Elijah Muhammad’s Words Are Coming Full Circle: Russia to Engage US in Space Wars With New Electronic Warfare Technology


spacewThis is just what Messenger Elijah Muhammad said would take place. That Russia and America would engage in a space build up because Russia is eyeing America with war because of how she has been the dominant power. America is setting up space capabilities, not with Russia as the main enemy in mind, but with God in mind.

She is not dumb to what Elijah Muhammad taught. She is trying to prepare to wage war against God in person. And the crazy thing about it is, she truly believes that she has a chance to be successful.

All of these things are written in prophecy. All of these things must not come about because prophecy spoke it.

Russian-space-satellite-Putin-665x385  In the book titled, “Our Saviour Has Arrived,” Messenger Elijah Muhammad writes this concerning what is being written by the devils scientists today….” They (the white man) wish that they could make the Moon a resting place to shoot their arrows at God and His people if they attack the Earth. They talk about a way – station. Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart.

We like them both smart like that. Russia goes and saddles the space right around the earth to watch America! That is who she is watching.

spacewarAmerica wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. She knows the Revelator, John, said that she would be the first that God would destroy. The Fat Beast that everybody is frightened of, kill him first, because He has killed my people! I must tell you the Truth! The time is here!

It is written, but you didn’t understand it. I saw the Beast take him. (Think over these prophesies) and the false prophets with it. I saw that Fourth and dreadful Beast that rose up on the sea and land. I saw him take him. Both prophets bear witness. He was taken, and his body was given to the burning flames. That is the prophesy of Daniel.

Russia to Engage US in Space Wars With New Electronic Warfare Technology

russian space
The Russian Defense Ministry has developed new technology to counter US battle stations in space, said Igor Nasenkov, the first deputy head of Russia’s Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (RETC), according to Russian media sources.

“If the United States starts developing and launching its battle stations into space, Russia will have to respond in kind — namely with the development of high-performance Electronic Warfare (EW) tools on different types of bases; the use of these tools will be a distinct advantage [for Russia],” Nasenkov said, as quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Defense industry enterprises already have the necessary scientific and technological foundation, including layout models for future EW tools, the high-ranking RETC official said.
All Russia needs right now is a political decision and appropriate funding to kick start the project, Nasenkov said.
Last week, US media reported about Washington’s plans to militarize space, as in future conflicts between major superpowers Earth’s orbit will become a new battlefield.
Laser-armed satellites, long-range anti-aircraft missiles and other deadly weapons of destruction would attack and destroy enemy orbital forces.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/military/20150814/1025760955.html#ixzz3ipSve7cf

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