US Ready to Destroy Europe to Defeat Russia


    US Ready to Destroy Europe to Defeat Russia


She is alienating everyone….friend and foe alike. She cares not who suffers or is destroyed by her arrogant, insane, and privileged policies. All that matters to her is full spectrum dominance over all regardless to whom or what.

She has gone insane trying to maintain her power and position globally. Now her allies are rethinking their relationship with her. Why? It is because,” Allah manifests the fall of America. He desires to make America fall as a warning to her brothers in Europe.”-Chp.41(tfoa)

Allah is opening the eyes of all, small or great. He will not let you be blind to this reality. Everyone has a decision to make.

So the nations will make theirs ever so clear. The Time demands this therefore it will be. America is to blame. She has brought about these things herself by her unyielding unjust policies of total world domination.

Her eyes are pointing towards Russia to remove her as an obstacle to her power. She is angry that Russia has the will and the power to openly oppose her designs.

So knowing these things and considering prophecy, “We fear the doom of America that is now cutting her to pieces. The prophecy teaches us that her doom will come in one day — death and mourning came in one day. One day means one year.

Even after that she shall utterly be burned with fire. Divine prophecy is that America will suffer isolation from the nations of the earth.”-Chp.44(tfoa)

She will be totally isolated because of policies like this……….

US Ready to Destroy Europe to Defeat Russia – American Historian

In order to weaken Russia, the US is ready to use any means and fight until the last breath, American historian Eric Suess wrote. Washington does not take into account the interests of its allies and is ready to accept damage inflicted on them.

The fact that anti-Russian sanctions harm the European economy and that the EU is struggling to resolve the current refugee crisis is quite acceptable for the American strategists, the expert said as cited by DWN.

In order to weaken Russia, US President Barack Obama has pursued a policy of destabilization in Libya, Syria, Ukraine and other countries, which negatively affected European states.
Before the US bombing missions in Libya in 2011, the country’s population lived in peace and prosperity, Suess argued. But now Libya has become Europe’s biggest problem. Millions of Libyan residents are fleeing the chaos in the country to seek asylum in refugee camps in southern Italy as well as other places in Europe.

Syria is another nation which is being destroyed by the US in order to conquer Russia. The US bombing mission in Syria is aimed at overthrowing the Russian ally Bashar al-Assad and replacing its secular government with an Islamic one. The “Anti-ISIS” rhetoric is a way to conceal the US’ real goal of expanding the American empire. It is just a show for the public, which is clearly more anxious to fight against ISIL than against a distant country such as Russia.
In a similar way, the US played a part in the coup of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine in February 2014. But this time it was done under the guise of democratic demonstrations, Suess argued.
According to the historian, the main goal of Obama’s destructive policy is to defeat Russia, to force a “regime change” there and make it a part of the American empire. The US wants Russia to lose its status as a world power which opposes Washington’s control, the expert claimed.
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