In “The Fall Of America,” Asia Will Prove To Be Critical


In “The Fall Of America,” Asia Will Prove To Be Critical


This policy of divide and conquer will ultimately fail. America has instituted this policy wheresoever she wanted complete domination. In fact, this has been the policy of the entire white/Western world since they came to be 6,000 years ago.

Knowing that prophecy tells us that militarily, America will be badly defeated by China and the Asian nations in the day of her downfall, she is trying to reimplement her policy of divide and rule in her desperate efforts of trying to overcome God and beat prophecy.

These moves only goes to show us that we are actually living in the fall of the most powerful nation in the last 6,000 years. Babylon/America is in total decline and is using her scorched earth policy to try to maintain her rule over the nations of the earth.

Ever, “Since 1492, the people of the white race have been allowed to spread over the face of the earth (to have the freedom of deceiving all that they could). To learn more about them, let us read and study their history. Read in the Bible the Revelation of John, under the title of “The Beast and the Dragon.”

Their history shows trouble-making, murder and death to all darker people from the far-off islands and mainlands of Asia as well as the South Seas and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. All have been touched by their destructive hand and evil way of civilization and finally the bringing of my people to make their destruction sure.”-pg.267(m.t.t.b.m.)

She will not yet beat prophecy. You can believe this. America will not be allowed to stay in Asia. Her time of being the dominant power over there is coming to an abrupt end.

US implementing divide-and-conquer strategy in East Asia: American geopolitical analyst

The United States is implementing a divide-and-conquer strategy in East Asia, according to an American geopolitical analyst in New York City.

“The United States continues to maintain a divide-and-conquer strategy on the Korean Peninsula, and more broadly in East Asia,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of

“I think as China’s importance and influence and military capacity grows, the United States is going to become more hard pressed to block any Chinese effort towards diplomatic engagement between the two countries, towards mediation between the two countries, and that I think most importantly towards the Chinese military influence throughout the region,” he told Press TV on Wednesday.

“This is what the United States fears more than anything, and I think the Korean Peninsula in many ways is sort of a microcosm of that,” he noted.

According to a recently published research by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, US-South Korean military exercises have a “null effect” on diplomatic relations between Washington and Pyongyang.

North Korea often complains about the provocative nature of the annual US-South Korean war games in the region, and sometimes also threatens to retaliate against the two countries.

“The new study from the Center for Strategic and International Studies regarding North Korea and its reaction to US military drills is utter laughable, and actually is completely insulting,” Draitser said.

“It essentially insults the intelligence of anybody reading the study or reading any article written about the study, because it essentially argues that the drills that the United States holds annually – and actually more than once in a year – with South Korea and other regional partners off of the shores of the Korean Peninsula, they have a zero effect on the US-DPRK relationship,” he added.

“Now in one sense that is true, because in fact the United States has no relationship with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, that is to say that North Korea — as it is called — has a negative view of the United States at all times, and views it as a belligerent actor, and views it as an enemy state,” the analyst stated.

“But in fact they do have an effect… the effect is to kill any possibility for future beneficial relationship, for any diplomatic development. How can be the North Korean government be expected to sit down at a table — let alone even entertain discussion — with the United States or with South Korea when it is literally viewing the US military off of its shores, off of its territorial waters, essentially engaged in military exercises, simulating an invasion of their country, a bombing of their country, or otherwise the destruction of the social and political order?” he asked.

“Of course, no government would be expected to have a relationship with such a belligerent actor. And I don’t think that any reasonable person can expect North Korea to do so,” he observed.

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