They now make mock of America’s “outrage” – US anti-Iran bans no concern of Russia’s in S-300 sale: Lavrov


They now make mock of America’s “outrage” – US anti-Iran bans no concern of Russia’s in S-300 sale: Lavrov  

epa04318993 US President Barack Obama approaches the podium to deliver remarks on Ukraine and other foreign policy issues following a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry, at the White House, in Washington DC, USA, 16 July 2014. Obama announced new sanctions against Russia regarding the situation in Ukraine.  EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

epa04318993 US President Barack Obama approaches the podium to deliver remarks on Ukraine and other foreign policy issues following a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry, at the White House, in Washington DC, USA, 16 July 2014. Obama announced new sanctions against Russia regarding the situation in Ukraine. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

She is losing her sway. She no longer commands domination over global policies. Now nations are rising up against American double standards and hypocritical policies calling her out on it.

Never did you think that the great super power would be made to suffer international humiliation by other nations. They are telling her to bud out of their business. They are sovereign nations that can handle their own affairs without your input.

Isolation….she is suffering isolation from the nations of the earth. No longer able to make the nations tremble in fear over displeasing her dictates, she is scrambling trying to save face after this recent international embarrassment.

US anti-Iran bans no concern of Russia’s in S-300 sale: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (© AFP)
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says Moscow does not care about the United States’ unilateral sanctions against Iran over the delivery of the Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system to the Islamic Republic.

“The US sanctions are no concern of ours,” Lavrov told journalists in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol on Wednesday, emphasizing that Moscow stands only by its own international commitments.

“Above all, with regard to sanctions, this is the decision of the UN Security Council. All other unilateral restrictions imposed bypassing the Security Council in violation of the general norms of the international law are of no interest to us,” he said.

The remarks by the top Russian diplomat came one day after John Kirby, US State Department spokesman, said that Washington is concerned about the delivery of the defense system to Tehran despite the fact the move does not violate any UN Security Council resolutions.

“We’ve been making very clearly our objections to any sale of this missile system to Iran, as I said, for quite some time, and we’ll continue to monitor it closely,” Kirby said.

He further claimed that Washington needs more details on the issue in order to check it for compliance with the US measures against Iran.

Last week, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that President Vladimir Putin has made the decision on the possible supply of S-300 missile system to Tehran, stressing that it is merely a bilateral issue while no participation of a third country is needed.

Earlier on Wednesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency that Moscow and Tehran have reached an agreement on the delivery of S-300 defense system to Iran…..More Here

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