(Please read the notes)Police brutality against blacks a result of Israeli training: Analyst


(Please read the notes)Police brutality against blacks a result of Israeli training: Analyst

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(Pictures show the blacks in America being mistreated & the palestinians being mistreated by the police forces of their respective nations)

Note:  In all truth, the statement below is actually backwards and a little off. Blacks in America were robbed of their God, religion, culture, names, and love for one another and are kept in the dark to this truth as not to allow a unification and rise.

The Palestinians are beaten ,but they do retain knowledge of who they are and of their culture. This is not the case with Black America. In fact, Black America has given 5 centuries of blood, sweat, tears, brainpower, their labor, and their lives for the empowerment and enrichment of white America.

This is not the case with the Palestinians. They still have a territory, however small it maybe now, to allow somewhat self rule. Show me a place like their for Black America!

  It cannot be done. Why? Because no such place exists.

Yes, both rare beaten, killed, and mistreated, but that’s where most of the similarities exist. The true nation of Israel(America) has never allowed for any type of self governing or self rule for her ex-slaves.

Police brutality against blacks a result of Israeli training: Analyst

The Anti Defamation League of America has been arranging for US police to travel to Israel to be indoctrinated into the Israeli means of oppression of the Palestinians, Morris says.
US police treat African Americans the way Israel oppresses Palestinians as American law enforcement officers receive training in Israel, says an analyst.

More than a thousand African-American activists have expressed solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine and announced that they would join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) global campaign against Israel.

In a recent letter, they “reaffirmed solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and commitment to the liberation of Palestine’s land and people,” Russia Today reported.

“Israel’s widespread use of detention and imprisonment against Palestinians evokes the mass incarceration of Black people in the US, including the political imprisonment of our own revolutionaries,” the letter reads.

Senior civil rights activists, such as scholars Cornel West and Angela Davis, and Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, signed the document.

“With regard to the black activists… they could not be more spot-on with regard to drawing an analogy between the way the US police have been treating African Americans… and the way Israel is so racistly oppressive against the Palestinian people,” Morris said.

“For years now, the ADL, the Anti Defamation League of America, has been arranging for US police and other facets of law enforcement to travel to Israel to basically be indoctrinated apparently into the Israeli means of oppression of the Palestinian people,” he added.
“It’s no surprise to see that manifesting when they come back home to America,” Morris added.

He said states such as California, Washington, Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have been sending officers to Israel to receive training.

The “oppressive measures” not only used by the law enforcement agencies but also by guards at some US airports, Morris said.

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