A US(NATO/West) Russia(East/Shanghi Cooperation Organization) conflict is inevitable


A US(NATO/West) Russia(East/Shanghi Cooperation Organization) conflict is inevitable


At first you couldn’t see it. You never thought that it could happen. You believed all of the lies that was spewed out by the Western propaganda machine. You thou this, but time is proving otherwise.

The East and Western block, just as is divided along the same power lines in Berlin Germany, Some for Russia and some for America….these two blocks are pushing forward towards confrontation and war.

Now we must know the truth. We must acknowledge what the prophesies long ago predicted…”We are in a troubled world. We are in a world that is now erupting.

Black man, who was once a slave in America, you have a way of escape. The way out is not on your own terms. It is on the condition that you submit to Allah (God) and come, follow me. This is the only way out. I am the door and I have the key to your salvation. Reject it and die.

We are in a world that is falling. It will soon be going up in flames. In Berlin, Germany, the cold war between the East and West will soon erupt into a hot war. It will never be settled in peace. East and West Germany must and will fight it out with all the deadly weapons that the war-scientists have planned and perfected for the final showdown.”-pg.172(tfoa)

NATO Braces for Possible Military Conflict With Russia – Think-Tank

A European defense think-tank policy analysis reveals that NATO and Russia are bracing for a possible military confrontation.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russia are bracing for a possible military confrontation, a European defense think-tank policy analysis revealed Wednesday.

“Russia is preparing for a conflict with NATO, and NATO is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia,” the European Leadership Network (ELN) brief stated.

The London-based institute cited two major military exercises conducted this year as grounds for its prognosis.

NATO held Allied Shield drills involving 15,000 personnel from 19 member states in a number of Eastern European nations in June. These included Trident Joust in Romania, BALTOPS, Saber Strike and Noble Jump – NATO’S first Very High Readiness Joint Task Force deployment – in Poland.

In March, 80,000 Russian troops and thousands of units of equipment took part in nationwide snap combat readiness inspections….more here


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