China’s top five hidden weapons against the US: National Interest


China’s top five hidden weapons against the US: National Interest


PLA special forces troops with night vision goggles. (Internet photo)

China’s five most dismissed weapons developed against the United States and its allies actually pose serious threats to the contest for control over the Western Pacific, according to a piece in National Interest magazine.

Due to the US military’s heavy reliance on the electromagnetic spectrum and network of military satellites, China has devoted a huge amount of resources towards the development of weapons for space warfare. Of those, the first undercover weapon is the Tiangong space station. After the space station becomes operational in 2022, it could be fitted with anti-satellite weapons developed to blind US military forces and cut off their intelligence.

The second unnoticed weapon China has is its manufacturing base, according to the article. China, still holding onto the title of the “world’s factory,” produces everything from barbeque grills to iPhones. In the case of the iPhone, manufacturers have set aside 100 production lines manned by 200,000 workers, churning out an astounding 540,000 iPhones a day by late 2014. With this kind of capability, China would be well able to mass produce weapons systems.

College graduates are the third unrecognized potential weapon the United States should fear, said the report. China expects to have 195 million college graduates in the labor force by the year 2020. The People’s Liberation Army provides the perfect opportunity for graduates who are not able to get white-collar jobs, as the military begins to rely more on advanced technology, the article said. With the involvement of college graduates, the United States and its allies are likely to face a more technically savvy and efficient PLA on the battlefield in the future, said the report.

The PLA is likely to mobilize sea mines as its fourth weapon against the United States in the event of future conflict. During the Gulf War in 1991, one US cruiser and one amphibious helicopter ship were damaged by naval mines planted by Iraqi forces. Twenty-five years later, the US Navy still relies on the same aging minesweepers and helicopters it used in 1991, the piece said.

The PLA is estimated to have between 50,000 to 100,000 naval mines in its inventory. In a future conflict, they will likely be used to carry out maritime area denial operations against the US Navy.

As for the last forgotten weapon, the US must pay more attention to China’s special forces, about whom very little is known to the public.

Dennis Blasko, an expert on China’s special forces, said the PLA maintains eight special forces brigades and three groups or units. The PLA airborne corps under the air force and also has a special forces unit supporting the three airborne divisions, while the navy’s South Sea Fleet has a commando regiment. Even the Second Artillery Corps, China’s strategic missile force, operates a special forces unit.

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