil in China trade for the second time this week.

Speaking at an economic forum in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, he told an audience that China is struggling to find a new growth model and its currency devaluation is transferring problems to the rest of the world, according to media. He added that a return to rising interest rates was proving difficult for the developing world.

The current environment reminded him of the “crisis we had in 2008,” The Sunday Times in Sri Lanka reported on Thursday morning. “China has a major adjustment problem,” he added, according to Bloomberg. “I would say it amounts to a crisis.”
China’s CSI 300 tumbled more than 7 percent in early trade Thursday, again triggering the market’s circuit breaker. As well as roiling sentiment across Asia, it also battered European risk assets with the German DAX down 3.5 percent at 11 a.m. London time.

U.S. stock index futures also indicated a sharply lower open as investors focused on China’s swooning currency and economic slowdown.
China, the biggest economic story of the last 30 years, has soured in the eyes of many analysts. A stock market crash that began in the country last summer has thrown the vast difficulties officials are now facing into sharp relief. A raft of data has disappointed in recent months as the country’s leaders refocus the economy on consumption from manufacturing….More Here 

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